No, you don't get an MBA in Economics. I have a degree in Physics. I work as a Computer Scientist and am a Senior Manager at one of the Big Three. I have been schooled on the company dime, in Economics, in depth. I run a budget of slightly over $1M...used to be more. <sigh> An MBA is a masters in business admin. It is only case studies of the big guys. I did extensive research into ConAgra and price fixing, as a project.
And I'm a very nice guy. Maybe check your reading filters.
I'm trying explain some things is all. My friend, just because you are weak on a subject, I am strong in, doesn't matter. It is not an ego thing. I really don't care. It is dark mind influence. If you read it and you did, that's all.
Not that I even care if you read it or not.

So, educate me on something you are strong in. I have very wide interests.
I come here seeking knowledge, not opinions. I have plenty of those.
No dick wagging, just the beef.