The UK Growers Thread!

fake drugs are bad kode yeah same as all drugs, theres enough people with serious mental health problems that have been brought 4ward from smoking weed (real weed) and theres enough weak people who will rob and steal for smoke.

me personally i think its just weak minded people, we all in todays world with all the info at hand no that heroin,crack etc are very addictive and all the dangers so why would u take that on a regular??? unless your very uneducated or weak of the mind.

but i dont buy that grade (good weed) of today is harmless imo

ive seen one guy get fucked up off weed, he ain't here today but it def fucked his head up, IMO it can be harmful but only to the weak minded the same as any other drug
Just use tor, that'll work will it not, don't think they'll be that interested in us anyway, there's far too many. They might go for moggs tho cos he's hardcore lol

moggs is the uk version of fdd lmfao

infact he may be fdd with all that cat loving shite, fdd was the same.
I can't be assed reading that so what it's all about iiKode lol
the fbi ordered google to show them private documents, that were otherwise not allowed to be shown, im just saying another ten year none of us will be keepin our shit on here, thi place stops me bragging to everycunt about my op. terrorism, then drugs funding terrorim - us apparently, fuck knows im jut sick of privacy invasion over terrorism, when its all their fault ALL OF IT NONE OF US DONE ANYTHING TO PROOKE TERRORISTS, IT WAS THE GOERNMENT FFS N THEY ARE BAD ENOUGH ACTING LIKE THE WAR HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE PEOPLE, WHEN 99% of US WOULD top the silly war, it al governent deciicons, we never voted to go to war did we? nah high rankin wealthy familys seen profit and made some shit, i ean who the fuck would attack the uperpower of the worl ff 'america' not even a country like ust a group 'al queda' makes no sens, whoever made money id shoot on the spot if i had a time machine
ive seen one guy get fucked up off weed, he ain't here today but it def fucked his head up, IMO it can be harmful but only to the weak minded the same as any other drug
yeah i can understand, not being nasty or anythin but it is hi own fault like, it just like drink or anything realy, food, driving, everything has a risk to fuck you up, but weed has a lower rating than a bunch of other shit thats legal ffs, drinking oil isnt illegal ut it would kill you, yet smokin weed is, and alcohol and fags are jut another fuckin paragraph i canny be arsed writing
fdd was the main mod of the whole site before he got nicked and they changed it too loads of lil mods lol he use to post pics mg of 100oz outdoors plants no shit! and boats n cars he had brought funnily enough he got nicked lmao

Sounds like a guy I'd like te know lol, I'd love to be able to grow outdoor, just aint an option here, probly same as ursel
fake drugs are bad kode yeah same as all drugs, theres enough people with serious mental health problems that have been brought 4ward from smoking weed (real weed) and theres enough weak people who will rob and steal for smoke.

me personally i think its just weak minded people, we all in todays world with all the info at hand no that heroin,crack etc are very addictive and all the dangers so why would u take that on a regular??? unless your very uneducated or weak of the mind.

but i dont buy that grade (good weed) of today is harmless imo
im jus sayin these fake drugs come out legal and do more damage than the ones that are legal, fs heroin addicts only die and od cuz its illegal, instead of having good heroin clean needles and a nice clean place to do ur buisness, your jackin up 90% chillie powder with a hep c needle, same with all drug, if they were regulated and people educated on doses and all that shye then maybe we wouldnt have the scum bein taken awa in bodybags after they took some proper heroin that they just thought was the regular hyte that was cut to fuck.
Sounds like a guy I'd like te know lol, I'd love to be able to grow outdoor, just aint an option here, probly same as ursel

outdoor in the uk can be easily done you just need a garden as big as moggs lolol

aslong as you got a secure garden and a place indoor to veg them a lil then outdoor in the uk is no hardship.
im jus sayin these fake drugs come out legal and do more damage than the ones that are legal, fs heroin addicts only die and od cuz its illegal, instead of having good heroin clean needles and a nice clean place to do ur buisness, your jackin up 90% chillie powder with a hep c needle, same with all drug, if they were regulated and people educated on doses and all that shye then maybe we wouldnt have the scum bein taken awa in bodybags after they took some proper heroin that they just thought was the regular hyte that was cut to fuck.

that is very true m8, dont quote me but i fink ya find diamorphine i.e smack given in a clinical enviroment is less harmfull to the body than booze!
outdoor in the uk can be easily done you just need a garden as big as moggs lolol

aslong as you got a secure garden and a place indoor to veg them a lil then outdoor in the uk is no hardship.

Maybe in a few years m8, when I get rid of this gaf if ever I might buy a place out in the wilderness, but by that time well probly be livin in fuckin igloos lol
aint very much left to watch that i aint seen, just started watching a australian show called underbelly is about the drugs scene from both sides dealers n police, very good watch bit tongue n cheek but well worthy of a watch.
epic show mate, wait till you get to season 5, every season gets better uite a rare occurance likem excet the eason set in the 1920's i couldnt get through it without bein a dribblin mess the whole time, one of them is set in the 80s best season imo
that is very true m8, dont quote me but i fink ya find diamorphine i.e smack given in a clinical enviroment is less harmfull to the body than booze!
aye, im for legalizin all drugs, take what you want aslong as it clean pure, and in a good enviroment, makin it illegal i givin more power to people who shouldnt have it, pablo escobar is the biggest example i can think of, he was nearly a polititian fs, and spent over 2 g a month on elatic bands just to wrap up his money... and whe you got people sellin shit that illegal what is it if they make 1k into 10 an fuck everone asong as they get money they dont care, it takes pennies to make these drugs and yet it goes out at hunners for a few grams the gets cut with allsorts, and remember all these drugs have been legal longer than its been illegal ffs.
that is very true m8, dont quote me but i fink ya find diamorphine i.e smack given in a clinical enviroment is less harmfull to the body than booze!
an aye, i beieve coke, heroin all the big ones that are made from plants can be used safley, but the peope running it are the wrong ones, cheaper drugs, better drugs, safer drugs, they will never be able to stop it so theres no point wasting money on trying.
epic show mate, wait till you get to season 5, every season gets better uite a rare occurance likem excet the eason set in the 1920's i couldnt get through it without bein a dribblin mess the whole time, one of them is set in the 80s best season imo

just finishing season 1 am really enjoying it, got season 2 n 3 aswel.

as for drugs well they been around alot longer than us and will be here long after we all gone.
im the same m8, anything else with gervais in it I can't watch but ur man Carl I find him funny as fuck

i carnt stand the bloke mg but i did watch a few of them idiot abroads and that carl pilckington was the funny 1 not him, hows that southern comfort going down? i just finished this 70cl bot and looking for any zoplicone i might have lost lmao kief pipe should sent me off tho.
I've about a third left so ther goin down fine lol, tell ye what, this gumby hash is hard te smoke in a joint, I mixed it with a bit if weed but it chokes the fuck outta ye lol, good stuff tho

a few lads I've give a bit to call it night night, for obvious reasons lol, guys that ain't used to smoking it puts them right out