What do you know about aliens?

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I knew my posts would result in a sticky handed circle jerk lol.

The accusation always begins with the idea that science is unfairly dismissing a world view or being prevented from seeing it clearly, and it always ends up with you demonstrating that you are unfairly dismissing science as a circle jerk and not interested in seeing it clearly. It seems your problem is with the tone of the argument and the unity between reasoned opinions, as that is all you choose to attack. All you need to do is demonstrate why science is not the best tool for discovering objective reality, which is the thesis of our argument.
The accusation always begins with the idea that science is unfairly dismissing a world view or being prevented from seeing it clearly, and it always ends up with you demonstrating that you are unfairly dismissing science as a circle jerk and not interested in seeing it clearly. It seems your problem is with the tone of the argument and the unity between reasoned opinions, as that is all you choose to attack. All you need to do is demonstrate why science is not the best tool for discovering objective reality, which is the thesis of our argument.

Not science. The person. I think if science was involved with my experiences then they would come to the same conclusion, but I dont see science as the gate keepers of knowledge. Science is great at what it does, Im just saying theres other ways to find out the truth and I believe I've found one of those ways. I didnt find it by some kinda woo woo spiritual methodology, it came to me by complete accident in the form of my gifted friend. I've found out a while ago that though my friend is gifted, hes still a naive kid. His gift opened him up to a new world but theres also bullshit in that world that he thinks is true.
Not science. The person. I think if science was involved with my experiences then they would come to the same conclusion, but I dont see science as the gate keepers of knowledge. Science is great at what it does, Im just saying theres other ways to find out the truth and I believe I've found one of those ways. I didnt find it by some kinda woo woo spiritual methodology, it came to me by complete accident in the form of my gifted friend. I've found out a while ago that though my friend is gifted, hes still a naive kid. His gift opened him up to a new world but theres also bullshit in that world that he thinks is true.

You still haven't demonstrated why science is not the best tool for discovering objective reality, are you not going to do that?
Everyone is going to have their own views. That's what i realized on this site. No use mentioning anything spiritual or political. Just going to have a whole bunch of atheists and hardcore SCIENTISTS with phd's dispute your post. They'll always be lurking on this side of the forum. Its unorthodox for them to think outside the box. Kinda funny though being that weed is considered a spiritual plant to consume by most. But I expect someone to say its not spiritual at all.

I will say if aliens do come its not to say peace and prosperity be with you....

This video by far will maybe help the naysayers believe. 5000 year old flying craft found. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBlwhVyZxmQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player

I think we'd all agree that there's stuff on YT that's legit, and much, much more stuff that is absolute bullshit. I'm curious, what criteria do you use to separate one from the other?
I highly doubt that what I saw was an illusion. I just know it was real because I saw it, unless I was tripping off of nothing. But if I was tripping off of nothing (I dont take hallucinogenics) than why wouldnt I see anything else out of the ordinary that day or any day for that matter? Why would My eyes be "tripping" just in one little spot on top of My neighbors roof? I didnt see anything strange anywhere else. Just that one spot that I was focusing the BB gun on. Never in My whole life have I seen anything like it before or since. The only other real crazy thing I saw was the UFOs in July 2 of 2012 or about a month prior to seeing the being.



These can come on quite slowly and last for hours. Not saying it's what you saw, but it is an example of the eyes 'tripping' on one spot without affecting or impairing judgment or other mental faculties.

Why is it subjective? It might seem subjective to you but objective to Me.

Being objective means it seems the same to everyone, so if something seems different to you than it does to me, it's subjective. More to the point, anytime any of us have an unrecorded, uncontrolled experience which seems extraordinary we have the question hanging over us of "how can I be sure". None of us, not one person, has the ability to decide for himself that what he experienced was real. It really is a simple question...how do you know you were not being fooled? It should have a simple answer of "I don't know", or else be answered with some sort of demonstrable proof. The way you keep answering is to appeal to self authority by saying "I am not lying". Self authority can only convince yourself, it can not convince us.

Right, but I'm 100% sure that I saw a being, but you guys just want 100% proof too. I cant help give you evidence that I dont have. I would bet My life that there was a being there.

Not necessarily proof, just some assurance. Something to tip the scales away from the obvious answers. Those of us who read your story know you can not provide this proof, and we are not mocking you by asking for it. We are trying to show you that, just as you said yourself, you can not provide the answers we want without lying. It's great that you admit that, now the next step is to realize you can not provide these answers to yourself without lying either.
What they said on the skit on the 5000 year old craft seemed logical because there is history to back it up. Hopefully you where patient and listened to itall. Also Google Apollo 20... Truth is going to be exposed. Y'all are so caught up in the comfort of your own lil bubble. Your entitled to opinions but I'm sure if I told you 50 years ago we would type and use glass like a phone you would write me off as crazy. But yet we have smart phones.

I don't think intelligent beings would visit cause we are barbaric and fight and kill each other. Let alone agree on a simple topic such as this. Out of all the galaxies in the universe science should have taught you to some degree. We are not alone!! Would it hurt to agree that their are species with intelligence greater than ours. Man pride has got a lot of you by the balls.
What they said on the skit on the 5000 year old craft seemed logical because there is history to back it up. Hopefully you where patient and listened to itall. Also Google Apollo 20... Truth is going to be exposed. Y'all are so caught up in the comfort of your own lil bubble. Your entitled to opinions but I'm sure if I told you 50 years ago we would type and use glass like a phone you would write me off as crazy. But yet we have smart phones.

I don't think intelligent beings would visit cause we are barbaric and fight and kill each other. Let alone agree on a simple topic such as this. Out of all the galaxies in the universe science should have taught you to some degree. We are not alone!! Would it hurt to agree that their are species with intelligence greater than ours. Man pride has got a lot of you by the balls.

Basing present truths on future predictions is retarded. What might be, what may be, what could be, is just conjecture. What IS is what matters. The absence of evidence is not evidence, so until you come up with what IS, shut the hell up about it and stop arguing as if what IS is what could be because you don't have any idea what could be, and given my assumption by reading your posts, you never will.

I'm confident in saying the skeptics who have posted in opposition to you all, unanimously agree, there is other intelligent life in the universe. Our skepticism has nothing to do with pride, your belief that it does shows you don't understand our viewpoint and instead argue against one you've assigned to us in your own head. Essentially, you are arguing against yourself, probably because you're unaware and unwilling to examine the reasons.
I use a scientific approach when investigating.

Yes, that description is very general. I was looking for more of a multi-step answer. Do you know that a basic part of the scientific method is trying to attempt to falsify your conclusion? Did you try to look deeper into actual scientifically credible sources to see if these things you posted were true, or did they simply sound good to you so you chose to believe them?
You must of not read post#. 187 I said you would have your own view and are entitled to it. But I also mentioned their is historical proof from silk prints to scrolls depicting UFOs. Why would their be soooo many depictions of this during the course of civilization.
I understand your view point clearly. But your skepticism is so deeply rooted. You will not and won't understand anyone's view but your own. You probably didn't look at the links?? Their have been ufo reports by the thousands all across the world.

At present their is evidence supporting aliens exist. For example the rosewell incident. Remember when the government said it was a weather balloon. The same government that said weed is bad. If you look at the picture of the government officers in front of the wreakage. Thankfully one of em are holding documents that bent over. If you zoom in it clearly states their was alien bodies at the crash site.
Also lots of leaked info on Apollo 20 mission. Feel free to give me some constructive critisim. I also stated why would their be old world depictions all over showing UFOs?? That is the question. Look at Vedic history as well there is multiple accounts of flying cities.
Where these people high on hashish and making random shit up??
There are so many cultures that have had simular events happen that is pretty coincidental wouldnt you think? That is my view and you have yours but mine are based of archeological findings not wishful thinking.
Yes, that description is very general. I was looking for more of a multi-step answer. Do you know that a basic part of the scientific method is trying to attempt to falsify your conclusion? Did you try to look deeper into actual scientifically credible sources to see if these things you posted were true, or did they simply sound good to you so you chose to believe them?
I looked into it why do you think the price of palladium is on the rise??
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