and your a numpty div who didnt bother to read the whole convo lol
and your a numpty div who didnt bother to read the whole convo lol
2time was just windin some numpty up ice, same old just came into the thread asking to buy weed?
Aye. I was just surprised that he popped out of the blue yet was near a 10k post user. Granted I do not do well with names, but I swear I'd never seen him post anywhere before, yet clearly he had. How peculiar.
yeah i thought the same, near 10k posts but never seen him in 5yrs on the site??? very dodgy.
Who knows. Most likely just 5 years of a shit attention span with regard to me lol. But yeah, did remind me that there are a handful of folk on this forum who have been given a fake 20k post count by admin to give them an air of credibility.
i think im gonna go for a classic car or something when i buy my next one, fancy a mk1/2 escort opel kadett C or something similiar, still got my sights on a nice mk3 astra gsi as well tho lol
fucking el mog your old enough as it is your die soon enough anyway and even sooner on that fucker lol
need for a tolerance break i thinks when 6x 7.5mg zops, half a bot of vods followed by a can of dragoon soop then followed but a few kief bongs aint doing a great deal yeah im buzzing but not like i should be......
i think im gonna go for a classic car or something when i buy my next one, fancy a mk1/2 escort opel kadett C or something similiar, still got my sights on a nice mk3 astra gsi as well tho lol
Yeah im not into expensive cars would rather have a few old escorts n vivas n stuff over just one roller/jag lol