any Strain that does not elevate Heart Rate?


Active Member

Are there any strains out there that do not increase heart rate after consuming?

The closest I've come is "Speed Queen" from Mandela Seeds. They claim: "no nervous side-effects (racy heart, etc.); suitable for regular med users."
(source: Speed Queen ).

I'm looking for an anti-anxiety (but NOT anti-depressive) strain that will 'blank' my mind and make me sleep like the dead.
However - and this is very important - it may absolutely not increase heart rate.

I already have a way too high heart rate, and somewhat too high blood pressure as well.
I know most cannabis strains should lower blood pressure, but, sadly, they increase heart rate (pulse) at the same time. This is not bad for everybody. But in my case it is very bad.

Can anyone recommend an indica strain? (Sativas will only increase the frequency of my, already daily, panic attacks)
I've looked into "Black Indica" from Plan B Collective. This has everything I'm looking for as far as helping anxiety, helping insomnia and is, reportedly, very easy to grow.
But its no use if it elevates heart rate.

The "Speed Queen" from Mandela Seeds is the only one I've found that should not cause racy heart (at least this is what they claim). But the company seem to be out of business. Just my luck. :(

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.
The "Speed Queen" from Mandela Seeds is the only one I've found that should not cause racy heart (at least this is what they claim). But the company seem to be out of business. Just my luck.

Hi McBacon,

How are you? Sorry to hear about your anxiety - I know what you're going through only too well. I know what you mean about the increased heart rate and all that. I don't think this is particularly dangerous for me medically (maybe it's different for you), but it can and sometimes does make me panic as I THINK I'm going to have a heart attack or something. The problem is to my knowledge all marijuana decreases blood pressure and, as a result, the heart rate MUST increase to facilitate the movement of blood around the body. There is simply no way around this unfortunately. However it is the extent of the increase which is important and I believe this is where a bit of psychology comes into play.

For example, I expect my heart to race and so I get all worked up before I even put the joint in my mouth. I start to panic as soon as I feel the effects, and so my heart races more than it should. I panic even more, my heart races even more, I panic even more again and so on and so on ... You know what I'm talking about. However, I have come to realise two important things through experimentation:

1. I haven't had a heart attack yet from smoking dope (LOL); and

2. It's only the first smoke or two after I haven't smoked for a while that causes me to notice any ill effects as regards increased heart rate, panic and the like. So I've learned to take a very small amount first time and build up gradually. In turn this practice has taught me that I need much less marijuana than I thought to get me stoned, so I tend to smoke less thereby reducing the physical effects, which can only be a good thing. Also a lot of the racing heart and panic stuff is pretty much down to my frame of mind, ie its all in my head and I am, therefore, my own worst enemy. Interesting that if I smoke after a few drinks, when I'm feeling nice and relaxed to start with, I never have a problem.

Since I've realised these things I now feel much more in control when I smoke, and suffer no (or at least minimal) ill effects. True some strains will raise your heart rate more than others, but usually only because they have lowered your blood pressure more. This can cause the worry and panic levels to increase accordingly. So you're quite right to look around for one that's easy on the ticker. I hope you find a good one. Believe it or not I'm currently growing sativa plants - will let you know how I get on LOL.

Good luck - hope you get those seeds you're after!
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Hi and thanks for the in-depth reply.

Yes, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about @ racy heart getting worse and worse the more you focus on it, hehe.

Anyway, it looks like I won't be able to smoke any kind of cannabis - maybe my entire life.

These are the cards I've been dealt. I gotta live with it.
Maybe they'll genetically modify a strain in the future that'll actually lower heart rate. :mrgreen: :peace:

Happy smoking.
Hi McBacon,

How are you? Sorry to hear about your anxiety - I know what you're going through only too well. I know what you mean about the increased heart rate and all that. I don't think this is particularly dangerous for me medically (maybe it's different for you), but it can and sometimes does make me panic as I THINK I'm going to have a heart attack or something. The problem is to my knowledge all marijuana decreases blood pressure and, as a result, the heart rate MUST increase to facilitate the movement of blood around the body. There is simply no way around this unfortunately. However it is the extent of the increase which is important and I believe this is where a bit of psychology comes into play.

For example, I expect my heart to race and so I get all worked up before I even put the joint in my mouth. I start to panic as soon as I feel the effects, and so my heart races more than it should. I panic even more, my heart races even more, I panic even more again and so on and so on ... You know what I'm talking about. However, I have come to realise two important things through experimentation:

1. I haven't had a heart attack yet from smoking dope (LOL); and

2. It's only the first smoke or two after I haven't smoked for a while that causes me to notice any ill effects as regards increased heart rate, panic and the like. So I've learned to take a very small amount first time and build up gradually. In turn this practice has taught me that I need much less marijuana than I thought to get me stoned, so I tend to smoke less thereby reducing the physical effects, which can only be a good thing. Also a lot of the racing heart and panic stuff is pretty much down to my frame of mind, ie its all in my head and I am, therefore, my own worst enemy. Interesting that if I smoke after a few drinks, when I'm feeling nice and relaxed to start with, I never have a problem.

Since I've realised these things I now feel much more in control when I smoke, and suffer no (or at least minimal) ill effects. True some strains will raise your heart rate more than others, but usually only because they have lowered your blood pressure more. This can cause the worry and panic levels to increase accordingly. So you're quite right to look around for one that's easy on the ticker. I hope you find a good one. Believe it or not I'm currently growing sativa plants - will let you know how I get on LOL.

Good luck - hope you get those seeds you're after!

I know exactly what you are saying one random day my heart started beating fast from mj and thought it was random and it happened again, and now im like in my head the next time i smoke im gunna feel my heart racing before i even smoke, ahh what the brain can do if it expects a certain thing to happen it will make it happen
dang, not smoking a day or 2, gets me like stuck on things. I feel so bored but i dont wanna do anything. I just get stuck looking on things and like i dont think as much. Marijuana is good, but smoking too much of it can hurt something.