Do they have a party cup contest for auto's ?


howdy guys hope all are well, if people want to start entering the contest now that would be fine, just add your name to this thread and say you want to be in and i will put it down somewhere, im going to post it in a few other sections of the forum as well, i know we have probably about 5 or 10 people who i know want to do this but i would like to get as many people as possible to participate i mean cmon guys its only a cup it dont take up no room so enter! i would like to have 35 entries. ready set go\

ps. i will be coming out with some updates very soon with rules and guidelines and shit like that, im still in process of making it all happen, peace

technical dan

Active Member
they are pretty much the same height but the pot will hold more substrate than the cup. Just looking at a cup in a pot the pot looks like it would hold at least 30% more - for a four inch square pot anyway

technical dan

Active Member
I have one thats been going a few weeks. I can also start another once the contest is actually happening.
Mig-29 from auto seeds IMAG0392.jpgIMAG0393.jpg


Well-Known Member
the bottom cup like a little root catcher? Kinda like a "hempi cup"?? :-P

If so thats pretty cool, not a bad idea either.let the roots fall into the bottom cup they can keep growing :blsmoke:


hey guys, i apologize for the long hold up time getting this all running, i had some issues come up IRL that i have to take care of, not only is it going to be really expensive but it will be very time consuming as well, leaving me not as much time for moderating here at the forum, BUT, rest assured...this contest IS taking place, I have most of the rules in place, i have most of the prizes picked out, im going to start advertising in other forums about the contest and hopefully we can get 20 or so contestants, that would be awesome, but anyways guys, like i said, it may not seem like much is happening, but i promise that things ARE in motion and when it is finally time to start there will be no waiting and no hold up, honeslty i simply need a little time to make sure everything is in place to avoid confusion and make sure the contest runs well, sorry everyone again for the hold up, i dont want to give a time frame because im unsure myself but i can promise you this, the contest WILL start in less than 30 days im hoping more like 14 but im not sure if that will be able to happen, sorry again everyone, i wanted to have this running by july but we will just have to see at this point, again i dont like giving time frames but i have done by absolute best on trying to get this all set up, i promise. i will update as soon as im able.