7x11 2000watts dank.

HaHa we need to get back to the point of this thread ! i here by vow to update one time a week !! be on the look out fuckers !!
Here is a small update guys. i took a shit ton of pics but only a few ended up showing up on my phone idk wtf is up with that expect more its time we get this thread back on track !

Lookin good guys, what do ya got runnin right now for ladies? :):):)
Ninja man you are the shit. your the one person that has been on this thread from the start. thanks bro, As far as ladies we have Green poison, red dragon,sweet tooth. "BAD ASS PHENO!!" hog, ripped bubba, pineapple train wreck, agent orange,strawberry cough, and many more to come soon!! be sure to stay tuned were gunna do a big run just to see what we can pull off 2k see if we can get some haters!! lol im thinking 24 under 2k taking bets on final harvest now !! stay tuned guys. ninja are you in MI by chance?
No man, across to the west lol man, i love sweet tooth. They look great growing and the smoke is soo tasty. I might try and get my hands on one of those in the future but for now im workin on getting some blue dream up and runnin ;) thats funny that you guys are trying to push the limit right now. So am i, im trying to hit 2g/watt myself, im pretty sure im going to pull it off too ;)
No man, across to the west lol man, i love sweet tooth. They look great growing and the smoke is soo tasty. I might try and get my hands on one of those in the future but for now im workin on getting some blue dream up and runnin ;) thats funny that you guys are trying to push the limit right now. So am i, im trying to hit 2g/watt myself, im pretty sure im going to pull it off too ;)

Hell ya bro good luck with your goal. That sweet tooth pheno i have is straight purple too!! and thats too bad i would totally give you a cut if you were local to us.
What's up guys I'm back to see ur new post and grow daily also I handsome problems I couldn't get on for a while I'll post picks tm just have my new 3k room wired up by my boy 18 plugs 60ams ... Just got the 3rd light in there but not on yet need a few more inline Fans I'll post pick tonite
Good job on that one guys, do you finger trim or use the snips? I was thinkin about givin you guys a bump soon. Lookin swell. :):):)