Test Grow - Pink Diesel by East Coast Farmers


Well-Known Member
hows everything bad karma, did u harvest yet?? i know it has to be close it should be around 80 + days now, hope all is well homie

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
hows everything bad karma, did u harvest yet?? i know it has to be close it should be around 80 + days now, hope all is well homie
All is well Joe, except for one thing, I broke my camera.
Well, technically, I didn't break it, it kinda decided to commit suicide.
I was getting ready to go outside and grab the last shots of the girls before harvest, and as always, I put the camera strap around my wrist.
As soon as I walked outside, the strap snapped, and sent the camera crashing down onto the porch.
What was left of the camera wasn't a pretty picture.

As for the girls, they're harvested, and drying out right now.
They all share a very similar "sweet" scent, it's strong, yet inviting.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
that sucks man, oh well i hope you like the smoke BK and thank you for doing a journal bro
You're welcome Joe, no problem at all.
Sorry I couldn't grab one last pic before harvest, hopefully I can afford a new camera sometime soon.
I'm looking forward to trying out #9, she was the shortest, and most colorful of the bunch.
She was also the most pungent with her aroma, so that helped her to catch my eye...er, nose.
I have a thing for how my girls smell, it has to be just right, or I'm not that interested.
Wait, I'm still talking about plants, right? ;)


Well-Known Member
I have 4 of East coast farmers pink diesel S1 going now.

I'll get a journal up for ya.
I Usually grow great autos...