The UK Growers Thread!

here are the plants last night , think i see some chunking starting to happen on the 3 nlxbb. blue lemon thai is front left.

4weeks and 5 days flower i think.

was just reading bout gaddafi having assets worth 1bn stashed in south africa, and rumored to have 80bn stashed around the world, saddam hussein was worth just as much if not more yet both where found cowering in gutters? that sort of money can do alot i can imagine, i highly doubt either are dead just doubles that where ment to be found in the situations they where, or maybe uk/us special forces captured them and then put them there?
was just reading bout gaddafi having assets worth 1bn stashed in south africa, and rumored to have 80bn stashed around the world, saddam hussein was worth just as much if not more yet both where found cowering in gutters? that sort of money can do alot i can imagine, i highly doubt either are dead just doubles that where ment to be found in the situations they where, or maybe uk/us special forces captured them and then put them there?
wat u smokin sambo sound good?
aye, same with hitler, he had so much nazi gold he could do anything, even move to south america or antartica and get lost leaving a double behind to die for him. aparently saddam huesane was found with alot of cash, pfft if i was a leader id for damn sure have an underground base untouchable by anyone else full of stuff to keep me alive, america keeps pullin the same trick hey look these guys are shit leaders, aww now their killing their own people, aww we will put out a warrent for war crimes on them, then they allways die, makes you think did america just implant stories in the news to make the people follow, the newest guy on their list is kim jong un, same shit happened to 3 people, saddam, gadaffi, osama. shits gettin old
Evening boys I'm hoping to stick around here from know on . How are you all ? Just bought a pack of noname from ugorg waiting on them baby's to turn up . Master grow what do you think of them oxypots ? You using the single units ? Yeild improve atoll ? Thanks .
Evening boys I'm hoping to stick around here from know on . How are you all ? Just bought a pack of noname from ugorg waiting on them baby's to turn up . Master grow what do you think of them oxypots ? You using the single units ? Yeild improve atoll ? Thanks .

Ive 12 pot system never used but the one I'm using is a single, my mate usually had it, it's only really used to throw an extra one in in the side of the room so can't really say, they tend to grow pretty fast once the roots get goin
I've no fukin skins left so goina have to go to the shop, had planned on not movin and ordered something in and now I have to go out anyway ffs lol
schoolboy error master...come on dude, get em in when there's only 2 packs of yer 10 pk left. :idea:

I'm a twat with skins, always running out, the shops only down the road tho, I've been and all. Always have something to put in the skins tho, Never run outta that, might be a bitta soap now and again but I've always something
Evening boys I'm hoping to stick around here from know on . How are you all ? Just bought a pack of noname from ugorg waiting on them baby's to turn up . Master grow what do you think of them oxypots ? You using the single units ? Yeild improve atoll ? Thanks .

use airpots matey tried and tested! fuckinggreat things :)

im propper fucked, having this car and driving on motorways everyday propper fucks u up,,, sat here paggered :(

im same with skins MG, fucking terrible, i either have millions of em all loose kicking about or ive got none and im tearing king skins to rollup size to make a smoke

fdd was the main mod of the whole site before he got nicked and they changed it too loads of lil mods lol he use to post pics mg of 100oz outdoors plants no shit! and boats n cars he had brought funnily enough he got nicked lmao

not me but hey ill try my best

id love a boat , cant get further from the friggin sea here though
fdd was the main mod of the whole site before he got nicked and they changed it too loads of lil mods lol he use to post pics mg of 100oz outdoors plants no shit! and boats n cars he had brought funnily enough he got nicked lmao

He had his global mod status revoked a LONG time before his bust. Most likely because he was a rude cunt and no longer held respect from anyone other than those who sucked his cock because he had his big outdoor garden. Not unlike sub cool, an equally similar cunt who has his creed of cocksuckers because he happens to be a well known breeder, despite his shit genetics and cunt like attitude. But yeah, FDD got exactly what was coming to him, bragge about all his plants and his new boat and his jet ski etc, then got busted by the feds trying to illegally move 14lb across a state line. Tried to play the whole "so you're gonna agree that people shouldn't have meds because of stupid laws" angle, but shit, he is the very reason the entire world other than the USA considers the mmj laws kan absolute farce and joke. Even more so than supposed caregivers getting heights to all 12 plants for a patient and then only givng them one free ounce a month. More power to the dea, inoersonally like it. Take the piss out of a supposed medical angle, while using evil pharma and their evil prices as your justification, go get fucked america :-) reap what you sow

But yeah, FDD was a piece of shit at the end of the day. Bought a pipe of him. It was and is great, I one use it for tobacco. But he personalised them by drifting FDD and the year on the bottom, so I told him his pipe was great, but that his mark looked like shit, its like a 2 year olds scrawl, and he came back that hey fucker, that's a titanium pen, as if I was in the wrong, and my comment was nothing to do with his titanium pen work looking like it was done by a retard. I guess this osokt is no longer relevant, but well, I'd foray that no one tries to become like FDD, he's like that cunt street dealer who thinks his swag is top grade home grown cured and not the badly trimmed premature crap it is :-)

Try band emulate someone else ;-)
People are knocking out 1.4 for 20 and you never know what it is because they love to lie and say it's some crazy punk and then make up a name, a personal fav of mine was when it was named biltong blaze.... Lol a strain named after an African dried meat product yes please ill take 4 zips haha
so like chedz's weed then?? LMAO

hows things tt? good matey?

Could be. a lot better tbh. Boss is a twat, what a surprise, thatts why I quit the first time, but hey, need money. And self teaching yourself economics a level is boring as shit! Hoping the weather holds out, got a nice 6 hour fishing trip planned for Tuesday :-).