World Of Hempy

I have a 100 watt bulb that fits that socket a lumatek bulb...still waiting to fire her up...

So just start her up with the 400 watt bulb?
Dont use 100 watt bulb with 400 watt ballast. Its not like home lights where a 50 or 100 watt is ok. You will create a very dangerous situation running that much juice through a 100 watt bulb. Just fire up the 400.
Any MH or HPS will probably fit your socket but its a must to use proper wattage bulbs with ballasts. Really bad analogy but think of it like a balloon if a balloon fits 3 cubic feet of air in matter if it fits on a nozzle that fills 10 cubic feet balloons ...its gonna pop once you put more than 3 cubic feet in there.....except with HPS...when it pops its hot as fuck and lots of glass.
hmm i have 150w hps's and i used to put 100w bulbs in and nothing bad ever happened, wonder if its cause lower wattage can handle a range better or what?
anyone use CANNA HYDRO VEGA and FLORES..??

at what point do you start nutes?

How old are your plants, and are they from seed or clones? General rule is begin feeding seedling 1/4 strength nutes around the 3rd week of veg and increase the dosage by a 1/4 each week after till you see the plant tell enough or at full strength. If they are clones begin feeding once you plant them, you can usually start them right off at 1/2 to 3/4 strength with no problem. Sorry don't know anything about the nutes you are using, but if you are going to grow hempy method I would suggest you get some Cal/Mag supplement to add to your feedings once you begin.
Good thing I did not put it in then, I was afraid it was too much voltage... I was looking for a set up place before I turn her on, Might later tonight when it's dark to see how much light it produces...
Took the day off today, I was exhausted, , did a lot of housework as the place was a wreck when I got home...put 5 new plants in the vault, these ones are about 3 feet tall now...I'm unsure how they will do with the CFL lighting in there...but it's all good...

The new light is HUGE, now where to put it? someone told me they grow in their basement at night, that may be an option, I just have to check the power down there, I think there is a vent too, since there was a gas furnace, so I need to find that first...they I can figure out the floor space and design...

Watered the orchard tonight and thinned the peach tree some, it has like a 1000 tiny peaches, and the branches can't hold that much weight, so I'll thin them again in a couple of weeks.
thankyou 4 days old,

going to get nutes today what is the best i remember reading a toll somewhere where cana was voted best for this method. hempy 1:4 vermic/perlite
Bill, I suggest you find some good growing thread's in newbie central, you will find all kinds of info there. bill you have a long way before u start nutes.
ok cranked up the light this morning, I turned it on and it was at 50%, quite bright, almost too bright...I don't know... it was the MH the light works, now where to hang it...
anyone use CANNA HYDRO VEGA and FLORES..??

at what point do you start nutes?
Don't know of a "HYDRO" version unless that is a variant of Canna "Aqua" or "Substra" found in the UK. I can say that Cann Cooco A&B and Canna Substra (vega & florez) work quite well ase base nutes in hempy. I use the Substra with non coco mediums like Mapito and rockwool. Canna's grow charts on their website will guide you to the dosage and start dates. It is different and "safer" than other nutrients and can be administered 3-5 days from cutting/sprouts in some cases. I play it safe and start with 1/4 strength after 7 days then gradually up it to full dosage by week 3. At that point you should have some fat little hogs just asking for the flip to 12/12.
Working on the new area, I have an about 50 gallon well tank down there, I was thinking of using for water storage...I don't think it's presureized, so I should be able to open it and fill from the top with a hose...I have to see if it leaks first...That tank would make it nicer to have water available especially when I will have to fill it with a hose from outside...

We had a bunch of blown in insulation in the basement, I'm not sure what to do with it except maybe use it in the build...still sealed in bricks about 3 foot x 2 ft, might be a good floor...

Located the vent pipe, may have to build a wall down there, maybe a whole room, not sure yet...

Power down there, but it looks like I need new outlets...Not sure if this line is hooked to the pump or not, I'll have to check the circuit box.
Well my little SOG 2L hempies are starting to grow and looking pretty good so out of 51 clones I 'll have 50 plants, one decided it just didn't want to live anymore. The Flav 14 040.jpgThe Flav 14 041.jpgThe Flav 14 042.jpgThe Flav 14 043.jpg