growing outdoors


Active Member
Hey guys, HH here, check it out,
I am a semi experienced grower in the states and i neeed some advice on my plant. I am growing one plant outdoors in pretty optimal conditions (good sun, enough water, etc), only the problem is that this is Georgia and it's summer, so its like 110F every day. My plant is kind of slouching and the top fan leaves are smaller than the one's preceading it. Is everything alright with the plant or should i move it inside or what?

Any advice will help,
I'll post pics soon


Active Member
In addition, i trimmed off some lower fan leaves to promote branch growth. Was this a good idea?

No it was not. To promote branch growth you either LST or top your plants.
The fan leaves you cut of are helping the nodes to grow branches.
The only time you want to remove fanleaves is for controling pests or funghi.


Well-Known Member
No it was not. To promote branch growth you either LST or top your plants.
The fan leaves you cut of are helping the nodes to grow branches.
The only time you want to remove fanleaves is for controling pests or funghi.
also do not top your plants untill you have at least 9-10 sets of fan leafs!

i think thats what fdd said??


Active Member
here, check out the attachments and they will straiten out the confusion...

Like I said, the plant was underwatered and i paniced. I ment to show everybody the plant then, but i accidently deleated those photos. So yesterday i really watered my plant and here's how it looks today. :hump:

What do you think of the fan leaf cuttings? If you will notice, you will see that there are branches already on there way. What i ment yesterday was will cutting fanleaves enhance THOSE branches?


South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, they look good. Got hot weather here which caused problems with the black buckets. !.) The bucket gets hot to the touch, drying out the soil faster than intended. I had to move mine to an area that shaded the bucket, not necessarily the plant. 2.) Once the soil dries, it contracts, leaving a void between the pot & the soil. This causes water & ferts to just pour out. I have to haul about 70 gals. for each watering, so a solution was needed. I soaked compost in water, then packed the compost around the inside rim of each pot, causing a bowl shape. This worked very well. Hope this helps. If you let your Babies dry out one more time, the Grower's Plolice will give you a visit, and do bad things to you. Good Luck.


Active Member
Got hot weather here which caused problems with the black buckets. !.) The bucket gets hot to the touch, drying out the soil faster than intended. I had to move mine to an area that shaded the bucket, not necessarily the plant. 2.) Once the soil dries, it contracts, leaving a void between the pot & the soil. This causes water & ferts to just pour out. I have to haul about 70 gals. for each watering, so a solution was needed. I soaked compost in water, then packed the compost around the inside rim of each pot, causing a bowl shape. This worked very well. Hope this helps. If you let your Babies dry out one more time, the Grower's Plolice will give you a visit, and do bad things to you.
talk clearer man :?. by the way, "Grower's Plolice" dont jinx it...