Drug Test


New Member
I Have a drug test coming up in about 20 days now and I am still trying to flush out my system it has been about a week since I smokme before that I smoked everyday usually wax. since I stopped I have been drinking about 2.5 gallons of water a day and pissing about 14 -20 times a day I would really prefer to be clean when I go take my test but given that I am 280 I dnt think that will be possible I purchased the quick fix plus synthetic but I am kinda skeptical I would really like to know if anyone has an idea of how I can flush my system out by then, I would prefer not to use any masking drinks because I used one the other day and it didn't work for me I would also like to know if anyone already has experience with this quick fix plus system if so how did it go please help


Well-Known Member
Order some marijuana urine test strips from the net, they are pretty damn cheap if you just buy the strips and not an actual "test kit"(which is just a strip in a piece of worthless plastic anyway). At least this way you will know where you stand before you walk in. I have friends who swear by drinking water and sweating, but those friends are light smokers who don't even know what wax is. I know the strips aren't the answer to passing the test, but at least you can test covering agents should you need them and know whats what before walking in to take it. Hopefully its not for court/probation.


Well-Known Member
just drink as much as you can, but not only water, drink some green tea too, the more the better, 20 days will be more than enough...


Well-Known Member
ive taken 20+ piss tests (for jobs and other reasons), my Aunt (yes my real Aunt) works for a drug testing facility and she told me a long time ago the best way and its never EVER failed..

Its simple, and im going to tell you how to do it the way i do it.

Take 1 gallon of water, it has to be room temp to warm (extremely important, if you drink cold thinking its ok your fucked). Drink the gallon over a 10 minute period (yes your going to feel a bloated and "uhhh" feeling lol).

Wait about 15 minutes then turn on running water, use a sink or take a shower. This is going to make you want to pee (obviously), depending on your weight (i'm roughly 155lbs) pee at least 3 times before you take it. The first couple it should be yellowish but by the time the third pee comes it will be clear. Your pissin out straight water and the 2 times you piss before with the warm water (warm water helps push some of the most recent THC out of your system i guess you can but its still there but since your now pissing water your good to go. I'd say wait about another 20 minutes or so then head to the place to take the test. By then an hour or so should have passed. I usually get the "you must of drank alot of water". I usually respond with "thats all i ever drink except maybe a glass of juice once or twice a week" And that it, no pills no shakes just simple everyday good ol water. If ya wanna be safe after the third piss drink like half a gallon more and take another pee or 2 then head out but the best thing is water...

Oh and i've used this method smoking the day before and worked flawlessly.


Well-Known Member
the stuff works i use 1/2 bottle & save some in case they give you a follow up test [which has never happened to me] i also warm it up with the defroster in my car i havent used the heating pad that comes with it yet our local farm supply store sells the individual heating pads for hand-warmers i keep mine in my lunch bucket as they pull us for randoms with no prior warning & a short time to prepare i have a friend who uses the belt kind [whizinator i think its called] but mine seems more simple it fits in my boot ive only used this once but i like it so i bought another one


Well-Known Member
That stuff works but its really important to use it correctly. Call the number on the bottle if the directions are vague, they'll tell you how many ounces of eater to drink before and after, plus tips like stay away from milk and cheese, plus coffee and some some other stuff for like 24 hours before you take the test. DO NOT chug way too much water right before the test if you use the drink, you can flush out all of the creatine and b-vitamins before they can bond with the metabolytes in your system that you want masked.

If you don't use the drink, I'm a full believer in water and exercise, but you want to stop exercising about 48 hours before the test if her a big fella. Burning calories will start to burn some of your fat, and can release THC that has bonded with your fat, and thus more will be in your pee. But if you can burn enough calories the week before, then flush your system with water you have a better chance.

If you don't use the drink, you want to be POUNDING water the day you go. Buy some azo pills (make sure its the pain relief, not just the cranberry pills) and take one an hour orntwp before your piss test; the stuff usually makes your pee dark orange, but all the water will dilute it and your clear pee will look nornal--you might want to practice with this stuff to make sure you get your timing right. Sometimes you'll take one and then the first pee is clear, the second pee is orange, the third pee is perfect and the 4th pee is clear again. Its a little different for everybody but they won't make you take it again saying your urine is too diluted.

Good luck brother. I've been taking pee tests monthly for five years and I think 20 days is plenty- I don't care how hefty someone is. My best record from going from smoking daily to clean is about 6 days, but I'm 6'1" and about 185, probably about 8-10% body fat.


Well-Known Member
Go with the quick fix or similar. The only way to screw that up is to not be up to temp. I've used it after a failed test with no problems.


Active Member
I've sold thousands of bottles of QuickFix Plus and never had any complaints from customers. For most common standardized drug testing (including nearly every employment test) it will pass. If its a government or military test, it might be more stringent. Good luck.