All this talk about math has given me an intellectual boner.

Off to the airport to drop off mom #2.
Oh... and who you said about higher math being unnecessary for 90% of us. I think that would apply to the stuff you learn to get a bachelors in math. The stuff I was studying was useless to 99.999999999999999999999% of people. Not even nasa engineers need to know the shit I was learning, or at least preparing to learn. Basically numerical masturbation that very well could lead to miraculous findings.
You guys get your mind blown now... imagine going real deep down that rabbit hole. You got absolutely NO IDEA how deep numbers get. There are some wild relationships. I feel that if you know science well enough, deep enough, there are 'coincidences' or patterns that make belief in a higher power undeniable.
And LOL... Obsessive artistry FTW. Moms collecting birds nests again!