Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


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I was the only guy. Wasn't too bad though. Couple of pretty gals there and one of them had quite the low cut dress. It was pretty cool... I enjoy the ladies' company. Pretty blown away with how much stuff we got. I mean, it wasn't boat loads or anything, but for people I had never met before it was awesome. These were the gals from my wife's choir. The house we had it at was lush. Pretty amazing place.

Mom in law is starting to drive me nuts now. Haha... it's about time to go home. :) Love you though. :) :) Me and my wife are starting to get snippy with each other, and it's not cuz us. lol. All good though. I miss her when she's gone.

The plants are doing alright. Haven't killed any more of them and they are actually looking quite happy. They have super shiny leaves.. reminds me of Dst's plants. Just the shiny leaves... beyond that he don't grow such sad looking things.

Oh... another great thing. My good friend in London... the one I stay with when I travel there. He's pregnant with his first too. Turning 40 in Dec. Well it's his lady that's pregnant but you know what I mean. He actually picked up an engagement ring in the morning and found out lady was preggo that afternoon. :)


Well-Known Member
Pretty cool jig, i like bein around the ladies too. sometimes i get too involved in the conversations. As far as In-Laws, mine have yours beat, by a Loooooonnnnngggggg shot, hell if my girl wasnt so great i'd leave because of her fam. Her mom and i are not getting along, well really just her mom doesn't like me at the moment. But as i mentioned before her mom is bipolar/schizo, so i understand why she can change but damn sometimes she can be hurtful to mea and her own kids and family. But the last time we went over ther she was telling my lady she needs a real man, and then she looked at me and said with this crazy ass look "WTF YOU LOOKIN AT", " thats right she needs a real real man" and then asked my lady if i beat on her and told her to stab me in my sleep, and then i got in the car told my lady lets go, her mom is chasig the car, (only 5mph in reverse) talking about " You aint shit but a faggot like your brother" my bro is gay but she has never met him. she said im a male prostitute, lol. And that i watch gay porno all day. It was funny but at the same time i hate being hated for no reason, and i hate the position it puts my girl in, because the rest of her fam is cool with me but now i refuse to go to family functions ever since her mom got back out of mental health. My girl wants her to apologize and she wont i want us to get along for my girls sake. I have done too mcuh for them even as much as paying their bills for her to treat me like that. OH Well, i always thought the in-laws thing was a joke, not true.
On the opposite side of things, my great grandmother and my grandmother came down from jersey to visit, they love my girl its so opposite, but so are our families. And the sad thing is, i would never want her mom to meet my fam, not that my family is judgmental but her mom has no manners or filter. So if there is a wedding i would rather have no ppl than her mom be there. And as far as kids we agreed her mom will never watch our children sorry for the essay, this must really bother me huh?


Well-Known Member
No worries Try.

My Monster-in-Law is out of her mind too.

She met my parents when my wife and I were graduating from
college many years ago now. She snapped my Pop about something.
He is very cool. He just made a mental note and that was that.



Well-Known Member
I must be lucky, my in(out)laws are cool, I even get included in "the children email updates" now....

Wee update from the scan, yup, my son likes to grab his penis!!! It's official, my wife has a permanent cock in her, lmfao....


Well-Known Member
Hehehe.... read that over there. Makes uncle jig real proud. :) When I was 5 my dad told me if I didn't quit playing with it, it was gonna fall off. I didn't believe him and kept at it. Lol. You're little boy is showing signs of greatness already!!!


Well-Known Member
I must be lucky, my in(out)laws are cool, I even get included in "the children email updates" now....

Wee update from the scan, yup, my son likes to grab his penis!!! It's official, my wife has a permanent cock in her, lmfao....
Lol, my fam include my girl in those emails and FB updates. And grabbing of the cock is a sign of greatness like jig said, well all the greats do it.
Hehehe.... read that over there. Makes uncle jig real proud. :) When I was 5 my dad told me if I didn't quit playing with it, it was gonna fall off. I didn't believe him and kept at it. Lol. You're little boy is showing signs of greatness already!!!
Wow, glad thats not true i'm sure it'd affect the population something serious.

are you guys getting 3d and 4d ultrasounds? i had a 4d when my "son" was trapped in that bitch for 9 months.


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Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude you have no idea i work for a maths software company hahahaha. functional maths yeah great. high end is pointless unless your off to nasa or an engineering job designing skyscrapers for earthquake zones n shit.


Well-Known Member
dude you have no idea i work for a maths software company hahahaha. functional maths yeah great. high end is pointless unless your off to nasa or an engineering job designing skyscrapers for earthquake zones n shit.
i knew i was right in highschool, i made a 13 out of 100 in math. I was asked why i didnt apply myself, isaid " i won't need it in my profession, hell you dont use it in yours" to my teacher.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lot of folks say that stuff T but you use a lot of stuff you just don't realise it. algebra for example. when your weighing up those 2 for 3 deals in the market buying brews n shit. my favourite bit is fibonacci's golden rule. that shit is everywhere, especially weed. every blade, node and seed check it. i look at all sorts of trees structure with new eyes lol. sad i know hahah


Well-Known Member
Lol, Ok well i assume i will be getting into math very soon for school again. I wasnt bad at it, just "never applied" . My nickname throughout HS was narcolepsy. But i am smart just school was boring, luckily for better or worse i finished two years early. but math as a major or a job im not sure i could do.


Well-Known Member
lot of folks say that stuff T but you use a lot of stuff you just don't realise it. algebra for example. when your weighing up those 2 for 3 deals in the market buying brews n shit. my favourite bit is fibonacci's golden rule. that shit is everywhere, especially weed. every blade, node and seed check it. i look at all sorts of trees structure with new eyes lol. sad i know hahah

The power of limits.... Sooo awesome.


Well-Known Member

The power of limits.... Sooo awesome.
My mom's an artist, a few years ago she got obsessed with this for a while, collected a huge amount of natural things as kindof installation pieces and drew and observed the patterns, hundreds of bird's nests and sticks and such around the house, it was crazy.