hee hee, too funny...alarm to drink a liter of water every two hours. sounds completely neurotic.lol..what kind of water is it exactly? you dont wanna be drinkin shit water, that could be the cause of the prob as well or even promote the problem further.look at what happened to the ducks in the video, lol.bottom line . we are all fucked . The enviornement is fucked, the food we eat is shit . Everyday i meet people who tell me the goverment is killing us with the shit they put in food as a new way of poplulation control. You ever look at the older movies from the 1970's when people were just more naturally healthy lean looking .... peoples bodies look so different then today, bloated , deformend and just wierd.. like chemicals and hormones and shit has changed the human physique. . i hope you find the answers to help you feel better, its no fun being in pain. and rest seems to be so very helpful although its awefully hard to do when you dont want to or when you cant . pain for me is a daily brutal battle as well. im trying acupuncture right now. not really impressed so far. you ever try it?