• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

deer repellant? suggestions

need something to keep the deer away. i dont think i could get any bear or mountain lion piss. dog hair, human piss, human hair, laundry detergent, gasoline, some kind of shit? i dont know about any of these things just thoughts.. help me out here.....

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
need something to keep the deer away. i dont think i could get any bear or mountain lion piss. dog hair, human piss, human hair, laundry detergent, gasoline, some kind of shit? i dont know about any of these things just thoughts.. help me out here.....
Do like a grower on here once told me. Get a gallon jug and pee in it till its a little above half (takes couple of days unless you got help) then put some garlic, pepper, raw eggs, and moth balls in it. Then burry it with only the top 2 inches of hole exposed about 5 feet from plot and I promise you will never have a deer problem again. I'm in a heavy populated deer area sometimes I would see deer prints right in my hole 3 inches from plant. Did this method About 3-4 weeks ago and have not seen any fresh deer prints any where near my plot.


New Member
Another option would be to plant other things that the deer dislike , this is a common practice amongst gardeners . I have many things in my yard to repel the deer from my prized plants .

The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Master Gardeners in Northern N.J.
Realizing that no plant is deer proof, plants in theRarely Damaged, and Seldom Severely Damagedcategories would be best for landscapes prone to deer damage. Plants Occasionally Severely Damaged andFrequently Severely Damaged are often preferred by deer and should only be planted with additional protection such as the use of fencing, repellents, etc. Success of any of these plants in the landscape will depend on local deer populations and weather conditions.

Search Common Name or Latin Name:​
Select Rating Category: All Ratings Rarely Damaged Seldom Severely Damaged Occasionally Severely Damaged Frequently Severely Damaged Select Plant Type: All Types Annuals Biennials Bulbs Ferns Groundcovers Ornamental Grasses Perennials Shrubs Trees Vines Sort By: Common Name Latin Name​

= Rarely Damaged
= Seldom Severely Damaged
= Occasionally Severely Damaged
= Frequently Severely Damaged

Common NameLatin NameTypeRating
African LilyAgapanthus sp.PerennialsB
Ageratum Ageratum houstonianumAnnualsA
Allegheny Serviceberry Amelanchier laevisTreesB
Allegheny SpurgePachysandra procumbensGroundcoversA
Alternate-Leaved DogwoodCornus alternifoliaTreesC
American ArborvitaeThuja occidentalisTreesD
American BittersweetCelastrus scandensVinesB
American HollyIlex opacaTreesA
Angel's TrumpetBrugmansia sp. (Datura)AnnualsA
AnisePimpinalla anisumAnnualsA
Anise Hyssop Agastache sp.PerennialsA
Annual Vinca Catharanthus roseaAnnualsA
Anthony Waterer SpireaSpiraea x bumaldaShrubsB
ApplesMalus sp.TreesC
Armstrong JuniperJuniperus chinensis 'Armstrongii'ShrubsB
Arrowwood ViburnumViburnum dentatumShrubsA
AsparagusAsparagus officinalisPerennialsB
AsterAster sp.PerennialsB
Astilbe Astilbe sp.PerennialsB
Atlantic White CedarChamaecyparis thyoidesTreesC
Atlas CedarCedrus atlanticaTreesC
Austrian PinePinus nigraTreesB
Autumn Crocus Colchicum sp.BulbsA
Autumn OliveElaeagnus umbellatusShrubsB
Baby's BreathGypsophila sp.PerennialsB
Bachelor's ButtonsCentaurea cyanusAnnualsB
Bald CypressTaxodium distichumTreesC
Balloon FlowerPlatycodon grandiflorusPerennialsC
Balsam FirAbies balsameaTreesC
Balsam, Touch-Me-NotImpatiens balsaminaAnnualsC
BambooBambusa sp.Ornamental GrassesB
Barberry Berberis sp.ShrubsA
Barrenwort Epimedium sp.GroundcoversA
BasilOcimum basilicumAnnualsB
Basket of GoldAurinia saxatilisPerennialsA
BasswoodTilia americanaTreesC
BayberryMyrica pensylvanicaShrubsA
BearberryArctostaphylos uva-ursiGroundcoversA
Bearberry CotoneasterCotoneaster dammeriShrubsB
Beautyberry Callicarpa sp.ShrubsB
BeautybushKolkwitzia amabilisShrubsB
BeebalmMonarda didymaPerennialsB
BellflowerCampanula glomerataPerennialsC
Big Bluestem Andropogon sp.Ornamental GrassesA
Bigleaf Goldenray Ligularia dentataPerennialsA
Bigleaf HydrangeaHydrangea macrophyllaShrubsC
Bishop's Weed Aegopodium podagariaGroundcoversA
Black LocustRobinia pseudoaciaTreesC
Black-Eyed SusanRudbeckia sp.PerennialsB
Blackhaw ViburnumViburnum prunifoliumShrubsB
Blanket Flower Gaillardia sp.PerennialsC
Blazing Star Liatris sp.PerennialsB
Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilisPerennialsA
Bloodtwig DogwoodCornus sanguineaShrubsC
Blue Fescue Festuca glaucaOrnamental GrassesA
Blue HollyIlex x meserveaeShrubsC
Blue Mist Shrub Caryopteris clandonensisShrubsA
Blue Oat GrassHelictotrichon sempervirensOrnamental GrassesA
Blue Star JuniperJuniperus squamata 'Blue Star'ShrubsB
BluebellEndymion sp.BulbsA
Blueberry Elder, Sweet ElderSambucus canadensisShrubsB
Bog RosemaryAndromeda polifoliaShrubsB
Borage Borage officinalisAnnualsB
Bottlebrush Buckeye Aesculus parvifloraTreesA
Bottlebrush GrassHystrix patulaOrnamental GrassesB
BramblesRubus sp.ShrubsB
Bridalwreath SpireaSpiraea prunifoliaShrubsB
BroomCytisus sp.ShrubsA
BuckthornRhammus sp.ShrubsB
Bugleweed Ajuga reptansGroundcoversA
BuglossAnchusa sp.PerennialsB
Bush CinquefoilPotentilla fruticosaShrubsA
Butter & EggsLinaria vulgarisPerennialsA
ButtercupRanunculus sp.PerennialsA
Butterfly Bush Buddleia sp.ShrubsA
Butterfly WeedAsclepias tuberosaPerennialsB
CactusCactaceae sp.PerennialsA
CaladiumCaladium sp.BulbsC
California Poppy Eschscholzia californicaAnnualsB
California SweetshrubCalycanthus occidentalisShrubsB
Calla LilyZantedeschia sp.BulbsB
Callery PearPyrus calleryanaTreesC
CamassiaCamassia leichtliniBulbsB
Candy LilyPardancanda x norrisiiPerennialsD
CandytuftIberis sempervirensPerennialsB
CandytuftIberis umbellataAnnualsB
Canna Lily Canna sp.BulbsB
Canterbury BellsCampanula mediumBiennialsC
Cardinal Flower Lobelia sp.PerennialsB
Carnation, PinksDianthus sp.PerennialsB
Carolina HemlockTsuga carolinianaTreesC
Carolina RhododendronRhododendron carolinianumShrubsC
Carolina SilverbellHalesia carolinaShrubsB
Catawba RhododendronRhododendron catawbienseShrubsC
Catmint Nepeta sp.PerennialsA
CheckermallowSidalcia malvifloraPerennialsC
Cherries (1)Prunus sp.TreesD
Cherry LaurelPrunus laurocerasusShrubsB
Chestnut OakQuercus prinusTreesC
Chinese Fringe TreeChionanthus retususTreesB
Chinese HollyIlex cornutaShrubsB
Chinese Juniper (1)Juniperus chinensis cv.ShrubsB
Chinese LilacSyringa x chinesisShrubsC
Chinese Paper BirchBetula albo-sinensisTreesB
Christmas Fern Polystichum arcostichoidesFernsA
Cinnamon FernOsmunda cinnamomeaFernsA
ClematisClematis sp.VinesC
Climbing HydrangeaHydrangea anomala petiolarisVinesC
Clump BambooFargesia sp.Ornamental GrassesA
Coast LeucothoeLeucothoe axillarisShrubsB
Cock's CombCelosia sp.AnnualsB
Coleus Coleus sp.AnnualsC
Colorado Blue SprucePicea pungensTreesB
Columbine Aquilegia sp.PerennialsB
ComfreySymphytum officinalePerennialsC
Common Boxwood Buxus sempervirensShrubsA
Common Flowering QuinceChaenomeles speciosaTreesB
Common Foxglove Digitalis purpureaBiennialsA
Common HorsechestnutAesculus hippocastanumTreesC
Common LilacSyringa vulgarisShrubsB
Common PearPyrus communisTreesC
Common SassafrasSassafras albidurnTreesB
Common SweetshrubCalycanthus floridusShrubsB
Common TansyTanacetum vulgarePerennialsA
Common WitchhazelHamamelis virginianaShrubsB
Common Yarrow Achillea millefoliumPerennialsB
Coralbells Heuchera sp.PerennialsB
CoralberrySymphoricarpos x chenaultiiShrubsB
Corkscrew WillowSalix matsudana tortuosaTreesB
Cornelian CherryCornus masTreesC
CorydalisCorydalis sp.PerennialsA
CosmosCosmos sp.AnnualsC
Cranberry Bush Viburnum opulusShrubsB
Cranberry CotoneasterCotoneaster apiculatusShrubsB
Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indicaShrubsB
Creeping Juniper (1)Juniperus horizontalis cv.ShrubsB
Creeping WintergreenGaultheria procumbensGroundcoversB
Crocosmia Croscosmia sp.PerennialsB
CrocusCrocus sp.BulbsB
Crown Imperial, FritiliaFritilaria imperialisBulbsA
CurrantRibes sp.ShrubsB
CyclamenCyclamen sp.PerennialsB
Daffodil Narcissus sp.BulbsA
DahliaDahlia sp.AnnualsC
Dame's RocketHesperis matronalisPerennialsA
Daphne Daphne sp.ShrubsA
Dawn RedwoodMetasequoia glyptostroboidesTreesB
DaylilyHemerocallis sp.PerennialsC
Deciduous Azaleas (1)Rhododendron sp.ShrubsC
DelphiniumDelphinium sp.PerennialsB
Deutzia Deutzia sp.ShrubsB
Devil's Walking StickAralia spinosaShrubsA
DillAnethumus graveolensAnnualsB
Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosurnShrubsB
Douglas FirPseudotsuga menziesiiTreesB
Downy ServiceberryAmelanchier arboreaTreesB
Dragon Lady, San Jose HollyIlex x aquipernyiTreesB
Drooping Leucothoe Leucothoe fontanesianaShrubsA
Drooping SedgeCarex pendulaOrnamental GrassesB
Dusty MillerCentaurea cinerariaAnnualsA
Dwarf Alberta Spruce Picea glauca 'Conica'TreesA
Dwarf Balsam FirAbies balsameaShrubsB
Dwarf Mondo GrassOphiopogon japonicusOrnamental GrassesB
Eastern HemlockTsuga canadensisTreesC
Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginianaTreesB
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensisTreesC
Eastern White PinePinus strobusTreesB
Elephant Ear Colocasia esculentaBulbsB
English DaisyBellis perennisPerennialsC
English HawthornCrataegus laevigataTreesB
English Holly Ilex aquifoliumShrubsB
English Ivy Hedera helixVinesC
English Ivy Hedera helixGroundcoversC
European AshFraxinus excelsiorTreesB
European BeechFagus sylvaticaTreesB
European Ginger Asarum europaeumPerennialsA
European LarchLarix deciduaTreesC
European Mountain AshSorbus aucupariaTreesD
European White BirchBetula pendulaTreesB
Evergreen Azaleas (1)Rhododendron sp.ShrubsD
Fall MumsChrysanthemumPerennialsC
False CamomileMatricaria sp.AnnualsA
False Indigo Baptisia australisPerennialsA
Feather Reed Grass Calamagrostis sp.Ornamental GrassesA
Feverfew Chrysanthemum partheniumPerennialsB
FirethornPyracantha coccineaShrubsB
FleabaneErigeron sp.PerennialsC
Flowering Dogwood Cornus floridaTreesC
Flowering TobaccoNicotiana sp.AnnualsA
Foam Flower Tiarella cordifoliaPerennialsB
Forget-Me-NotMyosotis alpestrisBiennialsB
Forget-Me-NotMyosotis sp.PerennialsA
Forget-Me-NotMyosotis sylvaticaAnnualsA
ForsythiaForsythia x intermediaShrubsB
FothergilliaFothergila sp.ShrubsB
Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroidesOrnamental GrassesA
Fragrant Sumac Rhus aromaticaShrubsA
Fragrant WinterhazelCorylopsis glabrescensShrubsC
Fraser FirAbies fraseriTreesC
French Marigold Tagetes patulaAnnualsB
Fringed Bleeding HeartDicentra eximiaPerennialsA
Garden LilyLilium sp.BulbsC
Garden Petunia Petunia sp.AnnualsC
Garden Sage Salvia officinalisPerennialsA
Gas Plant Dictamus albaPerennialsB
Geranium Pelargonium sp.AnnualsC
Gerbera DaisyGerbera jamesoniiAnnualsC
Germander Teucrium chamaedrysPerennialsA
Geum, AvensGeum sp.PerennialsC
Giant Japanese Silver GrassMiscanthus floridulisOrnamental GrassesA
Giant Reed Arundo donaxOrnamental GrassesA
GladiolusGladiolus sp.BulbsB
GlobeflowerTrollius sp.PerennialsC
Glory LilyGloriosa superbaBulbsB
Glossy AbeliaAbelia sp.ShrubsB
Goat's BeardAruncus sp.PerennialsC
Golden BambooPhyllostachys aureaOrnamental GrassesA
Goldenrain Tree Koelreuteria paniculataTreesB
Goldenrod Solidago sp.PerennialsB
Goldflame Honeysuckle Lonicera x heckrottiiVinesC
Goldust Plant Aucuba japonicaShrubsB
Gooseneck LoosestrifeLysimachia clethroidesPerennialsC
Grape HyacinthMuscari sp.BulbsB
Greek Jerusalem SagePhlomis sp.PerennialsA
Green AshFraximus pennsylvanicaTreesB
Greenspire Littleleaf LindenTilia cordata 'Greenspire'TreesC
Hakonechloa Hakonechloa macraOrnamental GrassesA
Hard RushJuncus effususOrnamental GrassesA
Hardy Begonia Begonia grandisPerennialsC
Hardy GeraniumGeranium clarkeiPerennialsC
Hardy GeraniumGeranium endressiiPerennialsD
Hardy GeraniumGeranium macrorrhizumPerennialsB
Hardy GeraniumGeranium sanguineumPerennialsC
Hardy GeraniumGeranium x cantabrigiensePerennialsC
Harlequin GlorybowerClerodendrum fargesiiShrubsB
Hayscented Fern Dennstaedtia punctilobulaFernsA
HazelnutCorylus sp.ShrubsB
Heartleaf Bergenia Bergenia sp.PerennialsB
HeathErica sp.ShrubsA
HeatherCalliuna sp.ShrubsA
Heavenly Bamboo Nandina sp.ShrubsC
HeliotropeHeliotropium arborescensAnnualsA
Hens and Chickens Sempervivum sp.PerennialsB
Highbush BlueberryVaccinum corymbosumShrubsC
Himalayan BirchBetula jacquemontiiTreesB
Hinoki CypressChamaecyparis obtusaTreesC
Holly FernCyrtomium falcatumFernsA
Holly OsmanthusOsmanthus heterophyllusShrubsB
HollyhockAlcea sp.PerennialsC
Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthosTreesB
HorehoundMarrubium vulgarePerennialsA
HorseradishArmoracia rusticanaPerennialsA
Hosta Hosta sp.PerennialsD
HyacinthHyacinthus sp.BulbsB
Hybrid Tea RoseRosa x hybridShrubsC
HyssopHyssopus officinalisPerennialsA
Impatiens Impatiens wallerianaAnnualsC
Indian GrassSorghastrum nutansOrnamental GrassesA
InkberryIlex glabraShrubsB
Iris (2)Iris sp.PerennialsA
Jack-in-the-pulpitArisaema triphylumPerennialsA
Jacob's LadderPolemonium caeruleumPerennialsB
Japanese AnemoneAnemone x hybridaPerennialsB
Japanese Black PinePinus thunbergianaTreesA
Japanese Blood Grass Imperata cylindricaOrnamental GrassesA
Japanese CedarCryptomeria japonicaTreesB
Japanese EuonymusEuonymus japonicaShrubsC
Japanese Falsecypress Chamaecyparis pisiferaTreesB
Japanese Flowering CherryPrunus serrulataTreesB
Japanese Flowering QuinceChaenomeles japonicaShrubsB
Japanese Garden JuniperJuniperus procumbens 'Nana'ShrubsB
Japanese Holly Ilex crenataShrubsC
Japanese KerriaKerria japonicaShrubsB
Japanese Maple Acer palmatumTreesB
Japanese Painted Fern Athyrium goeringianum (nipponicum)FernsA
Japanese Pieris, Andromeda Pieris japonicaShrubsA
Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtoniaShrubsA
Japanese Red PinePinus densifloraTreesB
Japanese Sedge Carex sp.Ornamental GrassesA
Japanese Silver Grass Miscanthus sinensisOrnamental GrassesA
Japanese SkimmiaSkimmia japonicaShrubsA
Japanese Spirea Spiraea japonicaShrubsB
Japanese Sweet FlagAcorus sp.Ornamental GrassesA
Japanese Tree LilacSyringa reticulataShrubsB
John T. Morris HollyIlex x 'John T. Morris'ShrubsA
Judd ViburnumViburnum x juddiiShrubsB
Katsura TreeCercidiphyllum japonicumTreesA
Koreanspice ViburnumViburnum carlesiiShrubsB
Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousaTreesB
Ladys' Mantle Alchemilla sp.PerennialsB
Lamb's Ear Stachys byzantinaPerennialsA
Lance Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolataPerennialsB
Lantana Lantana sp.AnnualsB
Large Blue June GrassKoeleria glaucaOrnamental GrassesA
Large PeriwinkleVinca majorGroundcoversB
LarkspurConsolida ambiguaAnnualsA
Late LilacSyringa villosaShrubsC
LavendarLavandula sp.PerennialsA
Lavender-CottonSantolina chamaecyparissusPerennialsA
Leatherleaf Mahonia Mahonia bealeiShrubsA
Leatherleaf ViburnumViburnum rhytidophyllumShrubsB
Lemon BalmMelissa officinalisPerennialsA
Lenten or Christmas Rose Helleborus sp.PerennialsA
Leyland CypressCupressocyparis leyandiiTreesC
Lily of the Valley Convallaria majalisGroundcoversA
LilyturfLiriope sp.GroundcoversB
Little BluestemSchizachyrium scopariumOrnamental GrassesA
LobeliaLobelia sp.AnnualsB
Lungwort Pulmonaria sp.PerennialsA
LupineLupinus sp.PerennialsB
Lydia Morris HollyIlex x 'Lydia Morris'ShrubsA
Lyme Grass Leymus arenarius glaucousOrnamental GrassesA
Maltese Cross Lychnis chalcedonicaPerennialsB
May ApplePodophyllumPerennialsA
Meadow RueThalictrum sp.PerennialsA
Meadow SageSalvia nemorosaPerennialsB
MeadowsweetFilipendula sp.PerennialsC
Mimosa Albizia julibrissinTreesA
MintMentha sp.PerennialsA
Mist FlowerEupatorium coelestinurnPerennialsB
Money Plant Lunaria annuaBiennialsB
MonkshoodAconitum sp.PerennialsA
Moonglow JuniperJuniperus scopulorum 'Moonglow'ShrubsA
Morning GloryIpomea sp.AnnualsC
Mountain BluetCentaurea montanaPerennialsC
Mountain Juniper (1)Juniperus scopulorum cv.ShrubsB
Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifoliaShrubsC
Mountain PierisPieris floribundaShrubsA
Mugo Pine Pinus mugoShrubsB
MulleinVerbascum sp.PerennialsB
Multiflora RoseRosa multifloraShrubsC
NasturtiumTropaeolum majusAnnualsB
Nellie Stevens HollyIlex x 'Nellie R. Stevens'TreesC
New York Fern Thelyptens noveboracensisFernsA
Northern Red OakQuercus rubraTreesC
Northern Sea Oats Chasmanthium latifoliumOrnamental GrassesA
Norway MapleAcer platanoidesTreesC
Norway SprucePicea abiesTreesB
Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifoliaShrubsC
Obedient PlantPhysostegia sp.PerennialsB
OreganoOreganum sp.PerennialsA
Oregon Grape Holly Mahonia aquifoliumShrubsA
Oriental Fountain Grass Pennisetum orientaleOrnamental GrassesA
Oriental PoppyPapaver orientalePerennialsB
Ornamental Onion Allium sp.PerennialsA
Ornamental Onion Allium sp.BulbsA
Ostrich FernMatteuccia struthiopterisFernsA
Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalisGroundcoversA
Pampus GrassCortaderia selloanaOrnamental GrassesA
Panicle HydrangeaHydrangea paniculataShrubsC
Panicled DogwoodCornus racemosaShrubsC
PansyViola sp.AnnualsC
Paper BirchBetula papyriferaTreesA
Paperbark Maple Acer griseurnTreesB
ParsleyPetroselinum crispumAnnualsB
PatriniaPatrinia scabiosifoliaPerennialsB
Pawpaw Asimina trilobaTreesA
Penstemon Penstemon sp.PerennialsC
Peony (2)Paeonia sp.PerennialsA
PeriwinkleVinca minorGroundcoversB
Pernyi HollyIlex pernyiTreesC
Persian LilacSyringa x persicaShrubsC
Pfitzer JuniperJuniperus chinensis 'Pfitzerana'ShrubsB
Phlox Phlox sp.PerennialsC
Pincushin FlowerScabiosa caucasicaPerennialsB
Pink TurtleheadChelone sp.PerennialsC
Pinxterbloom AzaleaRhododendron penclymenoidesShrubsD
Pitch PinePinus rigidaTreesA
Plumbago Ceratostigma plumbaginoidesGroundcoversB
Plume PoppyMacleaya cordataPerennialsB
PlumsPrunus sp.TreesD
Poppy Papaver sp.AnnualsA
Pot MarigoldCalendula sp.AnnualsA
Potentilla, CinquefoilPotentilla sp.PerennialsA
PrimrosePrimula sp.PerennialsB
Prince of Wales JuniperJuniperus horizontalis 'Prince of Wales'ShrubsA
PrivetLigustrurn sp.ShrubsB
Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpureaPerennialsB
Purple Leaf Sand CherryPrunus x cistenaShrubsC
Purple LoosestrifeLythrum sp.PerennialsC
Purple Moor GrassMolinia caeruleaOrnamental GrassesA
Purple Rock-CressAubretia deltoideaPerennialsA
Pyrenees CotoneasterCotoneaster congestusShrubsB
Ravenna Grass Erianthus ravennaeOrnamental GrassesA
Red ChokeberryAronia arbutifoliaShrubsB
Red ElderberrySambucus racemosaShrubsA
Red MapleAcer rubrumTreesB
Red Osier DogwoodCornus sericeaShrubsB
Red PinePinus resinosaTreesA
Red Twigged DogwoodCornus albaShrubsB
Red-Hot Poker Kniphofia tritomaPerennialsB
Redvein Enkianthus Enkianthus campanulatusShrubsB
Rhododendrons (1)Rhododendron sp.ShrubsD
RhubarbRheum rhabarbarumPerennialsB
Ribbon GrassPhalaris arundinaceaeOrnamental GrassesB
River BirchBetula nigraTreesA
Rock-CressArabis caucasicaPerennialsA
Rocket Ligularia Ligularia 'The Rocket'PerennialsA
Rockspray CotoneasterCotoneaster horizontalisShrubsB
Rodgers FlowerRodgersia sp.PerennialsA
Rose CampionLychnis coronariaPerennialsA
Rose MallowHibiscus moscheutosPerennialsC
Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacusShrubsB
Rosebay RhododendronRhododendron maximumShrubsC
RosemaryRosmarinus officinalisAnnualsA
Royal FernOsmunda regalisFernsA
Ruby HorsechestnutAesculus x carneaTreesB
RueRuta sp.PerennialsA
Rue AnemoneAnemonella thalictroidesPerennialsB
Rugosa RoseRosa rugosaShrubsC
Russian Cypress Microbiota decussataShrubsA
Russian OliveElaeagnus angustifoliaShrubsA
Russian Sage Perovskio atriplicifoliaPerennialsA
Saucer MagnoliaMagnolia x soulangianaShrubsB
Savin/Tam JuniperJuniperus sabin cv.ShrubsB
SavorySatureja montanaPerennialsB
Scotch PinePinus sylvestrisTreesB
Sea BuckthornHippophae rhamnoidesShrubsB
Sea ThriftArmeria maritimaPerennialsB
Sea-HollyEryngium sp.PerennialsD
SedgeScirpus lacustrisOrnamental GrassesB
Sensitive FernOnoclea sensibilisFernsA
Serbian SprucePicea omorikaTreesB
ShadbushAmelanchier canadensisTreesB
Shasta DaisyChrysanthemum superbumPerennialsC
Shasta DaisyLeucanthemum maximumPerennialsC
ShisoPerilla frutescensAnnualsB
Shore JuniperJuniperus confertaShrubsC
Showy SedumSedum spectabilePerennialsC
Siberian Bugloss Bruneria macrophylla (Brunnera)PerennialsA
Siberian SquillScilla sibericaBulbsA
Silver MapleAcer saccharinumTreesC
Silver Mound Artemisia sp.PerennialsA
Singleseed Juniper (1)Juniperus squamata cv.ShrubsB
Skunk CabbageSymplocarpos foetidusPerennialsB
Small Globe ThistleEchinops ritroPerennialsA
Smokebush Cotinus coggygriaShrubsB
Smooth Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescensShrubsC
Snakeroot, Bugbane Cimcifuga sp.PerennialsB
SnapdragonAntirrhinum majusAnnualsA
SneezeweedHelenium autumnalePerennialsB
SnowberrySymphoricarpos albusShrubsB
SnowdropsGalanthus nivalisBulbsA
Snow-in-Summer CerastiumPerennialsB
Snow-on-the-MountainEuphorbia marginataAnnualsA
Soapwort Saponaria sp.PerennialsB
Solomon's Seal Polygonatum sp.PerennialsC
SourwoodOxydendrum arboreumTreesB
SpeedwellVeronica sp.PerennialsB
SpicebushLindera benzoinShrubsB
Spider Flower Cleome sp.AnnualsA
SpiderwortTradescantia sp.PerennialsB
Spotted Deadnettle Lamium sp.GroundcoversA
SpurgeEuphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon'PerennialsC
Spurge Euphorbia sp. (except 'Chameleon')PerennialsA
St. John's Wort Hypericum calycinumPerennialsB
St. John's Wort Hypericum prolificumShrubsB
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhinaTreesC
Statice Limonium latifoliumPerennialsA
StocksMatthiola sp.AnnualsB
Stokes' AsterStokesia laevisPerennialsB
StrawberryFragraria sp.PerennialsD
Striped MapleAcer pensylvanicumTreesB
Sugar MapleAcer saccharumTreesB
SundropsOenethera sp.PerennialsC
SunflowerHelianthus sp.AnnualsC
Swamp MilkweedAsclepias incarnataPerennialsB
Sweet AlyssumLobularia maritimaAnnualsA
Sweet Box Sarcoccoca hookerianaShrubsA
Sweet CherryPrunus aviumTreesC
Sweet Mock Orange Philadelphus coronariusShrubsB
Sweet Pepperbush Clethra sp.ShrubsB
Sweet WilliamDianthus barbatusBiennialsB
Sweet WoodruffGalium odoratum (Asperula odorata)GroundcoversA
SweetgumLiquidambar styracifluaTreesC
Switch GrassPanicum virgatumOrnamental GrassesA
TarragonArtemisia dracunculusPerennialsA
Threadleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis verticillataPerennialsA
Thyme Thymus sp.PerennialsA
Toad Lily Tricyrtis hirtaPerennialsB
TrilliumTrillium sp.PerennialsB
Trout LilyErythroniumPerennialsB
Trumpet Creeper Campsis radicansVinesC
TulipTulip sp.BulbsD
Tulip TreeLiriodendron tulipiferaTreesB
Variegated Purple Moor GrassMolinia caerulea 'Variegata'Ornamental GrassesA
Varigated Oat GrassArrhenatherum elatiusOrnamental GrassesA
VerbenaVerbena x hybridaAnnualsB
VioletsViola sp.PerennialsB
Virginia BluebellsMertensia virginicaPerennialsB
Virginia CreeperParthenocissus quinquifoliaVinesC
Virginia SweetspireItea virginicaShrubsB
WallflowerCheiranthus sp.AnnualsB
Wax BegoniaBegonia semperflorensAnnualsC
Weeping Love GrassEragrostus curvulaOrnamental GrassesA
WeigelaWeigela floridaShrubsB
Western ArborvitaeThuja plicataTreesC
White BoltoniaBoltonia asteroidesPerennialsB
White FirAbies concolorTreesC
White Fringe TreeChionanthus virginicusTreesC
White OakQuercus albaTreesC
White SnakerootEupatorium rugosumPerennialsB
White SprucePicea glaucaTreesB
Wild GingerAsarum canadensePerennialsA
Willowleaf CotoneasterCotoneaster salicifoliusShrubsB
Willows (1)Salix sp.TreesC
Winged EuonymusEuonymus alataShrubsC
Winter AconiteEranthus hyemalisBulbsA
Winter JasmineJasminum nudiflorumVinesB
Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillataShrubsB
WintercreeperEuonymus fortuneiShrubsD
WintercreeperEuonymus fortuneiVinesD
WintercreeperEuonymus fortuneiGroundcoversC
WisteriaWisteria floribundaVinesB
Wood FernDryopteris marginalisFernsA
Wood SorrelOxalis sp.BulbsB
YarrowAchillea filipendulinaPerennialsB
Yellow BirchBetula luteaTreesB
Yellow Foxglove Digitalis grandifloraPerennialsB
Yellow Wax-BellsKirengeshoma palmataPerennialsB
YewsTaxus sp.ShrubsD
Youngstown Andorra JuniperJuniperus horizontalis 'Youngstown'ShrubsB
Yucca Yucca filimentosaPerennialsA
ZinniaZinnia sp.AnnualsB

All Ratings - All Types
[h=3]Footnotes[/h]1. Check other rating categories to find additional species or cultivars of this genus.
2. May eat buds.


Well-Known Member
Save time and money and buy deer netting...It is the ONLY thing that saved my buds reliably.

I hate Deer.:joint:


Well-Known Member
You already got your answer...fishing line tied around the perimeter at 2' and 4' works great. Also, mix a jug of water with rotten eggs, garlic, and the hottest peppers you can find. Pour this around the perimeter...DONE! Works every time.
pot snob i think that was the most detailed & in depth answer i have ever gotten on anything in my life hahaha:hump:<--me humpin your awesome answer. i dont have the option to plant any of that where im growing but i will still save that info..thanks and megatron also kick ass answer i thought of the piss but never thought to mix all that shit in it & i am going to do what you said thanks so much you probably save my plants for me, i think im gonna add some german Shepard & Siberian husky fur into the mix. thanks u guys kick ass