Is this weed ok


Well-Known Member
Nowt wrong with that chap!

Send it to me if you don't want it :lol:

p.s The stem is because your dealer is a selfish bastard ;)


Well-Known Member
Does that stuff smell the dogs nads or not much of owt? Looks like cheap shitty uk gear that I wouldn't use for hash because the potency is ultra low. Is some buds hard and when you grind u get loadsa dust? That looks exactly like the shit my dealer got. p3@cE


Well-Known Member
I've seen enough orange bud to last me a lifetime.
it's all there is where i live.
standard commercial orange bud.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I live in the uk too! But you must know like most uk smokers that uk dealers are always trying to make quick easy money, i.e Soapbar,glass beads, Low potency weed, stems stems and more fucking stems! Lol. Most uk gear is good as long as you are cautious buyer! If you get shit weed COMPLAIN, but thats the prob with us brits we don't complain when it matters! p3@cE


Well-Known Member
Yeah I live in the uk too! But you must know like most uk smokers that uk dealers are always trying to make quick easy money, i.e Soapbar,glass beads, Low potency weed, stems stems and more fucking stems! Lol. Most uk gear is good as long as you are cautious buyer! If you get shit weed COMPLAIN, but thats the prob with us brits we don't complain when it matters! p3@cE

I guess. I wouldn't complain to my dealers. I'd get knifed or something!

check this out.

FRANK - Cannabis

"Grass or weed (traditional herbal cannabis) is made from the dried leaves of the plant and looks like tightly packed dried herbs"

I'd be super pissed off if i smoked leaves...


Well-Known Member
who ever started this thread they must have smoked up that shit by now, it was just an 1/8th, so this thread should be done,
it might be shitty weed but thats a fuck of a lot better than no weed at all........... i right...........................tell me im not right.
anyway, its fuckall better than some brick weed like i grew up smoking in eastern washington.....and i wish i had that nug right now, im dry so id be thankful for some nugz, even if they were crispy...................and orange peel cures that shit right up.