The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Good evening spunk drooling shape shifting reptilians from the lower 4 th dimension.....jus chopped the DP ww same prob as the blueberry, all the others are fine and obviously stable...been smoking lots an reading to David Icke (sumone on here mentioned him a while back so I had a look) ha ha KWALITY stoner fantasy...nice coin dave shame u fuked wiv the truth back ta the beers mate


Well-Known Member
Coat hanger over the gas???wtf u on about lol

I just had a look at my 20l jars and I've never had a problem opening them, maybe ur gettin old moggs lol
a coat hanger , warm the end and poke it through the tube to make the holes bigger , stops them blocking up etc etc

as for the 20 , the fuckers swollen fit to burst , you wanna see it , ive still got it ( just ) and yeah im an old bastard ,,,, a miserable one too ;-)


Well-Known Member
a coat hanger , warm the end and poke it through the tube to make the holes bigger , stops them blocking up etc etc

as for the 20 , the fuckers swollen fit to burst , you wanna see it , ive still got it ( just ) and yeah im an old bastard ,,,, a miserable one too ;-)
good idea moggs, I was cutting a v in the tube with a stanly blade but must try the coat hanger thing. What u use the ionics for? U got any hydro on the go.....u got fukin everything else lol


Well-Known Member
nah i use it in soil , have done for years , i do like my hydro but not in lofts as rez changes are a real bastard , not easy to get the old water down stairs so you end up having a few soil plants also to get rid of the water and before you know it you may as well just have soil , passive hydro helps given you dont have to bring it down then but then your dealing with friggin perlite and fans plus its not easy to water in passive DSCN3370.jpgDSCN3369.jpg

ta daaaaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
nah i use it in soil , have done for years , i do like my hydro but not in lofts as rez changes are a real bastard , not easy to get the old water down stairs so you end up having a few soil plants also to get rid of the water and before you know it you may as well just have soil , passive hydro helps given you dont have to bring it down then but then your dealing with friggin perlite and fans plus its not easy to water in passive View attachment 2680496View attachment 2680494

ta daaaaaaaaaaaaa
Lol, right who opened it for ye? I run the wilma systems cos a lotta the time I'm away and can leave them for a week or more and yer fine, I've a couple in a loft and I just stick a pump into the water tank in the loft and fill from ther so no hassle carting it up the hatch

also there's no water to take down cos they pretty much empty the system every week so just gotta top it up


Well-Known Member
ah your lucky , we had no water upstairs so had no cold water storage tank , main pressure fed , 8 years of hauling water up and down was no fun , a water butt helped ( stick a hose in the bastard ) but then there was the small matter of bringing it down again , 16 aquafarms with 18 litres in each ment a feckin lot of water to shift

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
ah your lucky , we had no water upstairs so had no cold water storage tank , main pressure fed , 8 years of hauling water up and down was no fun , a water butt helped ( stick a hose in the bastard ) but then there was the small matter of bringing it down again , 16 aquafarms with 18 litres in each ment a feckin lot of water to shift
Long before 8 fucking years I'd have thought you'd get a gaff with a cellar Mogs, lol.


Well-Known Member
I read up on the big lizards, the endangered one (£5000 fine!) and it said they would happily eat the smaller common lizards :D

I don't think i've ever seen a lizard in the UK. Only seen em in France, absolutely everywhere. Was great fun as a child to grab it by the tail to fine the tail falls off :D Ah, simple days.
i see this dead lizard looking thing last winter, dunno if it was a newt? but it looked very lizardy to me lol i took a pic on me phone n sent it to a few people, W dragon i think not that the fucker is ever online anymore.

i member living in norfolk yrs n yrs ago and seeing slow worms strange things they are, memorys are coming thick n fast now must be cause i aint had me sleeping tabs yet lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I haven't even got a ladder for my loft, I've got a table to climb on in the spare bed room.
Not to sound like Monty python yorkshiremen (lol) table, you had it lucky! I used to have to get into my loft by running and launching off one of the wooden bits off the front door, grabbing on to the kedgesm and pulling myself up. Getting down just entailed jumping through the hole.

i see this dead lizard looking thing last winter, dunno if it was a newt? but it looked very lizardy to me lol i took a pic on me phone n sent it to a few people, W dragon i think not that the fucker is ever online anymore.

i member living in norfolk yrs n yrs ago and seeing slow worms strange things they are, memorys are coming thick n fast now must be cause i aint had me sleeping tabs yet lol
Lizard, newt, ah fuck, I don't know! All the bloody same! I was over my grandads a bit back, he was in uproar because a big road development had been postponed indfinately because they'd found some newts on the land. Must been some of these fuckers.


Well-Known Member
i dunno what it was ttt but it looked like a lil dead lizard and was doing me nut in cause was winter and was just so out of place may have been also it was where i use to go smoke me joints in the missus old flat that added to madness lol


Active Member
Sambs that fat fucking bitch fairy arrived. She's a nimble, whiffy little whore
Gonna have a late night puff bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Sambs that fat fucking bitch fairy arrived. She's a nimble, whiffy little whore
Gonna have a late night puff bongsmilie
good to hear that vice, all me fairys made it safe n sound.

let me no what ya think of the smoke? smell n bag appeal are good but i wasnt too impressed with flavour, shes a gonna anyway threw the mom today and i aint gonna clone of these 9, back to the clone-onlys for me lmao

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good to hear that vice, all me fairys made it safe n sound.

let me no what ya think of the smoke? smell n bag appeal are good but i wasnt too impressed with flavour, shes a gonna anyway threw the mom today and i aint gonna clone of these 9, back to the clone-onlys for me lmao
You need a reviewer you just holla :-D

Was just thinking, I'd love to have newts or blizzards in my smoking area, and maybe one of those big ass dragon looking fuckers. Kuroi was down last week and we spent hours nice and stoned running around our ponds catching frogs by hand. Love all this kinds of things. Funky little critters!

What is the shelf life for canna nutes once opened? Realized I've got a bag of bottles of em and won't have anything to do with em for 18 months, and its already been 12 months since they were last used, so if anyone wants em..


Well-Known Member
madness i just drove to town and back and i'm still logged in wtf lol thought there was a time out on here

DWR pay £150 into here

acc.... 26674279
sort.. 60-12-03

you'll have a half oz of dank at your door tomo morning ;)
150 for half? bank details publicv

your mad


Well-Known Member
You need a reviewer you just holla :-D

Was just thinking, I'd love to have newts or blizzards in my smoking area, and maybe one of those big ass dragon looking fuckers. Kuroi was down last week and we spent hours nice and stoned running around our ponds catching frogs by hand. Love all this kinds of things. Funky little critters!

What is the shelf life for canna nutes once opened? Realized I've got a bag of bottles of em and won't have anything to do with em for 18 months, and its already been 12 months since they were last used, so if anyone wants em..
ttt your going on my official sample list for this next crop, i like to send out a few samples get peoples opinions even more so on this blueberry but ive already decided its shite lol