Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Dank, do you keep a log book with all that stuff goin on? If not it might be a good investment mr many strains. Oh and you, tC, and i just popped HBB all at the same time i just figured out. Cool. :):):)

Yups! :mrgreen: sures do.. Been stressing like a mother fucker though! Lol. I am still hoping I have time to pollinate. Waiting on some pollen a good friend is sending. Was suppose to come in today. But I guess it will be here Monday. :??: I hope! Lol

But yeah bro. That's a big 10 four on the log book. ;)


Active Member
good morning fellas.. hows it growing :)...

dank i hope that pollen gets there bro, i don't wanna hear bad news bout the ladys :(.

I didn't keep me a log book.. but i wish i would have now :). i will these new grows :)...


Active Member
tryed makin some QWISO yesterday. wellll.. dunno if i did it right lol... dont stink at all like alc% .. it is kinda dark in texture.. i think i let the alcohol set to long.. was trying to do it while watching the kids.. n well distractions so it took a lil longer than i wanted.. so i think i got some chlorophyll in it.... FIRST ATTEMPT


Well-Known Member
Good morning. Going alright I guess. I sure hopes it does 2. Lol.
I can't stand the thought of loosing all well 36 now. Lol. It kinda makes me cringe at the thought. Knows what I mean? :??:

good morning fellas.. hows it growing :)...

dank i hope that pollen gets there bro, i don't wanna hear bad news bout the ladys :(.

I didn't keep me a log book.. but i wish i would have now :). i will these new grows :)...


Well-Known Member
tryed makin some QWISO yesterday. wellll.. dunno if i did it right lol... dont stink at all like alc% .. it is kinda dark in texture.. i think i let the alcohol set to long.. was trying to do it while watching the kids.. n well distractions so it took a lil longer than i wanted.. so i think i got some chlorophyll in it.... FIRST ATTEMPT
Yeah, if you let it sit alittle longer, then the reason as you said its "dark" is just the chlorophyll coloring it. It will make for a tad harsher paste/hash, but still good for a dab here & there. ;) you'll get better with each attempt.


Well-Known Member
Glad to tried it man. It should still dab well even if its a little dark my first batch was too. Now I don't soak it at all, I literally rinse a small amount of trim at a time with a the alcohol then empty the strainer and repeat another small batch. But this doesn't allow much time for the alcohol to soak in. After I went through my bottle of alcohol I used the stuff that had rinsed once to rinse more fresh trim again to get more trichs without using more alcohol. It has been working good it seems I'm gonna get an actual weight this next time.
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