Well-Known Member
sucks you see tending to your garden as slavery work
sucks you see tending to your garden as slavery work
actually, it was northern democrats and republicans that supported the civil rights act.
as far as your (decades) outdated assertions, about democrats (more specifically dixiecrats, but no need to overcorrect your idiocy) being racist, tell me who courted bigoted southerners with the southern strategy, and which color they all are on election day for the last few decades?
it's just so cute how you think you're onto something here, but really just end up displaying how weak and desperate you are.
now go back to your neo nazi white supremacist group and hash out your bitterness and anger there, my lonely virgin amiga.
im there buddy. i have a wonderful garden. nearly broke my back digging the holes this year. all worth it. builds strength and character.
Good to see the rat has come out in support of his party. Please continue with your butthurt, I don't blame you being married to Mrs. Hands... Any tread left on those tires?
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The idea of keeping another person as property, that shit boggles my fuckin' mind! How, at.. pretty much all throughout history, it was acceptable to keep someone against their own will and make them do whatever you wanted.. my modern day mind can barely comprehend that.. How did this happen? Why/how would a particular race of people allow themselves to be controlled, for LIFE, against their will? Was there some kind of Stockholm syndrome going on? Did the slaves not have any realistic way of revolting? This went on for 400 years in America, and still goes on in different places throughout the world. I actually read a statistic recently that said there are more slaves today than there were in 1865, mostly in Asia but on every continent other than Antarctica.
How the hell is this possible? Slavery seems so archaic and barbaric, who would keep slaves? Who would allow slavery around them?
you're so dumb that you make dumb motherfuckers look like really, really smart motherfuckers.
face the facts: the racist wing of the democrat party, the dixiecrats, were courted to the republican party very successfully. the republican party catered to their bigoted fears, and still does to this day.
so your outrage is only about 40-50 years too late, about the same number of years you have apparently gone without ever getting laid.
You think all the dixiecrats became republicans
why is it that the south is so reliably red?
i must just think they break republican every single election.
you got anything to back up your bullshit? Sounds like the shutter speed on your sphincter is malfunctioning, again...
do i really need to back up the fact that the south breaks republican in every election for the last 30+ years?
or do you just need to get over your butthurt and go review the results of our presidential elections?
face the facts: the racist wing of the democrat party, the dixiecrats, were courted to the republican party very successfully. the republican party catered to their bigoted fears, and still does to this day.