Sketchiest Place You've Smoked?


Well-Known Member
4 Words:

BK Lounge Drive Thru (while waiting for food with drive thru window open)

If you wanna hear the story just ask. Whats the sketchiest place you smoked?


Well-Known Member
well thats not very sketchy..


I have smoked everywhere ever crevice and every inch of my hometown..


malls/drive throughs/barns/dirt bike trails/behind clubs and shows..

but the most sketchiest was

Smoking a blunt in a uncompleted bathroom in a construction site.


Well-Known Member
Yea I've smoked in tons of parking lots, under bridges, the store front right across the street from the police department.

The BK Drive Thru was weird though. We just passed the blunt between us all and the workers were just like WTF. The smoke was going into the establishment. We had good laughs though.


Well-Known Member
we used to smoke weed INSIDE burger king all the time. this was back when cigarette smoking was allowed everywhere. just fire up a smoke and a doobie.


Well-Known Member
its not very sketchy but when my friend was movin out of his house he had rail road tracks in the back and we were supposed to be helpin his mom move but all of a sudden we were layin on a hill in front of the tracks smokin out of a lipstick pipe :S it was awesome perfect night


Well-Known Member
i used to stand right in front of my boss every morning eating a cannabis cookie at break time just grinnin". he had NO idea. :)


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In English 1a at City College of San Francisco.:hump:

Prof turned to write something on the board, and i couldn't resist...

I did it quick, and 99% of the smoke went out the window.

The professor looked like he knew something :confused: had happened, but he kept with the lecture...

fun times.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
In English 1a at City College of San Francisco.:hump:

Prof turned to write something on the board, and i couldn't resist...

I did it quick, and 99% of the smoke went out the window.

The professor looked like he knew something :confused: had happened, but he kept with the lecture...

fun times.:blsmoke:

your avatar is killing me. :mrgreen:

back of the school bus on the way home in high school. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
sitting in the back of a station wagon with 2 other friends facing towards the back of the road thats how the seats were with a girl we hated and would tell everyone we smoked but we didnt care and it was just so cool hitting that pipe and watching the road and throwing cig buts out and watching the sparks hit the pavement haha fun times and my other friend sitting next to the girl and would just jump to the way back and hit the pipe haha


Well-Known Member
i would say my sketchiest place was,its true and messed up :(

i was smoking with some boi's down on the docks and i went to take a piss, and i blacked out.when i came to i was sober and standing,the ironic part was,i was at dunkin donuts ordering coffee for 2.I appearently met this hot blonde that was on break there,we "met" the night nigga johon called me to ask how i was doin after the night before.i told him im confused,got a headache,and talking to a hot blonde.he told me to keep talkin but leave.i went back to the girl and told her i had to run,and call me later.she appearently had my number as well.

i met up with johon and after i left,he told me that the girl is 7 days pregnant with some other guys baby.he said when we got done smoking and shrooming and drinking,we went for a walk and came upon someones party and juuust entered.he said it was a dump,roaches everywhere.the ppl were drunk(ages are unknown,didnt ask)he told me that there was a blonde that was pregnant who just broke up with her bf,and u felt bad and went to talk to her and left afterwords.she "called" me when we were goin to the car and "told her i would be there in a min.(and met up with her at the dock)."so i was there "with" her and i remember that we messed around like kissing and touching when it came to me that i had a sticky dic*y,and i said i had to go.a week went by and today,i went and talked to her and she said that inlove with me and that she was pregnant,and it was my i told her that she was wrong and it wasnt my baby and it was her exs.she told me that she the last ex was over 3months ago and i was her new either sherry(found out today as well) is and is lying or she is tellin the truth and my boi is lying.

im fucked.that was my skechy,a true bullshit orchestra of lies of the xy,xx chromosome.I hate ppl who lie.


Well-Known Member
i would say my sketchiest place was,its true and messed up :(

i was smoking with some boi's down on the docks and i went to take a piss, and i blacked out.when i came to i was sober and standing,the ironic part was,i was at dunkin donuts ordering coffee for 2.I appearently met this hot blonde that was on break there,we "met" the night nigga johon called me to ask how i was doin after the night before.i told him im confused,got a headache,and talking to a hot blonde.he told me to keep talkin but leave.i went back to the girl and told her i had to run,and call me later.she appearently had my number as well.

i met up with johon and after i left,he told me that the girl is 7 days pregnant with some other guys baby.he said when we got done smoking and shrooming and drinking,we went for a walk and came upon someones party and juuust entered.he said it was a dump,roaches everywhere.the ppl were drunk(ages are unknown,didnt ask)he told me that there was a blonde that was pregnant who just broke up with her bf,and u felt bad and went to talk to her and left afterwords.she "called" me when we were goin to the car and "told her i would be there in a min.(and met up with her at the dock)."so i was there "with" her and i remember that we messed around like kissing and touching when it came to me that i had a sticky dic*y,and i said i had to go.a week went by and today,i went and talked to her and she said that inlove with me and that she was pregnant,and it was my i told her that she was wrong and it wasnt my baby and it was her exs.she told me that she the last ex was over 3months ago and i was her new either sherry(found out today as well) is and is lying or she is tellin the truth and my boi is lying.

im fucked.that was my skechy,a true bullshit orchestra of lies of the xy,xx chromosome.I hate ppl who lie.
Way to bring down the high.

Sketchiest place ever was inside a certain fast food restaraunt not more than 3 months ago. We were working the late night shift and smoking while handing people their food. It was a friday night, so most of them were high or drunk. We even gave one dude a dime bag. Sketch shit right there. Good way to get fired.


Well-Known Member
your avatar is killing me. :mrgreen:

back of the school bus on the way home in high school. :blsmoke:

Reppin that Fdd because i did that as well, sept mine was in the middle of of the school bus :mrgreen:

Smoking a bowl and using the ol jacket arm out the window blow option..

fun times eh?


Well-Known Member
I think mine was actually not sketchy at all but felt that way ...

it was downtown in a fairly major metropolis and me and some college mates of mine were all smoking in the parking lot of the church I attended while growing up. I hadn't been to the place in a couple years, but I knew the place because my dad was the custodian for years and years (he'd clean the place 2x a week) and I would help him and actually took over for him for a while towards the end of his stint of cleaning as a second job. it was almost a second home for a while ...

so yea, we smoked in the parking lot in the middle of the night, then went to an all you can eat sushi buffet. it was a great night, but I was hella nervous about being around that church. just the thoughts running through my head - I knew how to break in if I really wanted to get in and I knew where all the keys were and the code to the safe and everything .... weird in my head for sure


Well-Known Member
4 Words:

BK Lounge Drive Thru (while waiting for food with drive thru window open)

If you wanna hear the story just ask. Whats the sketchiest place you smoked?
smoked a bowl with a guy on an amtrak train in the smoking car. lots of cig smokers comming & going.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day.... haha the memories.
I remember one time me and a few friends were out using a bong one of them had bought, we had a nice amount of weed that we were planning on smoking.
Anyway, we find this nice little bench on this outoftheway country lane kinda thing, so we cotch up and start to rip this bong to shit.

I turn around to ask my mate for a lighter and i look up and there.... staring right at me is the biggest CCTV camera i have ever seen. My eyes widened and surely enough a few seconds later i say to my friends what i have discovered.
After laughing about it we get up and start walking down the road only to see a nice lil cop car steadily driving towards us.. a few hours later, many a garden hopped and i'm home covered in grass stains and all sorts, twigs coming out of my hair etc.

Dodgy shit.

Fun times :D


Well-Known Member
The first time I ever smoked was on a school trip to the zoo in ninth grade there where like 15 of us on a u shaped bench in the middle of the garden in the middle of the zoo and the doob that was being passed around was like 8 inches long i got 3 good hits off it and didn't catcha buzz we all puffed behind the school busses in the zoo parking lot before leaving ,again no buzz

other then that I was walking down a dirt road puffing a bowl while my friend decided to ass rape some girl. he had pulled over "t'get a blowjob" according to him so i went for a stroll to give him some time i get about 200 yards away and i hear the girl start screaming "WRONG HOLE JOSH WRONG HOLE" she sounded like she was crying so i went running back up to stop it by the time i got back up there he was almost passed out laying half in and out of the car with his pants and boxers around his ankles and a condom hanging half of his johnson and he was mumbling "im sorry im sorry" and she was in the back seat crying curled up in a ball. the car was dead and noone had a cell phone so I smoked another bowl and tried to figure out how to explain to my wife why i didn't come home. she knew josh so i just told her the truth. come to find out that was a recurring event with josh and his "ladies"


Active Member
i was 17 in holland amseterdam as a matter of fact in the back of a 1940s style cj540 jeep, we were parked on a one way street in the middle of the town in the middle of the day, the owner and his son (ma mate) went into the shop and his other mate stayed, he started to roll a fat J as im doing 3litre bottle bags in the back, i pass him his, he inhales i start mine im pulling it as he's rolling this J, i toke it up :lol: theres a loud banging noise and shouting from a female, as i look over his shoulder to check the situ, its police! shit im full of smoke he has a J in process lol he panics and throws it all on the floor and opens the window, i cant take it any more and exhale my 3litres of the finest sliver haze scuff into her face lol shiiiiiit all she wants is me too move the jeep i just tell her i got no keys and she leaves

Sketchiest Place Ever!!!!