Do you tell her... everything?


Well-Known Member
This is a thread for couples.

I was wondering, do you tell your significant other everything?

Is there a line? Something you should tell her, but don't, to save face or avoid an argument? Be honest..

From my experience, which isn't much, the idea of "always tell the truth" can be very detrimental to the relationship.

Imo, if it's something that might be wrong, but she will likely never find out, it's relatively insignificant, and it doesn't hurt anybody, the probability I would tell her is very low.

Also, if I were looking at the situation from the other person's perspective, as in, she would be lying to me but I would likely never find out, it's relatively insignificant and it doesn't hurt anybody, I probably wouldn't care.

I think the problem arises when the subjectiveness of "it's relatively insignificant" comes into play, because to a lot of women, that could actually be a lot of different things..

So what are the rules, if any, you apply toward your significant other? Does he have to show you his cell phone when he gets home everyday? Do you feel his balls, like Mike Epps' women do to make sure they're not empty? Do you simply believe what he says is the truth?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
dont tell her anything unless u have to then tell her everything..but not all at the same time....and at the same time not all at different times.and if she asks tell her the truth about diffrent. questions. ....


New Member
dont tell her anything unless u have to then tell her everything..but not all at the same time....and at the same time not all at different times.and if she asks tell her the truth about diffrent. questions. ....
and if that doesn't work,kill yourself


New Member
This is a thread for couples.

I was wondering, do you tell your significant other everything?

Is there a line? Something you should tell her, but don't, to save face or avoid an argument? Be honest..

From my experience, which isn't much, the idea of "always tell the truth" can be very detrimental to the relationship.

Imo, if it's something that might be wrong, but she will likely never find out, it's relatively insignificant, and it doesn't hurt anybody, the probability I would tell her is very low.

Also, if I were looking at the situation from the other person's perspective, as in, she would be lying to me but I would likely never find out, it's relatively insignificant and it doesn't hurt anybody, I probably wouldn't care.

I think the problem arises when the subjectiveness of "it's relatively insignificant" comes into play, because to a lot of women, that could actually be a lot of different things..

So what are the rules, if any, you apply toward your significant other? Does he have to show you his cell phone when he gets home everyday? Do you feel his balls, like Mike Epps' women do to make sure they're not empty? Do you simply believe what he says is the truth?
dont tell her shit she will be nosey enough snoop and find out anyway


Active Member
Telling your significant other, even the tiny things you might be emberassed off, without repraisal or shame ..... gives trust, both ways.

I'd prefer to tell my partner everything, instead of having to remember little lies whixh got exchanged with the truth along the way.
If you find yourself lying frequently and twisting facts in your favor, then you might want to reconsider the choice you made for your life's partner.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
dont put her into positions that could put you in just keep your mouth shut no light leeks...o and when the cops show up at your door blame her for a man about tho dont forget to put money on her

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Let me let you into a little secret you men can lie and cheat as much as you like and you can smile to yourselves and think you have got a way with it. BUT YOU HAVEN'T! us women will always find out, why you ask because your not clever enough! we can read you like a book the little things you do and don't realise it, changes in the way you behave and don't realise it, the way you look or don't look when you lie its a joke. You might as well tell the truth guys because it will bite you in the ass later on guaranteed.:grin:


New Member
Let me let you into a little secret you men can lie and cheat as much as you like and you can smile to yourselves and think you have got a way with it. BUT YOU HAVEN'T! us women will always find out, why you ask because your not clever enough! we can read you like a book the little things you do and don't realise it, changes in the way you behave and don't realise it, the way you look or don't look when you lie its a joke. You might as well tell the truth guys because it will bite you in the ass later on guaranteed.:grin:
busted pand


Well-Known Member
I always tell my wife everything, because as Granny weed say's they can see right through you into your darkest recesses. My indiscretions usually have to do with buying things she deems wasteful, like the time I spent over a grand on a 740w LED. I have found that backrubs, foot massages, tears, and saying that you will never do it again usually works rather well. You see, you just have to know their weaknesses, and attack. Then they are like putty in your hands.


New Member
I always tell my wife everything, because as Granny weed say's they can see right through you into your darkest recesses. My discretions usually have to with buying things she deems wasteful, like the time I spent over a grand on a 740w LED. I have found that backrubs, foot massages, tears, and saying that you will never do it again usually works rather well. You see, you just have to know their weaknesses, and attack. Then they are like putty in your hands.
P WHIPPED but better have a good woman then a slut u doing it right bro


Well-Known Member
I tell my wife everything, usually right away. She's my way of being able to remember stuff. Without her I'd be lost.


Well-Known Member
I have a great relationship with my woman...If you have something to hide, then you have a problem....Never ask her "How many men....?" why do you care, she's with you now, so either be with her, and honest, or be by yourself and lie to everyone...Don't tell her anything about your grow, ever... unless she wants to move in....I don't remember details [haha] of my past... My woman doesn't care about my X's and I do not give a fukk, who she has F'ed...We all have a past, deal with it, and forget the past. Bury it... Live for today, don't lie, and don't give your woman any reason to doubt you...If one of your old slutty skanky friends wants to grind with you, and calls you out of the blue.... Don't lie about it, let your woman hear the mesage, and say:"What should I do now babe, that I have you? I am not interested in anyone but you..."You'll probably be asked to change your phone number... That's a control thing, do not do it... Never lie.... Just do not go into detail about your past... even if she asks...


New Member
I tell my wife everything, usually right away. She's my way of being able to remember stuff. Without her I'd be lost.
ok lets dry it up and focus man up 420 fab said so lol no it cool glad u have good relationship that priceless


Well-Known Member
Yea I tell my girl everything, er well sometimes I don't tell her where I hide the cookies but damn it there mine! hahah


Well-Known Member
yes i do tell her everything. there's nothing i do that needs to be kept from her. when you meet the right person you won't want to hide anything from them. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Let me let you into a little secret you men can lie and cheat as much as you like and you can smile to yourselves and think you have got a way with it. BUT YOU HAVEN'T! us women will always find out, why you ask because your not clever enough! we can read you like a book the little things you do and don't realise it, changes in the way you behave and don't realise it, the way you look or don't look when you lie its a joke. You might as well tell the truth guys because it will bite you in the ass later on guaranteed.:grin:

You might as well went on trying to convince us the easter bunny is real with that load of crap. Whether you have a vag or a dick between your legs makes no difference in a persons ability to tell between truth and lie.

I don't hide anything from my wife, but I certainly don't tell her "everything."

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
You might as well went on trying to convince us the easter bunny is real with that load of crap. Whether you have a vag or a dick between your legs makes no difference in a persons ability to tell between truth and lie.

I don't hide anything from my wife, but I certainly don't tell her "everything."
REALLY! I can tell rather a lot actually, like I can tell you are one of these people that don't like being told someone might know what you get up to. And correct me if I'm wrong but isn't not telling your wife everything the same as hiding things from her! Oh and one more thing Easter bunny does most certainly exist and I won't be persuaded otherwise he brings me chocolate every Easter.:finger: