The UK Growers Thread!

2time was just windin some numpty up ice, same old just came into the thread asking to buy weed?

Aye. I was just surprised that he popped out of the blue yet was near a 10k post user. Granted I do not do well with names, but I swear I'd never seen him post anywhere before, yet clearly he had. How peculiar.
Aye. I was just surprised that he popped out of the blue yet was near a 10k post user. Granted I do not do well with names, but I swear I'd never seen him post anywhere before, yet clearly he had. How peculiar.

yeah i thought the same, near 10k posts but never seen him in 5yrs on the site??? very dodgy.
yeah i thought the same, near 10k posts but never seen him in 5yrs on the site??? very dodgy.

Who knows. Most likely just 5 years of a shit attention span with regard to me lol. But yeah, did remind me that there are a handful of folk on this forum who have been given a fake 20k post count by admin to give them an air of credibility.
I am a wallflower. I don't speak that much but do a lot of observation. As the most direct example, the admin user himself. Look at his stats. 20k posts, 8 posts a day. Reality being you'd be lucky to see him post once a month. The Adkins have the powder to artificially enhance lost counts for various folk if it suits them.

Do you remember when they got those 2 female paid moderaters in? They got given 10k imaginary posts or so just so that people would, in theory, trust their posts. Was a joke.

Sounds good to me. Fucking death traps :-D but tbh, you can get one hell of a bike for absolute pennies in comparison.

Not for me though. I'm considering selling my little Skoda. Been looking around and for about 100 more a hear for insurance, and a little more on road tax, I can go from my 1.2 fun, but POS skoda to a nice 3 series beamer that can actually overtake and drive in a wind without cartwheeling. Would need to save about 1.5k but it looks like it would be a great upgrade. Its that or keep the Skoda and buy a bike as well :-)

Just thought bid mention, I fucking love how retarded government alcohol advice is that you see on the back of bottles. This little bottle of prosecco, if I drink it from the bottle, I've consumed 2.2 units of alcohol, yet according to the bottle, if I pour it into s glass it becomes 2.1 units. Wtf lol. I've seen this on many bottles of beer as well.
i think im gonna go for a classic car or something when i buy my next one, fancy a mk1/2 escort opel kadett C or something similiar, still got my sights on a nice mk3 astra gsi as well tho lol
i think im gonna go for a classic car or something when i buy my next one, fancy a mk1/2 escort opel kadett C or something similiar, still got my sights on a nice mk3 astra gsi as well tho lol

Haha, we certainly have different views when it comes to classic cars then :-D once funds permit, I'm looking at one of the 2000 era jag xkrs. One of those cars thjogh, gotta have the income, cuts if it goes wrong, its gonna be stupid expensive to fix. Let alone the cost of fuel for a supercharged 4 litre V8. But I am in love with that car and always have been.
need for a tolerance break i thinks when 6x 7.5mg zops, half a bot of vods followed by a can of dragoon soop then followed but a few kief bongs aint doing a great deal yeah im buzzing but not like i should be......
need for a tolerance break i thinks when 6x 7.5mg zops, half a bot of vods followed by a can of dragoon soop then followed but a few kief bongs aint doing a great deal yeah im buzzing but not like i should be......

Yeah, that's pretty intense.. 4 pints and I'm ready for bed and that's without any weed or anything. Since ceasing my growing, I'm lightweight as crap. Drives the gf insane. She wants hankypanky and I just roll into bed stoned as a fucker and falling straight to sleep lol.
i think im gonna go for a classic car or something when i buy my next one, fancy a mk1/2 escort opel kadett C or something similiar, still got my sights on a nice mk3 astra gsi as well tho lol

i saw a gs1 just today , it was red wellll a sort of orange colour thanks to age and i remembered back to top gear blowing one up to show how old british cars were better ( they wernt ) , funny you should mention it aye

oh and mk1 mexico , rusty and not nice , even back in the day when they were cheap , opel kadett ? ummmmmm the dizzy is an issue back in the day , today a real friggin problem
Yeah im not into expensive cars would rather have a few old escorts n vivas n stuff over just one roller/jag lol

So long as you know how to look after a car, those things are a thing but expensive. Hell, I could actually get myself an xk for less than I paid for my Skoda.. But yeah, I've never been one for escorts and such, guess its my upbringing, I'm after old jags and Mercedes etc. More the touring style cars. I'm coast my wheel spinning hard cornering days, now I just love the notion of cruising in style and comfort.