Patriot Act author says Verizon snooping violates the law


Well-Known Member
Oh man that bad press for Obama administration just doesn't stop. Sounds like what they're doing isn't legal while the administration defends it.

The Patriot Act allows the federal government to get records from businesses but Mr. Sensenbrenner said it was to be used sparingly, and only if there was a specific investigation. Mr. Sensenbrenner said the FBI application for the Verizon records doesn’t meet those criteria.

He also said the Justice Department misled Congress over how it was using the business records tool.

I do not believe the released FISA order is consistent with the requirements of the Patriot Act,” Sensenbrenner wrote. “How could the phone records of so many innocent Americans be relevant to an authorized investigation as required by the Act?”

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OMGZ! desert dude's protege is in action today with the spam threads!

so transparent. guess those other "scandals" didn't pan out as well as you were hoping. best of luck on your newest "scandal".
OMGZ! desert dude's protege is in action today with the spam threads!

so transparent. guess those other "scandals" didn't pan out as well as you were hoping. best of luck on your newest "scandal".

Of course Obama knows nothing about this, and remember, what difference, at this point does it make?
Because this is all the fault of the Patriot Act...
Yes indeed, it looks like the NYT has jumped on the spamwagon...:leaf:

The administration has now lost all credibility. Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it.
Oh man that bad press for Obama administration just doesn't stop. Sounds like what they're doing isn't legal while the administration defends it.

The Patriot Act allows the federal government to get records from businesses but Mr. Sensenbrenner said it was to be used sparingly, and only if there was a specific investigation. Mr. Sensenbrenner said the FBI application for the Verizon records doesn’t meet those criteria.

He also said the Justice Department misled Congress over how it was using the business records tool.

I do not believe the released FISA order is consistent with the requirements of the Patriot Act,” Sensenbrenner wrote. “How could the phone records of so many innocent Americans be relevant to an authorized investigation as required by the Act?”

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Actually it looks like it may very well be legal under the Patriot Act, and that's the problem.
The person who WROTE THE PATRIOT ACT says its not authorized.

You say it is.

Who to trust on this one, who to trust....

yeah, you should probably trust the republican congressman trying to make political hay out of this thing that has been going on for a decade now yet just now decided to pipe up :roll:

so dumb.
yeah, you should probably trust the republican congressman trying to make political hay out of this thing that has been going on for a decade now yet just now decided to pipe up :roll:

so dumb.

Yep don't believe the guy that wrote it, believe a libtard assclown and a fruitcake socialist on a cannabis forum.:mrgreen: haha
Intentions are nice but we all know the government will take those intentions and wipe their ass with them. The Patriot Act is one of the worst pieces of legislation to come out in years.
Intentions are nice but we all know the government will take those intentions and wipe their ass with them. The Patriot Act is one of the worst pieces of legislation to come out in years.

yet the righties on this board rejoiced in replacing the only man to vote against it with a tea partier who propped up his failing business with government bailouts.

which would lead a person to believe that this thread is meaningless partisan hackery from an OP who is severely butthurt.

i blame the clowns for his aching back side.
yet the righties on this board rejoiced in replacing the only man to vote against it with a tea partier who propped up his failing business with government bailouts.

which would lead a person to believe that this thread is meaningless partisan hackery from an OP who is severely butthurt.

i blame the clowns for his aching back side.

Still can't even stay on topic and your insults are about as useful as your immigration data. We could talk about other things but this is what is being plastered all over the news. Seriously Bucky your puss has swollen to epic proportions the last month, your becoming the forum whine bag on top of ass clown.

Still can't even stay on topic and your insults are about as useful as your immigration data. We could talk about other things but this is what is being plastered all over the news. Seriously Bucky your puss has swollen to epic proportions the last month, your becoming the forum whine bag on top of ass clown.


pointing out that you guys had no problem with the patriot act is right on topic.

not only have you guys made not a peep about the patriot act, you guys have celebrated the fact that feingold got booted in favor of a patriot act loving tea bagger!

but suddenly, this practice that has been going on for a decade is a BIG FUCKING DEAL!

funny how you accuse me of having a "swollen puss" when it is YOU who is spaqmming thread after thread on the (non) issue.

heavens to betsy, whatever will you ladies do when yet another one of your "scandals" blows away into the wind?
Bro you get funnier by the day...

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At the end of the day your just here to justify Obamas warrantless surveillance state, the irony of which is you probably had a problem with it when bush was doing it, not so much now...

Lucky the white house has sunshine week to celebrate all the sun that shines outta your mans arsehole...

you really need to get laid.
(non) issue.

haha non issue, excuse my laugh at your dumb watching media rail the Obama administration on NSA, IRS, AP with the occasional break of Mrs. Obama has a melt down over a heckler. You're one delusion libard aren't you? Democrats are losing independents faster than MSNBC ratings are plummeting.

non issue keep telling yourself that assclown lol
haha non issue, excuse my laugh at your dumb watching media rail the Obama administration on NSA, IRS, AP with the occasional break of Mrs. Obama has a melt down over a heckler.

that was almost a sentence in english.

You're one delusion libard aren't you?

again, so close.

Democrats are losing independents faster than MSNBC ratings are plummeting.

non issue keep telling yourself that assclown lol

we heard similar mouth farting of impending doom from you guys leading up to the election.


this shows the actual event.