All this "Hermie" talk?


Well-Known Member
I've seen the term "hermy" being thrown around as a blanket term for their revegging plants when a timer was bumped by a few hours.

Usually in the form of "all my plants went hermy at the same time".

Hmm.... All at the same time? No way! I think they hear that "light leaks and timer failures may cause hermies", when the real problem is that it might cause reveg. At that point, who cares if they're hermies or not. They're failure crops regardless and should be replaced with fresh clones.

riak hommi

New Member
Cool if I have to cut her down I'm cloning the shit out of it before hand. Og ghost train haze is way to hard to let you of lmao. Thanks bro!


Well-Known Member
I top plants and that has never caused them enough stress to produce male flowers.
From what I have read here the most common stress is over feeding/bad nute ratios and/or heat.

Some varieties are more easily stressed.

I have heard a bunch of times that Blueberry "herms."
That is bullshit. Blueberry is really stable. I have stressed the fuck out of blueberry with no problems.