BubbaG's Bubble Hash


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was asked to post this up, so I will even though I be an über noob. I do have a couple of wisdom nuggets to offer up: First, be careful using a homer bucket to blend the product as the cold and the vibrations cause the paint on the outside to flake and make a mess. Second, a handy way to wash the hash down to one spot for collection is to drill a hole in the cap of a large water bottle, then when you squeeze you get a nice wash down stream (saw this on utube) . Third, I've read to keep the plant material for a 2nd wash... What I haven't seen is any advice on what to do with it lol. I just stuck the remaining ice cubes with all the leaf matter into zip locks and re-froze... is this a good idea or a waste of time?

Followed bubble bags detailed instructions from web page. Went 20 minutes blending with drill motor, then stirred manually for 10 minutes. My research showed that green colored hash is poor quality.... Oh well if that's true cause mine's green as hell. In the pic, the 160m bag is in the smallest container, the next sized container is the 73m and the largest is the 25 micron haul. 25 micron yielded the most. Is that typical?

If anyone sees what I'm doing wrong, let me know please. :idea: I used 10 ounces of fresh frozen trim


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My first culprit for the green would be the drill, I've tried the drill a few times and I think it's a bit much
for making a good quality product hash. I had the same thing happen when I drilled it, and I'd be willing to
bet that the drill just tears the plant material too much and that's where all this green comes from. Few
things that I've found help make some killer hash:

- Fresh frozen trim
- Light beating to knock off only the best/biggest trichromes (usually only do 10/12 mins tops per batch)
- I like as much ice as I can get as it helps to make things as cold as possible.
- Let ice/water/trim sit for a good 20/30 minutes in a lot of ice to let all parts freeze up as best as possible before you beat.

We use one of these at the shop, and it's been worth every penny, it actually paid it'self off with the very first
run of hash.
I think you did well for a self-proclaimed newb..
Well done.

My suggestions...

Use home made ice cubes.
Layer material, ice, material.
Use refrigerated purified water/tap water contains too many variables.
Let the material soak and fully saturate at least 20 mins before agitation.
Use a long wooden spoon, personally I like manual, but dam it sucks..but I've stuck the wooden spoon right into the drill and used that.
I like to agitate, soak agitate soak.
I like to use a pump sprayer full of purified ice water to collect the hash.
Dry time should be 5-7 days

I literally just watched/read some stuff from Nikka T, Matt Rize and this other solventless wizards today.

I got a friends of friend that just called and asked if I knew how to bubble. His friend has two lbs of trim he wants to turn to bubble hash.

I said sure, gotta brush up, haven't bubbled in a long long time.

Odd how things occur like this.
Thanks guys. So the green in my hash will just affect the taste correct? It theoretically should be as potent correct?
I wonder if running your bubble into bho would eliminate the chlorophyll tint?

Say you pack a tube with your hash, pack it lightly, or you WILL have a blowout... It just happened to me....haha.

But yeah, I did a tiny micro-run,4-5 grams of various bubble...had a nice little lake of oil, then I got greedy, and sprayed just a little more....

BOOM! goes the dynamite!...haha

My mini-extractor became a mini hand-canon, pow! Hash was everywhere...lol.
Thanks. Sorry to hear about your booboo lol. I really don't care about the green tint as it will be used in a tincture.... just so long as it didn't lose any potency.
The green is contaminate from leaf matter

Put your bags inside the 5 gallon.. then fill 1/2 way with water... add a bag of ice....let set for a few to get cold

Bags used to filter the poop (220 110) to catch the trichs (75 25) ...in order 25 first 75 110 220 last

run your material more than once....first time mix with a wooden or plastic stir spoon...this will produce the clear dome bubble hash the kind that melts with heat.....gently mix for about 5 min...let your mix settle for 30 min prior to collection

second run use a hand mixer for baking on low for about 10 min....let your mix settle for 30 min prior to collection.

Crystally leaf = kill bubble .....fan leaf = crumbly less potent hash

Material is frozen prior to use .... straight from the freezer to water with ice already in it... nice and cold....

I usually use a 5 gallon bucket and 2 bags of ice per run...

I Lol..all good about the boo-boo.

Luckily the blowout blew away from my face, as thankfully one thing I first learned was to be sure you hold the tube in a fashion which if a blowout does happen, the material will shoot away from you...

Its tricky because the tube needs to be held straight up and down, yet angled just perfectly.

If I didn't do so...I would of had butane soaked bubble hash in my eyes, all over my face...it happened to a buddy of mine running a tube of straight kief.


@ Bubba G.., sounds like a good idea with the tincture/and or edibles..derp, didn't even think about that..lol

However, allow me to explain why the butane could possibly leave chlorophyll behind in the tube.

Maybe you could try it with like 3 or 4 grams of your lowest grade, to prevent a loss of significant amount of material.

Ice water is actually a solvent, contrary to all the ” solventless” gurus say...solventless wax...haha.

Anyway, water is known as a polar solvent, which has the propensity to pull all the undesired polar compound, i.e., chlorophyll, and lipids.(I actually like the plant wax) ...it contains some of the medicinal properties within the terpenoid profile.

N-butane is a non-polar solvent, which is why it's properties are so enticing as solvent for extracting essential oils.

Chlorophyll is a polar compound, so theoretically the green would be left in the tube, and some dank dank oil will be left on the plate.

I use a old school bong down-stem for my micro-runs, really skinny diameter, and holds 4-5 grams.
Cut out a piece of a cork, to insert in one end to accommodate a butane adapter.

One unbleached piece of a coffee filter goes in first, pack that so it covers the cork completely.
Do this for 2 reasons.
1) if pressure builds up and blowout occurs from the insertion end, the filter will keep material blowing up into your face.
2) This will allow full saturation of the material, when packed right up to insertion hole, the butane nozzle will miss the top portion of the tube.

Lightly empty the micro-planed bubble hash into tube, do not pack at all...haha

Spraying: start with 5 second intervals, 5 seconds spray and stop for 3 seconds.

Stop!.. wait for the pressure to release, and try a second spray..

This produces very strong hash oil, with minimal purge time, because we are using a very small amount of solvent.
Here is a couple of videos a friend posted elsewhere of a tech he used, his comment was
The hash was made using all his "odd" techniques such no 220 bag in machine, only using 160, 70 , and 45 micron bags to filter with, and washing the same trim 5 times to remove every last trichome without contaminating them with trim. The trim was also dry, and not frozen!
It is the fullest melt I have ever made, and is totally dabable!
True!..bro, ironic as hell.

I watched that video for the first time on my lunch break today.

This man is something special, after watching the video and reading some of his posts in the organics forum.

I'm about half-way through the thread, and my views on making.bubble are being heavily influenced by his teachings.

I loved the video, I'm going to watch it again, because I had trouble understanding some of the accent...haha.

By the end of the video, I found myself” tawl-KING like heem”...haha.

Too funny how the timing worked out on this...lol
Some hashes I made with the exact techniques laid out by Frenchy in the videos-

The main things I would say have helped me in making better hash is:
1)Barely any ice. Just enough to keep the water being used at a constant 32 degrees.
2) No work bag in the bubble now machine. Loading loose trim as instructed by frenchy.
3) Not freezing the trim at all prior to agitation.

Only reason I mention these things is that they are pretty much the opposite of what 95% of people out there say about making hash...
I guess giving reason would be nice :)
1) Too much ice smashes against the trim and breaks it down more...plus ice is not needed to "knock" the trichomes from the trim.
2) The work bag creates both unwanted friction against the trim, and restricts the easy "flow" of trichomes from the trim.
3) Freezing trim allows more chloraphyll out into the water when agitation occurs....and letting the trim sit in 32 degree water for 25 min or so is plenty to make the trichome brittle and easy to extract.
I guess giving reason would be nice :)
1) Too much ice smashes against the trim and breaks it down more...plus ice is not needed to "knock" the trichomes from the trim.
2) The work bag creates both unwanted friction against the trim, and restricts the easy "flow" of trichomes from the trim.
3) Freezing trim allows more chloraphyll out into the water when agitation occurs....and letting the trim sit in 32 degree water for 25 min or so is plenty to make the trichome brittle and easy to extract.

Thanks bro! Couple of questions ok from the noob?

1) Do you have a problem with the drain on the washer tank clogging since you don't use the working bag?
2) you say very little ice, but Frenchy loads the tub about 1/3 of the way with ice looks like. Sound right or do you use less than he does?

I wish I'd known this before I bought the 220 zipper bag... Oh well lol
The green is contaminate from leaf matter

Put your bags inside the 5 gallon.. then fill 1/2 way with water... add a bag of ice....let set for a few to get cold

Bags used to filter the poop (220 110) to catch the trichs (75 25) ...in order 25 first 75 110 220 last

run your material more than once....first time mix with a wooden or plastic stir spoon...this will produce the clear dome bubble hash the kind that melts with heat.....gently mix for about 5 min...let your mix settle for 30 min prior to collection

second run use a hand mixer for baking on low for about 10 min....let your mix settle for 30 min prior to collection.

Crystally leaf = kill bubble .....fan leaf = crumbly less potent hash

Material is frozen prior to use .... straight from the freezer to water with ice already in it... nice and cold....

I usually use a 5 gallon bucket and 2 bags of ice per run...

damn too much dank in one hand!!!!!
That is where I started - I ended up with green hash....

IMO it was the drill. Every time I have seen someone thrash the trim with a drill, it is overkill.

I know it sucks, but hand mixed with a metal spoon IMO produces the best results hands down.

Washing machines aren't bad, but I would still have to go with the twenty minute arm workout version. (manually) LOL.