Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
dang.........my minds been goin haywire too lol....had few probs last few days had my leafs turn yellow grrr.....got some nitro from shop and going to up my grow feed a bit see if it helps
Yeah, just been thinking about a few things..
When I say that, I'm sure you "know" what I'm talking bouts bro.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sup y'all n glad u like it think I'm order it , my first auto cheese candy I burnt her a bit but only affecting fan leafs bad the buds are really taking off lol I like how they grow gonna star keeping a few in there !! Wusup with da blue dream brotha :(???


Well-Known Member
Man with all those plants, like he said yesterday, he's gotta spend so much time working on them each day.

Hahaha! Well, to answer everyones :??: & thoughts. I do spend quite a bit of time working on all of them. I would say a total of roughly 6 to 8 hrs a day. Sundays are usually my day to rest & get ready for the coming up week. All of this will be cut down by half (work time) if & when I either get my outdoor building or my grow tent. Idk if y'all know or not, but I have to "hand move" each plant everyday, switching them out from the closet(dark period) to 12 hrs of light. So I have a cycle going as of now. It gets on my nerves at times! But hey, I guess we do what's we gotta do at times.. haha..
Once I do get the grow tent I will be able to use that as my "vegging room", and the out skirts of the inside of the building as the flowering room. Or however it works out when that time comes. I had thought I would've had purchased by now, but didn't see loosing 1,400$ income a month! Its all good now though, all of that got worked out. Thank GOD!! ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah i though it would make a good deep pot. i think a 6" x 12" pot would work in my box with a 12/12 from seed. i plan on using bigger pots for my other grow that will have some veg time.

Hey bro! What's up :??: how's ya been buddy :??: Good I hope! Going ok my way I guess. Could be better, but 4 sure could be worse too!! ;) I take it your going to "plant" in these corresct? :??:

Oh! Yeah, that Rapis Start really does work super good! I couldn't believe the results I got from using it! It blew my mind! Haha..


Well-Known Member
Sup y'all n glad u like it think I'm order it , my first auto cheese candy I burnt her a bit but only affecting fan leafs bad the buds are really taking off lol I like how they grow gonna star keeping a few in there !! Wusup with da blue dream brotha :(???
Yeah I have more then enouh of the Chesse Candy (auto). Haha.. the Blue Mammoth is doing great bro.. she is turning more & more "blue" everyday! And now she is putting off a funky fruit smell all in the small tent! Lol
I will be doing an update on them, and I will make sure to include some good pics of her..


Well-Known Member
yeah i though it would make a good deep pot. i think a 6" x 12" pot would work in my box with a 12/12 from seed. i plan on using bigger pots for my other grow that will have some veg time.
I hears that bro.. ;) hell, I did a grow a few yrs back & just wnet and got 5 or 6 "55 gln" trashcans and cut those in half, making the bottom half about 2 and half foot tall. They worked out super good to.. I just drilled some holes in the sides & bottoms for drainage..


Well-Known Member
Hey whipper, heres a blue dream for ya :):):)

What this! :??o posting side ways pictures in Danks thread! Haha.. you even said it bro, know your doing it.. ;) j/" with ya buddy...

What's up? You been doing ok :??: She sure does look happy. How old is she, what did you go with for food, etc' :??:


Well-Known Member
Hey whipper, heres a blue dream for ya :):):)

What this! :??: posting side ways pictures in Danks thread! Haha.. you even said it bro, now your doing it.. ;) j/k" with ya buddy...

What's up? You been doing ok :??: She sure does look happy. How old is she, what did you go with for food, etc' :??:


Well-Known Member
well I must go to bed....close to 2am ere and my 4 year old boys parents evening at 9am lol.....hope the little buggas been good lmaooo...nite all.....dank ill catch up with u later bro......


Well-Known Member
What this! :??: posting side ways pictures in Danks thread! Haha.. you even said it bro, now your doing it.. ;) j/k" with ya buddy...

What's up? You been doing ok :??: She sure does look happy. How old is she, what did you go with for food, etc' :??:
No food yet, its just in ffof soil in a five gal smart pot ;) i just took the top down like five nodes and ya, shes happy with nothin but the foxfarm soil.


Well-Known Member
No food yet, its just in ffof soil in a five gal smart pot ;) i just took the top down like five nodes and ya, shes happy with nothin but the foxfarm soil.
well hells 2 tha yeah bro! Haha.. ;)

Used the Foxfarm & OceanForest b4 aswell. Honestly I really didn't like it cause when I would go 2 feed my girls (even after a month) it would burn the hell out of them! Lol. It is good if you don't do heavy feeding on them imo.
This is 1 of the main reasons I started making my own mix.. :mrgreen:

And good lord! I sure know that "Bluedream" sure takes a damn long time to flower! Haha..
The 1 I have going with the 30 some cola's I sit outside is just now starting to conect between her nodes!! Just NOW!
Lol.. more so on the Sativa side strain..


Well-Known Member
Ya, they sure are on the sativa side and i hate waiting that long lol she smells great already. 24 hr constant light so far with natural sunlight for half of that.
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