The UK Growers Thread!

from seed arriving in the post to smokable fridge cured bubble is about 7 months giv or take, the missus spotted my bad mood..... handed me the ice bong as she was cookin roast beef ffs am I dreaming,... u needz zis ..oh am I bein a cunt again remembered the jar in the fridge with the finest selection of kief an scissor which has hardened into a charas type hash but much stronger then a trip to Mars enjoy
how about a few days in the dam during the summer, cant beat being sat outside greenhouse seeds coffee shop on the patio chairs puffin on a fat one. I f you're there between 14th and 16th july, I may come join you for a volcano or summin..... im off again, booked last night, I cant help myself, 2 days in the hague and 2 in liedsplein district of the dam. lets have it.... again!!!! baz, get your ass out there dude, there's loadsa slags out there for ya, all sorts n sizes too..... hee hee

id'e love too m8, mrs not overly pleased though , she knows i'l turn into a man whore over there !
from seed arriving in the post to smokable fridge cured bubble is about 7 months giv or take, the missus spotted my bad mood..... handed me the ice bong as she was cookin roast beef ffs am I dreaming,... u needz zis ..oh am I bein a cunt again remembered the jar in the fridge with the finest selection of kief an scissor which has hardened into a charas type hash but much stronger then a trip to Mars enjoy

ide fuck off there tomorrow !, just load me up with a filthy tart & a few kg of of some indica & im off, 7 months is fuck all !, ive been sat at home for 14 fuckers !
I ll b ther later in july, is the Gray area a good place fer a smoke, never managed to find it last time.jus barneys dampkring etc
I ll b ther later in july, is the Gray area a good place fer a smoke, never managed to find it last time.jus barneys dampkring etc
dunno mate, I couldn't find it either, it was supposed to be just around the corner from the melkweg arena where they had last years high times cup.... yeah rite... although, one of the lads did find it and wasn't impressed, took him a while to find it too lol. its him im going there with this time so if I did wanna try it, id find it lol. of this trip, the one im looking forward to the most is the dizzy duck in the hague, he heard its really good there, from some of the locals. incidentally, I met him thru this site and we had a good old RIU smoke off in easy times coffee shop in the dam and were supposed to meet a few others from here in, yes, you guessed it, the fucking gray area.... down the pan, no fucker could find it!!!
They dont really seem to have a clue though, apparently 600W is the absolute maximum you CAN use in a 1.2x1.2 tent lmao........amount of people i know running 1000W+ in there with no problems lol
dunno mate, I couldn't find it either, it was supposed to be just around the corner from the melkweg arena where they had last years high times cup.... yeah rite... although, one of the lads did find it and wasn't impressed, took him a while to find it too lol. its him im going there with this time so if I did wanna try it, id find it lol. of this trip, the one im looking forward to the most is the dizzy duck in the hague, he heard its really good there, from some of the locals. incidentally, I met him thru this site and we had a good old RIU smoke off in easy times coffee shop in the dam and were supposed to meet a few others from here in, yes, you guessed it, the fucking gray area.... down the pan, no fucker could find it!!!
dr g you gotta recce the place an let me no a good place fer a smoke, I will be there with my adult daughter on a little bonding sesh.
They dont really seem to have a clue though, apparently 600W is the absolute maximum you CAN use in a 1.2x1.2 tent lmao........amount of people i know running 1000W+ in there with no problems lol
I ran 1600w HPS an 2x 250 w vert cfls in a 1.2x 1.2 for one grow,leaves light burnt to fuk ha ha but big buds an yield but def too much light, the same in 2 x the space is workin well . 600w is not really enough for most mortals (there are stunning exceptions to this as some growers do well wiv 400) as a 1000w wiv a big air cooled hood wud be ideal ime
Lol, sure sambos got 1200 in his tent

Where is Sambo anyways? I havent depressed him with a life story in at least a week lol................thinking bout he may have got that depressed listening to it he went off n topped himself lol, i know i would listening to me at times lmao

omg ... there training people to be able to grass up people using scratch and sniff cards wtf ..

and this is just funny


they are posting letter's asking people to grass if they know anything fuck ... what cunts

"This week, 210,000 leaflets encouraging the dobbing in of drug farmers will be posted through the letterboxes of the English regions. Normally they might blend indistinguishably into the other metric tonne of bumf in our letterboxes, from takeaway menus, to two-for-one buffalo wing offers and appeals to call Susan the Mystic, who might just be able to help you with that terrible swelling. With the addition of scratch and sniff technology, however, everyone will pick the leaflet up, not just to see what blooming marijuana smells like , but also to gaze
like the ape from the film 2001, at the remarkable technology that is scratch and sniff."

damn i was just starting to think the uk was pretty lax about growers . at least they say they dont aim to go after small 4 plant grows etc ..