Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

First Drug You Ever Used

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I tried heroin and codeine and dxm.. cheap highs just to fuck around but they weren't caused by weed. I just like to view life from different perspectives and experience different sensations. Weed is my drug of choice, the others are just to find out what the feeling is like, weed or no weed I'll try different things either way :)
My mom had liver problems, therefore she kept no liquor in the house. It always seemed to me that weed was a lot easier to get than beer. We stole beer every once in a while, but the slow ones always get caught.
I tried heroin and codeine and dxm.. cheap highs just to fuck around but they weren't caused by weed. I just like to view life from different perspectives and experience different sensations. Weed is my drug of choice, the others are just to find out what the feeling is like, weed or no weed I'll try different things either way

Thank you... I'm the same way. I experimented just to see the different effects of different drugs. This "gateway" crap pisses me off cause it's the only excuse the govt can use to say the Marijuana is bad. They can't throw a death toll in our face like other drugs because there is none.

It's like saying everyone who purchases a gun will end up killing someone eventually. Its a gateway murder weapon... Tell those fucking pigs to hand over there guns.. their illegal now... Time to see how tough you little pussies are without yo pistils... oohhh ... that sounds like fun..:fire:.:finger::fire:
My mom had liver problems, therefore she kept no liquor in the house. It always seemed to me that weed was a lot easier to get than beer. We stole beer every once in a while, but the slow ones always get caught.

I figured there would be a couple out there who's parents didn't have alcohol around. So far we have 70 % of the people voted that alcohol was their supposed gateway drug. Hmmmm:confused:. What's going on GOVT...Too afraid to answer.....or are you tired of eating all the shit pouring out of your mouths...
Yup alcohol and cigarettes by far. pharmaceuticals, caffine pretty much everything that the government has a grip on/ gets a cut out of is good for you.

I guess these "products" just don't fit the gateway profile...:roll: That's our govt folks!
The only reason why weed is a gateway drug is because you have to go to a drug dealer to get it. More than likely the person who you are getting your weed off is going to be selling something else which will then become available to you. If you didn't have to go to a drug dealer to get weed then you wouldn't come in contact with other harder drugs. Most people sometime in their life will want to smoke weed and will go looking for it, however there a very few people that will wake up some morning and say "Yeah, I'm going to go and do heroine tonight." It is when the person that they have to go to to get their weed who is also selling harder drugs that people become tempted. I can't see weed being legalised anytime in the near future but it has to be decriminalised to the point where harder drugs will not become mixed up in it, like how they have it in Amsterdam.
The only thing wrong with weed is that it is against the law.This exposes people ,who would otherwise never venture near,to criminals. So to that extent it can expose people to other drugs. Thanx again Harry J.Anslinger!~!
you just might forget to take your sister home after the circus..

i swear that was the only Truth Commercial i felt bad about but then i realized.. only a generally shitty person would leave their little sister alone to go do anything let alone smoke pot..
you just might forget to take your sister home after the circus..

i swear that was the only Truth Commercial i felt bad about but then i realized.. only a generally shitty person would leave their little sister alone to go do anything let alone smoke pot..

I thought the same thing after that, don't blame the bud, that Dude is just a piece of shit.
Definitely a gateway drug.. I became open minded after marijuana and made choices according to that open mind.

I don't feel Mary Jane is a gateway drug. But I feel the Govt has made it a gateway drug cause they told us for years that is was addicting, and deadly. Then we find out it is the bomb. So of course were gonna try all the others we can to see if they are just as good.