Democrats on civil liberties...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Thank God for Rand Paul and Justin Amash!

"Where are all these serious Democrats who believe in civil liberties?" asks Jeremy Scahill, author of Dirty Wars, the provocative book that is now an award-winning documentary. "They're nowhere."

Scahill talked with Reason's Matt Welch about how congressional Democrats have abdicated their moral standing when it comes the domestic and foreign aspects of the war on terror. And how unexpected champions such as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have stepped up in their absence."


Well-Known Member
Wolffe Bliz said to him, Oh, you could have been ran, you could have won...what would you do?

Spread spam was my answer...


Well-Known Member
Obama has Prosecuted More Whistleblowers than All Other Presidents COMBINED! Civil liberties be damned!


Well-Known Member
Let's see, promised to be the most transparrent administration but locks up anyone who moves the curtain, signed Lilly Leadbetter act but has a bigger pay disparity for women on his staff than the country average. Smoked pot and has closed more dispensaries than all other presidents combined. Says gay marriage is a state thing (but is the biggest central planner since FDR and leaves nothing else up to states). Has he done anything the left can hang their hats on?

Why do people still support this guy?


Well-Known Member
so you got nothing?

I voted Johnson. Romney would be the same shit different leader like Obama/Bush

desert dude

Well-Known Member
who espouses a fiscal policy even more retarded than rawn pawl's.

meanwhile, you sit there and serve as a mouthpiece for the GOP but claim you're not GOP.

just laughable.
Buck, listening to your incessant cheer leading for Obama and Democrats while they busily dismantle the constitution has done more to shift every reader toward the GOP than any ideology.

The simple fact is, the Dems are about a 10 on the shitty scale while the Reps are about 9.5. What the country needs is to break the strangle hold of the two party hegemony. My preference is Libertarian. I voted Johnson for that reason.


Well-Known Member
You're not a libertarian, you love the constitution, you're a statist Republican. You talk only of liberty, but not rights. If you were a libertarian, you would not be a statist.

Now come back with an argument that the document limits gov't and prove you're just a Republican neoliberal.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You're not a libertarian, you love the constitution, you're a statist Republican. You talk only of liberty, but not rights. If you were a libertarian, you would not be a statist.

Now come back with an argument that the document limits gov't and prove you're just a Republican neoliberal.
Of course the constitution limits government. That is its purpose. Read it, several times if necessary. I am not sure I "love" the constitution but I like it very much, it is as clear a statement of the role of government in a free society as exists. The fact that it has been shat upon by various politicians and judges does not diminish its importance.

If you expect me to respond to your "liberty vs rights" point then you are going to have to make your point more clear, maybe even give an example.


Well-Known Member
"the constitution limits gov't" this statement epitomizes the GOP

"the constitution empowers gov't" this statement epitomizes the democrats

Of course the constitution limits government. That is its purpose. Read it, several times if necessary. I am not sure I "love" the constitution but I like it very much, it is as clear a statement of the role of government in a free society as exists. The fact that it has been shat upon by various politicians and judges does not diminish its importance.

If you expect me to respond to your "liberty vs rights" point then you are going to have to make your point more clear, maybe even give an example.
It is the foundation of the gov't either way so you either support it, or you're a libertarian.

Liberty vs rights means the liberty to violate the rights of individuals.

You're not a libertarian. You're a statist.


Well-Known Member
Others have a different opinion, rat... A letdown would be comparing your wife to a walrus! Say hi to Mrs. hands... :mrgreen:
like who?

is this another one of your retarded, no-basis-in-reality, uncited, al gore is coming to eat my children type of rants from your empty head?

might want to work on the evidence part of your claims.