So i got this email


Well-Known Member
Kinda freakin me out shouldn't of been smoking and drinking most of the night!! So i got an email from "" titled "hitlist" lol

Its exactly what it is. a shit load of names with addresses, dont believe me ill forward the shit to you lol. hell ill even post some of the addy's im not quite sure what to make of this im hoping its some kind of spam of joke mail...

removed the damn list this isnt funny guys dammit..... WTF i dont even own a gun im irish i use ball bats man....
List goes on for a long time, im guessing they want me to go to each of those same names to find the right one? This shit isnt FUNNY QUIT FUCKIN LAUGHIN!!!!!!! I wanted to go to sleep i dont think i will be able to now :cry: YOU GUYS THINK THIS IS FUCKING SPAM? LMAO

Why does weird shit always happen to me!


Ursus marijanus
You should not have posted that. Human was only their cover. Talk about massive galactic security leak. Thanks a fucking lot; now they'll certainly earmark Earth for corrective measures. :rolleyes: cn



Well-Known Member

listen to me now remove this posting ASAP

u have hit way to many key words your ass is not safe .....................u need to get this off here before the web crawlers pick it up


Well-Known Member
Well considering it's from "" and has a list of members of congress, it seems like you've found your way on to some right wing psycho's pro gun spam list.


Well-Known Member
it looks like a list of politicians mailing adresses. it's probably for ppl to send letters to their senators about a gun control bill.


New Member
it looks like a list of politicians mailing adresses. it's probably for ppl to send letters to their senators about a gun control bill.
damn he shouldnt have got drunk sent hate emails to them
now they want get back


Well-Known Member
under the laws as they stand they say one word he lost all his rights .................and ends up in gitmo/ bullet in back of the head body classifed and burnt death record issued in 7 years for no body bank use credit activie once family files with court


New Member
under the laws as they stand they say one word he lost all his rights .................and ends up in gitmo/ bullet in back of the head body classifed and burnt death record issued in 7 years for no body bank use credit activie once family files with court
no shit ..........


Well-Known Member
Kinda freakin me out shouldn't of been smoking and drinking most of the night!! So i got an email from "" titled "hitlist" lol

Its exactly what it is. a shit load of names with addresses, dont believe me ill forward the shit to you lol. hell ill even post some of the addy's im not quite sure what to make of this im hoping its some kind of spam of joke mail...

List goes on for a long time, im guessing they want me to go to each of those same names to find the right one? This shit isnt FUNNY QUIT FUCKIN LAUGHIN!!!!!!! I wanted to go to sleep i dont think i will be able to now :cry: YOU GUYS THINK THIS IS FUCKING SPAM? LMAO

Why does weird shit always happen to me!
Is that where you been? On another planet?
I haven't seen ya in quite a while.