HARVESTING is killing me

ya man i agree with whoever said it earlier, if you got 8-10 zips per plant, you cant smoke these guys up and pay em in smoke?
if you got more then 1 plant u have lbs (according to ur estimation) and if you only have one plant HOW could you possibly get sick
of clipping your precious baby you had for a couple months and prepare it for liftoff bruh?

But ya where you @ man i can trim with the best of em and i would take $15/hr and many blunts while we cut as payment lol

Happy trimming/smoking sir
i grow 60 plants
Friends come in handy around this time?

Friends can be greedy little bitches, especially when they are under the misconception that growing = "free weed".

My "best" friend offered to help me trim once... as long as he could keep anything he trimmed.

Yeah, asshole, after I spent the last 4 months growing, feeding, babying, loving them, you can come over for one day and help trim and leave with HALF my yield.....

Needless to say, not only did he not get to help me trim, he also lost out on a lot of "free" weed that I no longer gave him.
a trim pro does 1 in 12 hours? doesnt sound too legit...

We trimmed 99 plants in 6 hours with the trim pro. But then you need to go back and touch the nugs up and get them shelf ready. it saves you time. You don't read everything?
Well your friends probably hate you. You pay them 8 $ a hour? thats fucked
8 per hour is a good pay comparing i spent 4 months working with my females
now and in 2 months i need no one cuz i am spending 300 and for sure i will buy the MAGIC TRIMMER just watch it
I don't know what you are watching, but I've checked that website 4 times in the last few days since it was posted on this thread, and have found nothing other then a price and a breif description. No pictures, no videos nothing. I tried a youtube search got nothing, can you link this video.
No my computer is not old. And other then the fact that you are a very rude person to talk to, I still don't see any videos. I don't really care any more though, some of us have offered you reasonable advice, and you have done little more then dismiss peoples opinions and speak rudely to them I hope you have fun trimming your 60 10oz plants by yourself because you are obviously a selfish greedy child. You type and speak to people like a teenager and obviously think you have all the answers. Good luck I hope your garden stays green!

Edit:I don't know if anyone else is still reading this thread but can you guys see videos?
No my computer is not old. And other then the fact that you are a very rude person to talk to, I still don't see any videos. I don't really care any more though, some of us have offered you reasonable advice, and you have done little more then dismiss peoples opinions and speak rudely to them I hope you have fun trimming your 60 10oz plants by yourself because you are obviously a selfish greedy child. You type and speak to people like a teenager and obviously think you have all the answers. Good luck I hope your garden stays green!

Edit:I don't know if anyone else is still reading this thread but can you guys see videos?
sorry and i do not mean to offend you i can see the videos from my phone or any place with internet
then maybe you live in place and someone disable the links of the videos coz the weed