almost 8 weeks flowered


Well-Known Member
i see a couple red on the leaves but not the bud. it could be pulled any time up to you if you want to wait longer.

is that some TGA strain?


New Member
I just moved it to a dark room for the next 3 days and should harvest after that does that sound right I'm not sure


Well-Known Member
when your trics have become more of a amber/tan/brownish color, also I would try to ask the buddy you got the clone from (if he is your buddy then should be able to correct) how long he waited until he harvested, I really dig the color of this plant and it looks like you did good job, with quality bud that you will continue to grom im sure a MAG is worth buying, Its like anything, you just have to buy it then you wont regret it the hard part is making yourself go to the store and have to spend that cold hard cash, If this is just not a option, and you haven't found any info from your buddy then make sure you dont let her go to long as thc can start to the looks you know what your doing and should be fine!! GOOD LUCK & keep us posted, ONE LOVE and keep it up we need more growers like you in the world!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Kenman2,

There was a day when people harvested without having the loupe. Sure, it's a very helpful gadget. But it's not the end of the world if you don't have one. Here are some "harvest indicators" from The Cannabis Grow Bible. If these are in play, you're probably in the harvest window. Then you have to see how it smokes, and next time if you're growing the same strain you can pull a little earlier or later, depending on preference. Not all strains show all these indicators, so you need to get to know that plant a bit. But if you've got most of them in play, you're good to go.

1) 50 - 70 percent of the pistils have changed color (percentage depends on strain). And I will add that the pistils have receded back toward the bud. If you look at my avatar, that's Jillybean, and I'd say she's a 70-percenter
2) Plants have stopped producing crystals
3) Plants have stopped producing resin
4) Fan leaves and lower leaves have turned yellow and are dropping off
5) The smell has reached a peak
6) Buds have swollen, but then not increased in the past few days

Good luck!


New Member
The buds have stopped swelling and hairs are retreated and even the hairs on the popcorn are turning with maybe 10% of the hairs under still white