Apollo Series LED panels from Cidly

I am going to have an Apollo 6 customized at Cidly, aquarium model of course, not grow lamp model. That would be 72pcs LEDs in total and 12pcs at each cluster. 24 Reds run by one driver controlled by one switch, and 48pcs White LEDs run by the other two drivers controlled by another switch. I was going to have 6 Red LEDs at each cluster in those outer four clusters. But unfortunately, Sing Lee told me that's impossible, because their Red LEDs are run at 2.4V DC, (I tracked back this thread, it was 2.6V last year, and Blue and white are run at 3.6V, last year it was 3.8V). He just told me that their LEDs are more efficient now, they can have the same PAR output at a relatively lower electrics consumption.
My problem is: If I run 12pcs Red LEDs at each series, this doesn't match their LED driver 32-45V DC, 12x2.4=28.8V DC, he suggested me that I should change at least three Red LEDs into Blue or White LEDs at each seires to meet their LED driver, that would be 9x2.4+3x3.6=32.4V DC, narrowly meets it.
In that case, my customized Apollo 6 aquarium model would be 18pcs Red LEDs+6pcs White LEDs run by one driver controlled by one switch, the other two drivers run 48pcs White LEDs. But I insist on my 48:24 design. Here is his another idea: 18 Red+6 White one driver, the another switch controls 42 White+6Red.
I am considering his suggestion, what do you guys think about it please?
If I take it, I would run this Apollo 6 with a new area51 side by side, same LEDs quanities, but different consumption, Apollo 6 would be 180W actual draw, and Area 51 would be 160W.
Any ideas?

Whats this comment mean?

aquarium model of course

Your the first person whom i had read to say that. Unless im missing something :blsmoke:. mind enlightening me brother?
can only have 5 blue and white LEDs per module with the grow light, way around this is to get the aquarium light and have as many whites as needed.
Haha no no I spoke to psy just regarding the apollos cos I saw him making many posts about the apollos and I spoke to sing from cidly led about purchasing the lights and customising a sweet spectrum and what lenses I should look at running .
So I sent my first contact questions via the site about an Apollo 6 configuration. I asked about WW with some reds. Some guy calling himself Wade emailed me back and said he suggested and 8 WW: 5 660nm: 2 460nm. I think that is too much 660nm, but I'm no expert by far. Of course this was for the grow light and not aquarium version, because he said the light was limited to 5 whites. This gives a theoretical 19% blue, 19% green, 59% red, and 2% far red.

I was aiming for a ratio of 11 WW: 2 620-630nm: 2 660nm which gives a theoretical 7% blue, 28% green, 62% red, and 3% far red.

This will be a bloom light only.

Any suggestions? Is Wade's version better with more blue and less green? Thanks!
I'd go with my own instinct just like i am and customize your own. Ive been talking to Wade too, $320/each for the Apollo 12's im going for. Should use the form i made up, wade already said we can use it.The few "special colors" i have at 120°.. Pretty fun to fill out too, just use paint :D

Apollo LED.jpg
Has Wade told you all the different wavelengths they offer? He stated WW was 2700-3000k, and then only mentioned 660nm and 460nm.
The area 51 light uses 5w white outdoor cree leds... So its a little different. Id say about Apollo 8 - a51. For same coverage.

I asked if I could run 3 or 4 reds per module and the rest whites. They said it would work. But they didn't say anything about voltage. 2 630, 2 660, 8 whites nw and ww or 3 630 and all whites. Thats about the same as you are saying. Trueg. is having great results with all whites in an Apollo 8 with some grower error.

I want to put up 2 Apollo 6's to a cmh allstart 330. A difference of 20 watts.

What is the price on the aq Apollo 6?

According to Sing's blog at http://singlee43.tumblr.com/, an Apollo 6 aquarium with half blue and half white, the PAR reading is:
PAR reading(the data is based on while hanging the Apollo 6 aquarium light over the tank 30cm):
Both Blue and White on: 1315mmol/ 20cm; 711mmol/ 30cm; 509mmol/ 40cm; 295mmol/ 80cm.

and at his another blog http://singledgrowlight.blog.com/20...light-no-6-compares-with-200w-led-grow-light/
the PAR reading of the grow model Apollo 6 is:2674 umol at10cm or 4 inch, 1687 umol at 30cm or 12 inch, 979 umol at 50cm or 20 inch, 541 umol at 80cm or 32 inch, 422 umol at 100cm or 40 inch, 241 mol at 150cm or 59 inch, 147 umol at 200cm or 78 inch.
My customized Apollo 6 aquarium model with 48 white and 24 red, I estimate the PAR reading shoule be higher than the aquarium model and a bit lower than the grow model.
The area51 lighting
http://area51lighting.com/the160.html is 1156Umol at 12"(30cm), 762Umol at 18"(45cm), 527Umol at 24"(61cm), 326Umol at 36"(91cm). Yes, it run at 700-750am white LEDs, and 580-640am at red. If he wants to run a higher input current, he will have to change the fans into bigger ones, or the heat cannot be controlled I am afraid.
As the area51 is built with 80 degree lens, my Apollo 6 should be built with 90 degree lens, the PAR could be increased in this way.
By the way, they offered me the Apollo 6 at 180$, shipping cost 70$, I supposed to pay 25% tax at the Customs, shipping cost doesn't include in the tax,
that would 180x0.25=45$, total 295$.
I will contact Stacey at Feroeurope for buying an area51 lighting if possible.
Has Wade told you all the different wavelengths they offer? He stated WW was 2700-3000k, and then only mentioned 660nm and 460nm.
I have this from Sing.
Here is the LED spectrum we offer, he confined the ww as 2700-3000K, 3000-3500K, and 4000-4500K:

LED spectrum: 380-410(peak 400), 420-440(peak 430), 440-450(peak 445), 450-470(peak 460nm), green 525nm, yellow 580nm, orange 600-615(peak 610nm), red 620-640(peak630nm), 640-660(peak 650nm), 660-670nm, White 2700-3000K, 3000-3500K, 4000-4500K, 5000-6000K, 6000-6500K, 8000-10000K, 10000-12000K, 12000-14000K, 16000-18000K. IR 730-740nm, 760-800nm, 800-850nm.

What's the color of the case would you like please?
Case colors: Red, White, Black.

Faceplate colors: Red, Silver white, black.

Ventilator colors: Red, Black, white.
So I sent my first contact questions via the site about an Apollo 6 configuration. I asked about WW with some reds. Some guy calling himself Wade emailed me back and said he suggested and 8 WW: 5 660nm: 2 460nm. I think that is too much 660nm, but I'm no expert by far. Of course this was for the grow light and not aquarium version, because he said the light was limited to 5 whites. This gives a theoretical 19% blue, 19% green, 59% red, and 2% far red.

I was aiming for a ratio of 11 WW: 2 620-630nm: 2 660nm which gives a theoretical 7% blue, 28% green, 62% red, and 3% far red.

This will be a bloom light only.

Any suggestions? Is Wade's version better with more blue and less green? Thanks!

I must have goofed using http://buildmyled.com/custom-led-strip/ with the original percentages. Wade's configuration gives me 17% blue, 12% green, 70% red, and 1% far red.
Why so many green?

Heres a read

Chlorophyll absorbs mostly blue light, so the absorption value for blue light would be high if a chlorophyll solution was measured with a spectrophotometer.

  • A spectrophotometer is an instrument that measures the ability of an object to absorb specific wavelengths of light. When the amount of light absorbed versus wavelength is plotted, it is referred to as an absorption spectrum.
  • Chloroplasts contain three types of pigments: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids. Chlorophyll a optimally absorbs blue-violet light while chlorophyll b absorbs more red-blue; carotenoids absorb blue-green and violet light most effectively.
    [*] Green light is the least effective for photosynthesis, as most of this light is not absorbed by chlorophyll.
    [*] An action spectrum can be used to determine the optimal visible light to drive photosynthesis. Action spectra plot the photosynthesis rate against the type of light used to illuminate chloroplasts.
    • Figure 1 illustrates the wavelengths best absorbed by chlorophylls a and b.

    • de2ad94f-ec82-4c6c-b37c-2566d678f9fd.png

      fig. 2 Comparison of Pigment Absorption and Photosynthesis Action Spectra

      The absorption spectra (top) and the action spectrum (bottom) demonstrate which wavelengths of light are most important for photosynthesis. The absorption spectra indicate that green light is absorbed the least by all three pigments (the peaks of the lines represent the most important wavelengths for photosynthesis for each pigment). The action spectrum, which combines the activity of all of the pigments present, shows the rate of photosynthesis at different wavelengths of light and is lowest in the green/yellow wavelengths.
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    • 7161c1da-879f-4da4-b659-6bee2cf8db3e.png

      fig. 3 Chemical Structure of Chlorophyll

      Chlorophyll a and b share very similar structures, characterized by a porphyrin ring surrounding a magnesium atom and a long hydrophobic hydrocarbon tail. The two molecules differ only in a single functional group (arrows): chlorophyll a has a CH[SUB]3[/SUB][SUP]-[/SUP] group, whereas chlorophyll b has a CHO[SUP]-[/SUP]group.
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    Pigments are chemical compounds that can absorb certain wavelengths of light. Two types that are found in chloroplasts and used in photosynthesis are chlorophyll and carotenoids.

    Chlorophyll comes in several forms, the most common of which are chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
    Both types of chlorophyll have large peaks in the violet (chlorophyll a) and blue (chlorophyll b) regions and smaller peaks in the red region, with the peak for chlorophyll b occurring at a slightly lower red wavelength (Figure 2). The peaks indicate regions of high light absorption. The "valley", or dip, through the green part of the spectrum indicates that green light is transmitted or reflected, rather than absorbed, so when white light shines on chlorophyll-containing structures such as leaves, green light is reflected, and the structures appear green.

    The chemical structures of the two chlorophylls are almost identical (Figure 3). Both molecules consist of a hydrocarbon tail topped by a porphyrin ring with a magnesium atom at its center. A system of alternating single and double bonds runs around the porphyrin ring. The "extra" electrons responsible for these double bonds are not fixed between any particular pair of carbon atoms, but instead are free to migrate around the ring, enabling these molecules to absorb light.
    The only difference in the two molecules is that chlorophyll a has a CH[SUB]3[/SUB] group at one position on the porphyrin ring, while chlorophyll b has a CHO group.

    Carotenoids are pigments with colors ranging from red to yellow. The absorption spectrum for carotenoids has peaks at blue and blue-green (Figure 2). By containing several types of pigments, the chloroplast can trap a larger fraction of the radiant energy in the environment. They help fill in the absorption gaps of chlorophyll so that a larger part of the sun's spectrum can be used. The energy absorbed by these "antenna pigments" is passed to chlorophyll a, where it drives the light reactions of photosynthesis.

    The structure of beta-carotene, one of the most abundant carotenoids, contains a system of alternating single and double bonds that runs along the hydrocarbon chain connecting two benzene rings. As in chlorophyll, the electrons of the double bonds actually migrate though the chain, making this molecule an efficient light absorber.

    In addition to their ability to absorb different wavelengths than chlorophyll, carotenoids also have a protective function in photosynthesis. They absorb excess light and dissipate it, preventing it from damaging chlorophyll molecules.

    Carotenoids also have antioxidant properties -- that is, they prevent the formation of oxidative molecules that are potentially damaging to the cell. They are often the major pigments in flowers and fruits, such as the red of a ripe tomato and the orange of a carrot. Carotenoids in leaves are usually masked by chlorophyll. But in the autumn, the quantity of chlorophyll in the leaf declines, and the carotenoids become visible, producing the yellows and reds of autumn foliage.


    The absorption of radiation by a substance can be quantified with an instrument called a spectrophotometer. This device produces a beam of monochromatic ("single-color") radiation that can be shifted progressively across the spectrum. The beam is passed through a solution of the substance, and it measures the radiation that gets through (Figure 1).

    Plotting the amount of light absorption of a pigment at each wavelength results in a graph called an absorption spectrum. That of each pigment looks slightly different, because each pigment absorbs optimally at different wavelengths.

    An action spectrum is a graph showing the rate of a physiological activity (for example, photosynthesis) plotted against wavelength of light. The similarity of the action spectrum of photosynthesis and the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll tells us that chlorophylls are the most important pigments in the process. The spectra are not identical, though, because carotenoids, which absorb strongly in the blue light region, play a role as well.

thought it was a good read
errrhhhhhmmmmmmaaaaagod!!such a good thread.THANK YOU EVERYONE for all the information thats been shared. gotta love the internet! i bought two apollo 8s for a 3x3 tent 5:1 red blue .its all up and going on in coco drip feed system.i may start a journal.seems like a good place to talk led!
i cant remember exactly,i'll have a look. i paid $630 for 2 Apollo 8s shipped to uk.dont know if thats good or bad?
I might give them a go, so I just email them the spectrum I want and they will build the light and ship it?

Yes you can order a month in advance and it takes 2 weeks to make. Am I the only one who cares about how the customized diodes are places on the pods? A page or 2 back I made that form, Mr.Wade said it can be used that way you can fully customize your spectrum/nanometer the angle of the diode and also the placement on the pod.

Apollo LED.jpg

W/o that I wouldn't trust them to put the spectrum's in the proper place to where I think it would be most beneficial. I also think its fun to fill out and view different configurations :D, you can use windows paint program to add in letters