70% of Americans on at least 1 prescription


Well-Known Member

.....god, money's not looking for the cure
........god, money's not concerned about the sick among the pure
...god, let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised, god money's not one to choose


Ursus marijanus
sad, ive been trying for like 8 years or so now to be med free, but i tellya my anxiety is starting to win the battle. i may have to get a prescription nothings working, everyon says "face your fears", "push yourself" "take deep breaths" "exercise" "eat healthy" and none of it works. it works great for people with stress induced anxiety but not for people with actual chemical imbalances in their brains like mine.
There comes a point when you do whatever works. I would not allow myself to be beholden to the essentially superstitious or narrowly principled expectations of others. You do what you need to do, and count every advantage a blessing. :hug: cn


Well-Known Member
I'm on so many drugs, and most of them I take because of what another drug did to me.

I took Adderall when I was a kid and became super anxious, so I stopped taking it and this massive wave of depression slapped me in the face. But I dealt... and eventually I was fine. My junior year of college I was taking a crazy course load so I went to the doctor and was prescribed Vyvanse. I felt like I was invincible on that shit... I've never been so confident in my life lol. The anxiety got out of control again and I was diagnosed with stage 3 hypertension.. went to a cardiologist, had a kidney ultrasound, and had every blood test under the sun, and not ONCE did any of them think the Vyvanse was the culprit. So, they put me on blood control medication... I'm a 125lb otherwise healthy 23 year old girl... I shouldn't be taking blood pressure meds. Then I was put on Zoloft to combat the anxiety caused by Vyvanse and my hair started falling out and I literally could NOT go to sleep. So, I stopped that, and he put me on Wellbutrin to help with the depression and major fatigue after stopping the Vyvanse. Anxiety was still a problem so he gave me Xanax.

Moral of the story - don't take Rx drugs if you can help it. I shouldn't be taking anything right now and only am thanks to what other drugs have done to me.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

  • Moral of the story - don't take Rx drugs if you can help it. I shouldn't be taking anything right now and only am thanks to what other drugs have done to me.

exactly............... hope you get off em.


Well-Known Member
i stoped going to the doctors for pills along time ago, i stopped trying to make friends with the beer drinkers next door when they tried make me feel like my meds were wrong. even the stoner down the way has the poorest attitude for a stoner, but he's taking a script for his depression, and tries to put his life such's on how i look at life. like nothing could be good he always has to snicker at some shit. i stay meded with weed all day to help with the crawling nerves from the heat.


Well-Known Member

The industry wields enormous influence over the prescription drug and medical device markets around the globe. In fact, in the United States the industry contributes heavily to the annual budget of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is charged with regulating drugs and devices made by those same companies.

...United States, which makes up 5 percent of the world’s population, accounts for 34 percent of the money spent on prescription drugs.

In 2009, the world’s 12 largest drug companies made a net profit of nearly $78 billion on revenues of $434 billion. (Seven of the 12 are headquartered in the United States: Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Abbot Laboratories, Merck, Wyeth, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly.) The next three dozen companies combined raked in $46 billion on revenues of $203 billion. By 2014, the global market for pharmaceuticals is expected to reach $1.1 trillion.


Well-Known Member
How dare you smoke a dried flower! Now take this Lithium.
exactly. The only reason pot is still illegal, and a schedule 1 drug, is because Big Pharm hasn't figured out how to corner the market, but they ARE working on it.

Marinol has been a prescribed drug since 1985 by Big Pharm, yet pot/thc is STILL not recognized to have any medicinal value?!?!?!!?


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their threshold for pain. I thought I had a high tolerance but I guess not. I've never had an addictive personality but feel controlled by the pain to the point I can only get relief through meds, ice packs, heat pads and inactivity. I don't feel controlled by the medication thank god, although many people get addicted. My pain doc switched me from percs to methadone. He said it was a very old, very safe drug. IDK. I can only trust him. He's the doc. He said there were few long term side effects. When you're in pain 24/7 you do what you have to. The pain is in control. not me. Sorry Sunni for that heavy burden you have to carry. My heart goes out to you.


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone realizes that what I am trying to point out is that the US gov't doesn't really care about its people. Americans are nothing more than pawns for the ultra wealthy to keep getting more wealthy, at their expense. Big Pharm has owned our gov't for some time, and what they have done, is now being done by the food industry, among others. I want people to educate themselves and start fighting back, instead of just falling in line for the slaughter.


Staff member
I hope everyone realizes that what I am trying to point out is that the US gov't doesn't really care about its people. Americans are nothing more than pawns for the ultra wealthy to keep getting more wealthy, at their expense. Big Pharm has owned our gov't for some time, and what they have done, is now being done by the food industry, among others. I want people to educate themselves and start fighting back, instead of just falling in line for the slaughter.
insert stupid vegan comment about animals being slaughtered.

LOL had to


Ursus marijanus
I'm on so many drugs, and most of them I take because of what another drug did to me.

I took Adderall when I was a kid and became super anxious, so I stopped taking it and this massive wave of depression slapped me in the face. But I dealt... and eventually I was fine. My junior year of college I was taking a crazy course load so I went to the doctor and was prescribed Vyvanse. I felt like I was invincible on that shit... I've never been so confident in my life lol. The anxiety got out of control again and I was diagnosed with stage 3 hypertension.. went to a cardiologist, had a kidney ultrasound, and had every blood test under the sun, and not ONCE did any of them think the Vyvanse was the culprit. So, they put me on blood control medication... I'm a 125lb otherwise healthy 23 year old girl... I shouldn't be taking blood pressure meds. Then I was put on Zoloft to combat the anxiety caused by Vyvanse and my hair started falling out and I literally could NOT go to sleep. So, I stopped that, and he put me on Wellbutrin to help with the depression and major fatigue after stopping the Vyvanse. Anxiety was still a problem so he gave me Xanax.

Moral of the story - don't take Rx drugs if you can help it. I shouldn't be taking anything right now and only am thanks to what other drugs have done to me.
Wellbutrin is one hell of a drug. cn


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
exactly. The only reason pot is still illegal, and a schedule 1 drug, is because Big Pharm hasn't figured out how to corner the market, but they ARE working on it.....snip....
I completely agree. Based on the stage Sativex is at in it's testing I figured they'd be rolling us all up. I think that's what the focus on closing all of CA's dispensaries is. I think I may have been off on my target date but I think it's JUST around the corner.

The problem was a whole cannabis solution. Cannabis is every bit as complex as Opium, problem was we didn't have the distributed communication infrastructure we have now. This should be interesting.

Oh jeez may you live in interesting times..... what a curse.