The UK Growers Thread!

Mornin lads did a 11hour stint carp fishing yesterday we oldest lad fuck me I got burnt real crispy lol factor 30 dint do fuck all lol
I love the carp fishing tho it's the excitement of hooking a big fucker it's a real buzz plus I love sat for hours gettin smashed waiting for the big fucker to lol
An point of putting um back Donny is so you can go an catch same fish again next season but bigger.
Were I go there's a little pond off the main 1 what you can hire out to ya sen for day there's a couple of 30+ in there, there a big ghost in there with half a thin the farmer calls him Purdy for some reason I've had him out 4 times in total twice in 1 day once he's at 24lb now an the big silly sod just comes straight in like he's 2lb lol

i just don't see the point in catch n release. I really anted to get out big game fishing when i was in florida last summer but the fucking hurrican put pay to that. strapped in pulling out man sized marlin and swordfish is where its at man.

i'm more your stringing ducks, kinda poacher hahaha. cheese n fishing wire...... snares for the hares, brucey bonus for the dogs when i was a bairn. i can skin a rabbit in under 15 seconds lol. with a stanley.
i just don't see the point in catch n release. I really anted to get out big game fishing when i was in florida last summer but the fucking hurrican put pay to that. strapped in pulling out man sized marlin and swordfish is where its at man.

i'm more your stringing ducks, kinda poacher hahaha. cheese n fishing wire...... snares for the hares, brucey bonus for the dogs when i was a bairn. i can skin a rabbit in under 15 seconds lol. with a stanley.

u orrible cunt!

i bet u used to hang cats up by ther tails over washing lines dint ya!!! orrible meh!
package seized last thursday by customs who showed up at my mates this morning and arrested him.

they took his mobile and laptop and said they will be looked at within a few weeks. on the laptop it has logs of our chats on skype including fucking everything, even about my grow. so they have names , everything they need.

advice ?
there's only one piece of advise on that, one you don't want to hear. Shut up shop before the knock on the door. Or move your stuff to a new location.
package seized last thursday by customs who showed up at my mates this morning and arrested him.

they took his mobile and laptop and said they will be looked at within a few weeks. on the laptop it has logs of our chats on skype including fucking everything, even about my grow. so they have names , everything they need.

advice ?

cant see how hes been arrested for sumthing being sent to him, that shit dont even hapopen in jail

allhe has to say is sum1 stiching him up BUT,, if they got the same lappy he ordered with hes pretty much fucked! and so if i was u?


and dst lol i may take the piss out of spanners BUT, i aint killing shit so thats how i justify it hahaha
there's only one piece of advise on that, one you don't want to hear. Shut up shop before the knock on the door. Or move your stuff to a new location.
i'm on the case now dst, i feel skype is the killer as everything is on there but they will take a while to look at it all, and the question asked to my mate was...
"if we look on your internet history we will find no orders of cannabis?" mate replied no, because they won't.

cant see how hes been arrested for sumthing being sent to him, that shit dont even hapopen in jail

if they got the same lappy he ordered with hes pretty much fucked! and so if i was u?
the orders wern't made on my mates lappy which was seized, that laptop wasnt used to even go on the silk road.
just skype i'm shitting it over.
you wasnt messing about when you said things are abit different where you are was ya 2time, they must be some seriously bored customs to arrest ya pal for what 10g of weed??? less?

ive had benzos seized a few times and just got a letter, mg had 30-40g seized and just got a letter.

fucking wankers.
As said before, if you do anything other than get the shop shut up quick as fuck and all evidence of growing out the house then frankly your being stupid, better to lose a couple of plants an a few weeks of effort than your liberty and being able to grow again, coz if they catch you once they will obviously be keeping an eye on you after that

edit: If it was me in your position I wouldnt even be wasting my time chatting on here, id be tearing everything to fuck an getting it out the house for all you know your mate could roll over on ya ( not saying he will but its always possible) and they could be at your door with an emergency warrant before the end of the day
they probably cycled up on their back peddle bikes to nick him, lol. Reminds me of the orrifficers where I grew up, fukkin hunting about in ash trays for roaches to bust ya with.......

you wasnt messing about when you said things are abit different where you are was ya 2time, they must be some seriously bored customs to arrest ya pal for what 10g of weed??? less?

ive had benzos seized a few times and just got a letter, mg had 30-40g seized and just got a letter.

fucking wankers.
As said before, if you do anything other than get the shop shut up quick as fuck and all evidence of growing out the house then frankly your being stupid, better to lose a couple of plants an a few weeks of effort than your liberty and being able to grow again, coz if they catch you once they will obviously be keeping an eye on you after that

edit: If it was me in your position I wouldnt even be wasting my time chatting on here, id be tearing everything to fuck an getting it out the house for all you know your mate could roll over on ya ( not saying he will but its always possible) and they could be at your door with an emergency warrant before the end of the day

i no what ya saying sae and do agree but fucking sickener m8, 2times grow is 5wks in flower and looking nice.

they probably cycled up on their back peddle bikes to nick him, lol. Reminds me of the orrifficers where I grew up, fukkin hunting about in ash trays for roaches to bust ya with.......

fucking shocked m8 that they would go to all that effort for such a small amount.
they arn't looking at the laptop and phone right away, my mate is here with me now and wouldnt rat anyone out, he came straight up to mine to tell me the situation.

the laptop and phone have to be sent to the mainland because they can't look at it here and he has been given a date to go back not until 4 weeks. as thats how long they need to look at it all.

i'm in the process of putting all my shit off my pc onto an external hardrive and will be out the door with it.

i plan to have my tent and everything out of here by tonight and if i can't find anyone to hold them whilst the plants finish i may have no alternate but to cut them all down.
they arn't looking at the laptop and phone right away, my mate is here with me now and wouldnt rat anyone out, he came straight up to mine to tell me the situation.

the laptop and phone have to be sent to the mainland because they can't look at it here and he has been given a date to go back not until 4 weeks. as thats how long they need to look at it all.

i'm in the process of putting all my shit off my pc onto an external hardrive and will be out the door with it.

i plan to have my tent and everything out of here by tonight and if i can't find anyone to hold them whilst the plants finish i may have no alternate but to cut them all down.

Just because he doesnt have to go back for 4 weeks doesnt mean thats how long it will take em to start looking at the pc/phone.

Also did he receive the parcel physically or did they intercept it at customs and hold it there?
Also mate you may wanna think about moving your computer/phone to someone elses house til after the "visit" you know your gonna get at some point
package seized last thursday by customs who showed up at my mates this morning and arrested him.

they took his mobile and laptop and said they will be looked at within a few weeks. on the laptop it has logs of our chats on skype including fucking everything, even about my grow. so they have names , everything they need.

advice ?

RUN.... lol

itll probibly go to CID then, theyll look you up on face book and in their morning meeting at 6am, while you sleep the raid team will be studying (nearly put looking) your face, ready to attack as the light breaks and as you finish off dreaming about 2 birds and what they can do with one cup! BIG tone will jump on you, (might even slip ya a wrong'un for his troubles) as you lay there starkers, in full riot gear and proceed in rounding up and cageing up everyone in the house....

or they might just watch you for abit to see if your a mafia bo$$ if not they probs wont do anything!!

EDIT: obv you would be silly ever using this address again to grow weed at, they will put a marker on and you will go onto a "watch list"...little birdy says its a 3 month min deal.

your only saving grace is if you grow great weed, if so carry on growing and chance nothing happening (we all know theyll come looking) or if they do come, politley suggest they take the weed and leave you alone....not saying its been done before.....not saying it aint!!
Also did he receive the parcel physically or did they intercept it at customs and hold it there?
this one mate... showed him the parcel when they got to customs with him this morn.
they say they have a back log of pc's and stuff to look at, and it's being sent to the uk for forensics to go thru. but yea neather the less i want all my shit out the house by tonight which will happen.