The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Cheers ill have a read nerves are gone lol

ah chin up dude, its not severe yet by a long shot so all`s not lost... i`ve never had bugs thank god so again can`t be of to much help other than to hazzard a guess, but i`m confident the lads have dealth with them and can get you sorted...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Did you see what happened to the two girls who were "smoking a joint"??? they were fucking inhaling aerosol cans not weed! did you see how the story disappeared from the media when they found out it wasent cannabis? fucking cunts blaming a harmless plant again when two stupid bitches are sniffing bottles of linx wtf!!??

scroll down for the aerosol update


Well-Known Member
Did you see what happened to the two girls who were "smoking a joint"??? they were fucking inhaling aerosol cans not weed! did you see how the story disappeared from the media when they found out it wasent cannabis? fucking cunts blaming a harmless plant again when two stupid bitches are sniffing bottles of linx wtf!!??

scroll down for the aerosol update
I agree and the story will probably fade away now that hash wasn't the issue.
The Aunt of one of the girls is quoted in the Irish Independent as saying that she hopes the Gardai catch whoever sold them the hash,IMO people would prefer to believe that it was hash that did it than admit to their loved ones abusing aerosols.


Well-Known Member
Fucking aerosols, I can't understand why anybody would choose to inhale that shit knowing how painful a death could be waiting for them. If they wanted to get really fucked up a litre of vodka will sort you out for the evening lol. I feel like cannabis is used a a scapegoat for a lot of greasy shit that happens in this country and the media just runs with it.


Well-Known Member
Fucking aerosols, I can't understand why anybody would choose to inhale that shit knowing how painful a death could be waiting for them. If they wanted to get really fucked up a litre of vodka will sort you out for the evening lol. I feel like cannabis is used a a scapegoat for a lot of greasy shit that happens in this country and the media just runs with it.
You're 100% right.
The media use it at any given opportunity for headlines and the rubbish they write inflames those against it.
They didn't wait a few days to see if it was hash that sickened those girls,straight away it "contaminated cannabis" etc
Even on the RTE news they had drug addiction specialists warning people of the dangers!


Well-Known Member
Cheers ill have a read nerves are gone lol
Dont worry, looks like u have greenfly. would come from greenhouse, old plants, grass weeds etc.
Lots od cueasy cures for them. neem is very safe but requires regular use. soapy water safe as well. lots of chemical ones in shops but harsh on small plants. notice that they live underneath the leave so remove as much as possible with fingers and some water.
budsahoi:9154557 said:
Cheers ill have a read nerves are gone lol
Dont worry, looks like u have greenfly. would come from greenhouse, old plants, grass weeds etc.
Lots od cueasy cures for them. neem is very safe but requires regular use. soapy water safe as well. lots of chemical ones in shops but harsh on small plants. notice that they live underneath the leave so remove as much as possible with fingers and some water.
Been picking them off ill try soapy water would couple drops of washing up liquid do!?


Well-Known Member
Thats not greenfly way too big. dont think soap will have much effect on them. try soap first if that dont work its time to get something stronger. a fan on them would also help.
budsahoi:9154722 said:
Thats not greenfly way too big. dont think soap will have much effect on them. try soap first if that dont work its time to get something stronger. a fan on them would also help.
There tiny! I had to zoom in and had my cam on macro there hard to notice there that small


Well-Known Member
Good camera work in that case just looked like it was bigger and that IS greenfly. make sure to get underneath leaves.
budsahoi:9154776 said:
Good camera work in that case just looked like it was bigger and that IS greenfly. make sure to get underneath leaves.
Was determined to get the feckers ill give them a wash this evening thanks for the help =)