The green is from a Organic Seaweed growth regulator to help with root, shoot and flower development. I had some nutrient burn so i pulled back the nuts to a Quarter strength and added the regulator. its been in for about 3 days and the plants are loving it.
Just TOP'ed one of my plants, FIM'ed the other, and left one to grow as normal so I can see what I will do in future.

Ive added an image of one of my plants, I suspect its an auto-flowering strain can anyone confirm? see image below.
I made this light cost around $20, Its wired in parallel so it wont shutdown if i loose a bulb, The center is a pen holder, its made of tin and the small holes allow for self tapping screws to go in anywhere. Each bulb is 20watt CFL, I have double the recommend 50watt per M2.

Is 50w p/m2 enough, what are your thoughts?
Up until this point the equipment has cost as follows:
Light Rig - $20
Containers - $15
Piping - $10
Water Pump (not in use yet) - $15
Oxygen Pump - $5
Nutrients - $15
Total +/- $80 (not bad going I think)
I live in South Africa so everything is more expensive than USA or UK, if you thinking thats to much.
Lastly I need opinions on nutrients, this is what I bought and what it consists of, its all still greek to me.
Macro Nutrients
65 g/kg N - Nitrogen
27 g/kg P - Phosphorus
130 g/kg K - Potassium
Micro Nutrients
70 mg/kg Ca - Calcium
1500 mg/kg Fe - Iron
10 mg/kg Mo - Molybdenum - A metal needed for Nitrogen fixation??
22 mg/kg Mg - Magnesium
240 mg/kg Mn - Manganese
75 mg/kg S - Sulfur - Plants use sulfur in the processes of producing proteins, amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. Necessary in the formation of chlorophyll
240 mg/kg B - Boron - The main functions of boron relate to cell wall strength and development, cell division, fruit and seed development, sugar transport, and hormone development.
The descriptions are mainly for me to learn and other new growers Ill finish the descriptions in the Journal.