The UK Growers Thread!

oi you welsh shit pumper I didn't say ther wer no withdrwls I said they are tolerable...had a bloke clear out the septic tank a while back and wat I don't no about waste recycling an shit cake...had to walk off as I was heaving...he called out to me ,,I can deal wirh this all day but my wife does care for the elderly ,, an that involve wiping....thanks man see you soon ..gag..

Sorry Indi , that wasn't a referral to any of you're comments m8 , u been tying to add up again ain't ya ! Lol , I fucking hate geting my hands dirty , not a job 4 that !
Ps, il be fucked if I can tolerate the symptoms , I'm too weak an individual !
Sorry Indi , that wasn't a referral to any of you're comments m8 , u been tying to add up again ain't ya ! Lol , I fucking hate geting my hands dirty , not a job 4 that !
Ps, il be fucked if I can tolerate the symptoms , I'm too weak an individual !
no offense m8 only havin a laff, u r rite as the symptoms can b bad for a few days nothing to do wiv weakness didn't mean to imply that .. but it is over in days not months...btw thought u was a BEAR
yer but cmon.........was a joke ha ha ha.....was taking the piss.....

mush lets get this straight right now!
u havent seen my room, its like the updated version of yours, what u done ther lol it aint tidy and u shoulda used diffrent paper ALSO, u have left the handle on,ALSO, the doors too big u need to conceal it BUT NOT with a big effing wardrobe, coz they could think wats behind here and your fucked, u need a half size door, with a small chest of drawrs with sum pics or a smal lcd tv on

if u want advice i can help u out, the lads have seen the vid of my room, and no im not showing u it,

but the point remains yours is a good start but needs sum serious fine tuning.

ps that paper is fucking horrible lmao
Some shit yorkies using on his plants, IMO a dinosaur would be more useful

now now its not the tricantanols fault,, its the strain hes used it on,, obviously coz as we all fucking know, no cunt knows anything better than yorkie, even tho hes neever put the thory into practice and just red a few gay websites

so ofc its the plant man! the shit works,, i think!! haha


and not to mention the first time he planted a gkx he got a pheno :P


AND DON, your lover started this round! but its gravy we are all fully aware that in yours and his relationship hes the bitch and your the man MAN!
mush?.....lmao u from Dudley or tipton?...and theres fbuk all wrong with my room doors big enuff for me to walk thru rooms big enuff for me to stand in and who is gonna think hmmm whats behind that door when no fbuker knows I grow?.....only time u get caught is if u start opening your trap.......well blame the missis for paper and lmao......lets see your betta version room? hmmmmm
lol see what I mean about respect between the uk growers.......there aint non
HO HO u havnr seen it, I am a grower an I no he was showin his grow but I coulnt see it ffs staring rite at it, ....urs looks more ummm wats in here then...stealth to the inlaws but not the po po
we have total respect for each other, just in a weird kinda way..... I think.... I know I respect everyone that has the balls to stick 2 fingers up, put a little effort, time n cash in and grow their own!!! PEACE UK MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!
just flip em man, if your going on holiday, fuk the screen of and just do normal and make sure next run u got enough time for scrog!

Just do the do pal, its wats best for your situation

don and yorkie sitting in a tree...k.i.s.s.i.n.g
k.i.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.i.n.g* cuz it was a long smootch
Tbh ic3 old grow was fuckin beast, you never knew anything was there, and if everything was silent the bizzie would never notice unless they brought in the dugs.

ask ic3 for that advice, i know i am whe im gettin that kinda space.
by me its £180 oz for shit weed and £220 for pukka pukka bone dry chedz/chedder/kush

£10 a gram lucky to get a q for £55

Always pukka weeds though
right, so lets talk growing for a minute.... I think i'm settled on flipping me bitches to 12/12, seeing how much of the screen I can fill in the first week/10 days and then deciding whether to remove the net altogether, leave it there for support or if it is actually gonna resemble a scrog....
by me its £180 oz for shit weed and £220 for pukka pukka bone dry chedz/chedder/kush

£10 a gram lucky to get a q for £55

Always pukka weeds though
try 350 an o of anything even powerplant is goin out at that, 1.5's minus -.2 because the bag weighs 0.2 YES THEY INCLUDE THE BAG ROUND HERE, so basically u are paying 25 quid for 1.3, and sometimes cunts are pushin 1.2's out which means ur gettin 1.0 for 25 smackers, if some cunt handed me that id sticck the heed in him and i wouldna pay forit either fs.

an all that chinky weed thats wet an shyte goes at a tenner a g, and all those cunts never heard of bulk discount so an o costs 280, even though it wet and ur basically gettin 15g dry, so average chinky wet shyte is more expensive than proper dry cheese, i only smoke soapbar or decent weed like da mess with the chinks robbin bastards. is its dry it goes 1.5 for 25 if its wet a tenner a g, an never hear of anythin else like the rare hash's or annythin, but for the squidgy black i flogged the cunts were expectin soap prices cuz i called it hash LOL fuckin cunts nowadays, had to explain to him that our corner of the world i completley blocked off from everything the internet i the only way ud get a sniff of anything but cchink an budded weed, (budded = the guy who is sellin it takes a bud for himself because sittin around sellin is so hard he deserves it.) rare to find somone who wot bud ur sack round here unless u display ur dominance upon the silly fuckers

jesus i coud write the next harry potter end up typin fuckin books on this thread.