Hawaii Growers


Happy fathers day
Troll Comment Needed: More pictures please! Of anything or anywhere Hawaii! Just the lighting in the weed pics alone is absolutely beautiful! Like this picture above with the dog in the back yard! Hawaii thread rocks! --- from the california valley and dreaming of hawaii
That thing is junk, never gonna use one again. It's all for fun in the topsy turvey thread. I'm running a side by side 7 gal vs 10 gal smart pot comparision. 10 Is looking a lot better.
The plant in the upside down thingy is really reaching for the sun....looks cool!
thanks brah... good advice... just starting out ....there are no dispensaries here in hawaii so a little confused...look forward to chatting with you and others....here to retire :)...love it in paradise.
if you got a med card go to your local dispensary and ask for a low smell strain. They will hook you up! Clones are the way to go. Also look into SAGE its a no- odor strain if you want to go that far!

no dispensaries here in hawaii....:((... will def look up SAGE...appreciate it!
Fuck, I'm going on a last minute trip to the East Coast for 3 weeks next month. Gotta figure out a way to put my shit on autopilot because I wont have anyone reliable enough to take care of my plants. Thinking of giving the tropf blumat system a try.