Day 14~ 12/12

Iv really been digging this album for the past week or so. Got to love creative music. <<<< key word MUSIC, the crap these days is laxative for your eardrums.
get it, day 14
Left cab is looking pretty scrubbish... For one, I got the plant in there I fuked up in veg (supercropping gone wrong) then the empty space from the hermed plant I removed..... The right side cab on the other hand is blowing up big time, spot on

some of the colas from the BP on the bottom look to be about ten inches and still going, plants on the outside (for the most part) are at the top op the screen

Anyway... This is how you keep plants small lol keep them in small containers. The dogs are the only ones to get the X plant and they are easily surpassing their peers. Im going to transplants the others today. Will also make a trip out to the outdoor lady this evening when I spray again for PM. It went away for a week when I treated last but now its back a little and we got some rain recently so I figure its best to heed others advice and stay on top of this. Last I checked they are doing great and no signs of them flowering as feared from the transition.... Already know its going to need support at the end of the year! Sooo excited, my first outdoor lady

Oh and another nice thing is my compost seems to be holding it over just fine, makes me happy knowing the compost I put so much work into is keeping my plants in such good health, gratifying.
A well tuned medium is KEY! The soil these babies are in got little attention from me.... Not anymore, lesson learned.... Makes a big difference.
Left cab.

Space bubble I think.
Bull horn. Things look a bit scraggly after the rearranging to fill in empty space.
Second though I may have those two mixed up ^^^^^^ I should be able to tell from the pics... I think I got em switched.
MVK at the bottom. She is not making colas but rather branching like crazy.
Now THIS is what Im talking about

right cab filling up nicely!
Blue Pizzle on the bottom!
I fuking pray Im just paranoid from the recent trauma, but this BH in the right cab is looking suspect.... I fukin hope not.
That about covers it, hope you enjoyed. I got a gang of veggie pics yesterday too, I'll get those up today.