9/11 what do you think?


Well-Known Member

There is no core, its all just an illusion.
A structural core is just something made up apparently, just so the conspiracy will work, I guess. Horse after the cart.

It is a "core" of wall that are periced at every level. It is not a structure but for the the elevators.

What collapsed was the floor. Even this silly core argument (not a structural core, big difference) is meaningless.

It was a pancaking of megaton of structural flooring, Those were holding walls into square tube structure.

The problem, drama, is ,I bet, you have never even bothered to dig into the official findings of how these structures pancaked.

Even if there was a beefy uber core as you say, the tube wall structure was lost the moment the first floor members sagged away from the heat. Didn't burn or melt just sagged. Pancake began.

I really loose track sometimes of why you even care.


Well-Known Member
I certainly haven't disputed that the buildings had cores. Standing up on their own, though, without the rest of the building--that's nonsense. You have to ignore the engineering details to pretend that the outside walls don't play an essential structural function in a building of that kind of design. 110 stories of structure without the part that resists wind loads?


Well-Known Member
If you removed the outside walls, the walls would fall. The core would still be there. Your wiki explanation tells you right there that the walls DO NOT HOLD THE BUILDING UP like you previously claimed.

The perimeter columns were designed to provide support for virtually all lateral loads (such as wind loads) and to share the gravity loads with the core columns."

I love it when some doofus comes along and proves himself wrong, then thinks he is proving himself right.

you owe me a new irony meter


Well-Known Member

here we can see what happens to the core as the floors and perimeter walls collapsed around it


Well-Known Member
I certainly haven't disputed that the buildings had cores. Standing up on their own, though, without the rest of the building--that's nonsense. You have to ignore the engineering details to pretend that the outside walls don't play an essential structural function in a building of that kind of design. 110 stories of structure without the part that resists wind loads?
Of course the interior columns can hold up to wind loads. Are you fucking daft? And of course the exterior columns have to be designed to withstand the entirety of the wind forces because they are going to be openly exposed. You'd have to be a retard to think structural steel and cement (and a massive foundation) offer no resistance to wind forces. Surely you don't think that.


Well-Known Member
I certainly haven't disputed that the buildings had cores. Standing up on their own, though, without the rest of the building--that's nonsense. You have to ignore the engineering details to pretend that the outside walls don't play an essential structural function in a building of that kind of design. 110 stories of structure without the part that resists wind loads?
I was attempting to find some of the early reports, to see what the initial finding were. But, I gave up. History is being re-written, all the while claiming that they are fighting a re-write that happened before the event I guess. So even the raw reports are re-bloomed with commentary. So, this is why Drama cares.

This is largest attempt to ignore science, that the world has seen. I guess this religion is just beginning thanks the interweb and swamp people.

Vanity URl, that says, ScientificAmerican. And they are suppose to be TELLING the truth???

Trust the tree by the fruit. What is the taste of this denial. Bush stole the election.

You believe that because the PUBS had to get SCOTUS to stop Broward Ct. DEMS from conducting yet another recount. They tried to change to recount time limit in the State, put there by DEMS.

So, it was Al Gore that tried to jack the election and SCOTUS wacked his pee-pee.

So, a religion of hate Bush has become a superstition back step and the slack-jaws that have never even seen the building as I have, now want to refute from HATE of a man. Bush isn't Monsanto.

So, rather that show the good parts I will just show the HATE. (and the link) The hate is in red and just some blogger with no facts just a FAKE website and a FAKE hate.

My favorite.....never mind. It is copy protected so the lies can''t be pulled out. Did he have permission from SA to throw in his lies......NO.
@ 1996-2003 Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Lies on lies.....fake on fake, to prove a "fake."http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/experts/articles/sciam01/sci_am1.html unreferenced stupidity in RED.


Well-Known Member

here we can see what happens to the core as the floors and perimeter walls collapsed around it
Wow, I hadn't seen for some reason. Yeah, sticks of elevator shaft are hardly a structure. Fantastic shot at the end there where the shafts fall as their foundations are pushed apart.

The dust clears for a moment. Never saw that. Thanks, warrior.


Well-Known Member
Of course the interior columns can hold up to wind loads. Are you fucking daft? And of course the exterior columns have to be designed to withstand the entirety of the wind forces because they are going to be openly exposed. You'd have to be a retard to think structural steel and cement (and a massive foundation) offer no resistance to wind forces. Surely you don't think that.
Offer no resistance? I don't think that. Do I think that a 110 story core not designed to stand up on its own would do so without the floors and outside walls? I'm very suspicious. The pieces were never designed to be apart from each other, so I can't fathom why you all would expect them to stand independently.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
All of these engineering discussions are interesting. The bottom line, for me, is that I simply cannot accept the notion that the 911 attack was an internal American conspiracy. The American government is not capable of keeping a secret that big. Add in the fact that Osama BL admitted that it was his doing. Add in the fact SKM admitted his major part in the planning.

I don't need any engineering studies to prove to me that a large plane loaded with fuel could bring down the WTC buildings, I saw it happen on live TV.


Well-Known Member
All of these engineering discussions are interesting. The bottom line, for me, is that I simply cannot accept the notion that the 911 attack was an internal American conspiracy. The American government is not capable of keeping a secret that big. Add in the fact that Osama BL admitted that it was his doing. Add in the fact SKM admitted his major part in the planning.

I don't need any engineering studies to prove to me that a large plane loaded with fuel could bring down the WTC buildings, I saw it happen on live TV.
I agree that the government could never keep such a big secret. You can try to keep something to 10 people in Washington and it still comes out--how many would you need to pull off 9/11? No one feels guilty about what they did?


Well-Known Member
I agree that the government could never keep such a big secret. You can try to keep something to 10 people in Washington and it still comes out--how many would you need to pull off 9/11? No one feels guilty about what they did?
Isn't guilt how they introduced these Denier claims. Hate Bush is powerful, it needs some top cover to stay cool seeming
It keeps the sub-conscious from feeling guilty for being a Bad Person (tm), a hater, in their culture.

But, I think brag is a much more powerful emotion.

Anyone that can produce a shred of proof of any govt collusion, they don't have to deny science, like the little morons. Straight up whisle blowing and the Book Signing Celebration. The Boast for riches has not happened.

So, forget guilt. If so, those would be already dead, for showing weakness in the eye scans.... in that scenario utter Fantasy of Bush did it.

So, it was as we saw on tv and what the official reports said, because no one has been able to claim the fame of ages to blow the cover of the Bush, blue on blue, on purpose, with malice aforethought, etc.

Don't you think the current crazy crew in this Admin, would grab the gold, (to be personally rich) if they had anything real?


New Member
All of these engineering discussions are interesting. The bottom line, for me, is that I simply cannot accept the notion that the 911 attack was an internal American conspiracy. The American government is not capable of keeping a secret that big. Add in the fact that Osama BL admitted that it was his doing. Add in the fact SKM admitted his major part in the planning.

I don't need any engineering studies to prove to me that a large plane loaded with fuel could bring down the WTC buildings, I saw it happen on live TV.
It's KFC... Just ask Daniel pearle...


Well-Known Member
Isn't guilt how they introduced these Denier claims. Hate Bush is powerful, it needs some top cover to stay cool seeming
It keeps the sub-conscious from feeling guilty for being a Bad Person (tm), a hater, in their culture.

But, I think brag is a much more powerful emotion.

Anyone that can produce a shred of proof of any govt collusion, they don't have to deny science, like the little morons. Straight up whisle blowing and the Book Signing Celebration. The Boast for riches has not happened.

So, forget guilt. If so, those would be already dead, for showing weakness in the eye scans.... in that scenario utter Fantasy of Bush did it.

So, it was as we saw on tv and what the official reports said, because no one has been able to claim the fame of ages to blow the cover of the Bush, blue on blue, on purpose, with malice aforethought, etc.

Don't you think the current crazy crew in this Admin, would grab the gold, (to be personally rich) if they had anything real?
You ever wonder why hardly anyone really ever addresses your posts?


Well-Known Member
Well, Pilgrim, you are addressing it now, are you not? But, please tell me how you think I'm supposed to beg for your affection. It would mean a lot to all of us, I'm sure.

I mean what would be more proper to you, in form, content, substance, view piont, intelligence, slant, troll?

We are listening.

I really am wondering, now, if you mean to suggest I actually care what you think. That is truly a bridge too far. Read it and choke on hate, I guess. But, you did read it.

So if you are trying to say you really don't like me. Please, I beg of you. Put me on your ignore list.

BTW, thanks for bumping my essay. Sweet.


Well-Known Member
The real issue comes down to this....

If you even suspect your government had a hand in such issues, you probably need a new government. The plain fact is that it would not be far out of character to do such a thing.
Whether or not our government, or parts of our government had a direct hand in the attack, they most certainally had a direct hand in provoking the attack.

Empires invite attack, that is their nature.


Well-Known Member
I know its an old topic. But i just saw another one of those movies... Now im feeling like a nut job. The wife was watching a movie called "the zeitgeist" on netflix, that i happened to walk in on and started watching. They seem to have ALOT of good evidence supporting it was a conspiracy, along with a bunch of other good stuff that will really get you pissed off. I kinda deep down think it was a conspiracy, which is fucking insane. And then i was dumb enough to have a conversation about it with a family member, now i really feel like a paranoid schitzo nut job.

id just like to hear some opinions and see how crazy YOU guys think i am. If you think im a moron for even thinking it might be true, plz let me know.

your not paranoid, there is a lot of covering up every day we "normal" People don't hear or see, we are just puppets in a game, with many agendas and its hardly never like it seem`s or how it is presented to the public



Well-Known Member
Not puppets. Citizens. You feel powerless?

So does everyone. Obama is crying for a DEM house so he can go back to nothing as usual.

Hillary is slipping....do you think she might be feeling somewhat powerless, yet hopeful, right now?

You are not a puppet in this country until you bend over and grease your ass. Then you are a target of emotion tamper to just give up and let us get rich. WE want you to just give up so we can have your shirt.

It looks like a black hole from here. :) Cornhulio in the bunghole.

We work for the Big Casino and WE run the big casino. You are in the grip of helplessness so no one can help you.

If you were rich, suddenly. Then soon you will be poor, chances are. Ask all those broke lottery winners.

Most can't handle the truth of wealth. Real. It happened.

You become a Target. You get ripped. Not stone cold enough to have wealth.

That's the truth of it.