The UK Growers Thread!

it was a real bade pic, u shudda seen the others! lol,, i fully understand, its one of thos u have to be ther to see its sweet as fek, i mean 5 grows and all good?? cant be that bad,

ima get summore panels hung to bring the room in a bit, its a sealed basement no windows no fek all,, we will see how it goes, at end of day,, not my house! lol

hows ur grow goin anwyays rimmer?

I havent had a grow on in nearly 2 years now mate coz of all the shit going on with the house n stuff, should be out of here n in a council place soon so as soon as ive moved shld hopefully be able to get a grow on the go ( i really fucking hope)

What dont help tho is me n the missus have split up but have gotta stay living together til were in the new place so she can then get her own place as well so a lot of it will depend on if i think she can be trusted to keep it secret, she should tho as she enjoys a smoke as much as me n ive told her ill chuck her a bit of money ffrom the grow every now an again to help with general living expenses and furnishing her new place when she eventually gets it
i know the rooms a tip, but i need to get summet on the go,, its been clinically sealed, ima just open up 1 airstone and have a extractor suking fresh air in, but its a sweet room, the pal whos yard is is he's a its a weed it will grow kinda guy! u know pulls early and shit yet never yeilds over 1 oz a pop! uses same bulbs till they burst, so ive gone in with fresh bulbs, decent equipment and best of all,, NO FUCKING ROCKWOOL!

il see how it goes, thers not much more i can do, but after this il have a choice of 2x tents for 20 in each or board the wallas and split the room into 2 rather than 2 tents, behind wer i was stood is another room in ther, perfect for drying, but dunno,

its w rok in progress, ive got a few digi ballasts running and my usual one, plus hes got a old one, fucked if im touching it while its plugged in again, fucking shocking! even of my hood! fuk that, new ballast is in order, got full line up of nutes, bud candy n shit, but ima just stick to how i roll, yeilded best part of 4 a pop last run,

think how bad it wouldhave looked without the panels hanging, hell he used to have his hood bolted to the celing and that was that. lol stretch wertn the word!

rimmer, sorry to hear that man! hope u can live togther amicabbly, ther must be a atmosphere, i thought u started sumet? fuk knows.
just dont start bringing chicks home coz even tho ur split it wont go down well.

and id get your own place dont trus the ex, if thers na kids then just make a cleanbreak and do ur won thing, women have big gobs,

and yorkie, if ur gunna post pics at least show em looking green n mean! u know like my entire last grow, oh and clip on fans ::?? REALLY? fort u was sum sort of ace grower, if so u should know ther shite!

and same balalsts as me?? hmm seems i may know a thing or 2 eh..
i know the rooms a tip, but i need to get summet on the go,, its been clinically sealed, ima just open up 1 airstone and have a extractor suking fresh air in, but its a sweet room, the pal whos yard is is he's a its a weed it will grow kinda guy! u know pulls early and shit yet never yeilds over 1 oz a pop! uses same bulbs till they burst, so ive gone in with fresh bulbs, decent equipment and best of all,, NO FUCKING ROCKWOOL!

il see how it goes, thers not much more i can do, but after this il have a choice of 2x tents for 20 in each or board the wallas and split the room into 2 rather than 2 tents, behind wer i was stood is another room in ther, perfect for drying, but dunno,

its w rok in progress, ive got a few digi ballasts running and my usual one, plus hes got a old one, fucked if im touching it while its plugged in again, fucking shocking! even of my hood! fuk that, new ballast is in order, got full line up of nutes, bud candy n shit, but ima just stick to how i roll, yeilded best part of 4 a pop last run,

think how bad it wouldhave looked without the panels hanging, hell he used to have his hood bolted to the celing and that was that. lol stretch wertn the word!

rimmer, sorry to hear that man! hope u can live togther amicabbly, ther must be a atmosphere, i thought u started sumet? fuk knows.
just dont start bringing chicks home coz even tho ur split it wont go down well.

and id get your own place dont trus the ex, if thers na kids then just make a cleanbreak and do ur won thing, women have big gobs,

and yorkie, if ur gunna post pics at least show em looking green n mean! u know like my entire last grow, oh and clip on fans ::?? REALLY? fort u was sum sort of ace grower, if so u should know ther shite!

and same balalsts as me?? hmm seems i may know a thing or 2 eh..

We have got a 3 year old together so gonna keep it amicable an stay friends for lil uns sake n shit y'know
We have got a 3 year old together so gonna keep it amicable an stay friends for lil uns sake n shit y'know

its worth a go m8, the hard parts gunna be wen one of you 2 move on,, i feel sik at the thought if i was in your shoes, but uve had a shite yr so far mate i REALLY hpe it works out,,, il let u know wen harvests in, and no il have scales this time! hahaha
its worth a go m8, the hard parts gunna be wen one of you 2 move on,, i feel sik at the thought if i was in your shoes, but uve had a shite yr so far mate i REALLY hpe it works out,,, il let u know wen harvests in, and no il have scales this time! hahaha

Lol it aint just a year mate........been going thru this shit for nearly 10yrs now, dad got cancer, then mum, then nan, then my mums brother, then mum died from her 2nd round of it,then nan died ,then mums brother, mates dying/getting killed in Iraq n Afghan left right n centre, best mates dying on motorbikes, losing the rest of my family( dad n sister,told em to go fuck they aint dead) coz they are evil manipulative cunts an all the time working the doors n managing pubs (gave it up a year ago after nearly 14years) getting stabbed, shot at,smashed 50yards down the road n 40ft in the air by a car etc etc, unfortunately this is my life and I resigned myself to that fact many years ago
Lol it aint just a year mate........been going thru this shit for nearly 10yrs now, dad got cancer, then mum, then nan, then my mums brother, then mum died from her 2nd round of it,then nan died ,then mums brother, mates dying/getting killed in Iraq n Afghan left right n centre, best mates dying on motorbikes, losing the rest of my family( dad n sister,told em to go fuck they aint dead) coz they are evil manipulative cunts an all the time working the doors n managing pubs (gave it up a year ago after nearly 14years) getting stabbed, shot at,smashed 50yards down the road n 40ft in the air by a car etc etc, unfortunately this is my life and I resigned myself to that fact many years ago

moove fucking house! move city,, just get out mate, new life new pals, fuk em all,, u cant carry on,
moove fucking house! move city,, just get out mate, new life new pals, fuk em all,, u cant carry on,

lol most of me mates are dead mate from one thing or another, and like fuck am I gona run out on my daughter, id take another 200years of that shit providing shes alright

An what with all of this its very rare you will ever see me without a smile on my face
lol most of me mates are dead mate from one thing or another, and like fuck am I gona run out on my daughter, id take another 200years of that shit providing shes alright
mush u can move a city away and still be a good parent, only a car drive innit, u gotta look at it like this, while your stressed eric ad got shit going on, u cant giev your littlun the best of what u can give.,

thats a reason ive jumped into this grow thing, once it starts rolling and wen shits done and running fo real il be happier coz i can provide more for me family, holidays ect ect..
Been watching the Eagles Doc on the box, fucking good watch, suppose most of u youngsters arnt fussed on em .
I love the way they swoop down and attack their unsuspecting prey... just like the fucking feds...Ah, just fuckin wichta Baz.. one of these nights you can take it to the limit in the hotel California with your lying eyes you new kid in town while your living life in the fast lane.... those eagles???? fk, just gave my age bracket away.... OLD!!!
you a Liverpool fan??? Brendan rogers favourite saying

No mate dont support any nancies running round on a field kicking bits of dead pig about lol

Its just something that always seems to crop up in my life and always seems very apt to me considering my life, as well its the R.A.F. motto, fitting really as my grandad (who im named after and a dead spitting image of and apparently I have the same habits as him even though no-one else in the family does an he died before i was born) was Royal Flying Corps then Royal Air Force and he survived being mustard gassed in the trenches at 15yrs old, being machine gunned at 16 , being shot down twice in his aircraft (rear gunner/navigator), getting covered in petrol after the fuel tanks burst when his plane crash landed in no-mans land which then ignited burning him over 60% of his body, then working with the french resistance for 9months before contracting malaria n walking back thru the gates of his base in England like nothing had happened lmao
Oh an just to top it off I used to work for the RAF as a civilian contractor fixing harrier engines on an RAF base and guess what was painted above the door to the room i was randomly assigned.....yup you guessed it, also when i got stabbed the paramedic that sorted me out was wearing a badge with it on etc etc

No matter where i go in life or what i do thos 4 words follow me everywhere
your grandad is a legend mate, mine worked as a sparky wiring all the aircraft hangers. we owe them everything, every last one of us.... on a lighter note, I have four new words for ya... you may have to learn these fkrs tho...... chwyn mwg yn hapus - smoke weed be happy (for the non welsh out there)
I love the way they swoop down and attack their unsuspecting prey... just like the fucking feds...Ah, just fuckin wichta Baz.. one of these nights you can take it to the limit in the hotel California with your lying eyes you new kid in town while your living life in the fast lane.... those eagles???? fk, just gave my age bracket away.... OLD!!!
fuck knows about eagles, but i killed a crow ast year, now theres a crow that swoops my dog everytime i walk past the tree it sits in, makin it my mission to kill the cunt, throwing chain dog leads at it, am gonna get the fucker, had my pup lying down under a tree, the fuckin cunt i will get the fucker, and ima post a pic of it headless on here when i do, last year when it swooped my dog the first time it cut and scratched him ffs, this year im ready with a 4ft chain lead and the fuckers goin down, yeah its been doin this for a year, never seen it over winter, but its back now and it wont leave, it never left the whole of last summer, times like these i wish i had an air rifle
fuck knows about eagles, but i killed a crow ast year, now theres a crow that swoops my dog everytime i walk past the tree it sits in, makin it my mission to kill the cunt, throwing chain dog leads at it, am gonna get the fucker, had my pup lying down under a tree, the fuckin cunt i will get the fucker, and ima post a pic of it headless on here when i do, last year when it swooped my dog the first time it cut and scratched him ffs, this year im ready with a 4ft chain lead and the fuckers goin down, yeah its been doin this for a year, never seen it over winter, but its back now and it wont leave, it never left the whole of last summer, times like these i wish i had an air rifle

Or a Larson trap lol