9/11 what do you think?


New Member
ok i for one hate alex jones and david icke and all the freemasonic dis info people that are there to discredit peoples real questions but look ino its a youtube video

but here
about 911 this documentary really contradicts what the white house reported
it dosn't tell you who did it because that would be a conspiracy because no one knows for sure but this really does bring back some un answered or poorly answered questions that the white house swept under the rug


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the opinions! I feel less crazy lol. It just seems like with some of the FACTS that are out there about the subject, how can you not be suspicious!!
Do a google search for "Cognitive Dissonance" and consider the implications for many.

The closer people are to it, the less likely they will be to believe you. People want things to be a certain way so their lives are not altered dramatically - so long as things are good for them (food, shelter, etc).

It's got little to do with reason and logic and everything to do with emotional self gratification. It's a defense mechanism really.

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
There are so many conspiracy theories today that the ones that deserve merit are shoved into the closet with the rest. I think another thing that discredits many theories in Alex Jones. They guy is a putz...

Selling ideas is like selling any other product. You can have the best idea/product in the world but if the salesmen is a prick, pinhead or a putz most people are going to shut the door in their face.

Many things do not add up about 9/11. I am suspicious but my opinions change with new evidence. I for one think it strange that the flight over PA crashed into a field. IF it was actual terrorists then seeing as it was the last plane to go down AFTER the other planes struck targets, does not it make perfect sense that the military would shoot this last plane down?

It's like this, I believe JFK was taken out by people within our own government that didn't like that he wanted to actually do his job. Once I buy into that, It opens the window to many other ideas.


Well-Known Member
It does all add up, except for the un-informed, armchair logic. All the facts do add up, including the plane that crashed in the field. There are cell phone records from the plane.

The amateurs don't know if there was a warplane there or not. They think warplanes appear by magic. They think we were prepared to shoot down airliners full of US citizen over US citizens. Now we are, maybe. Then, not at all.

But, they are wiling to speak, to hint of false assumptions.

Really I will tell you, having chased conspiracy theories, tracking down the origins of War Cults, and Gurus, a little information is dangerous to the mind.

This, now, is the 9/11 religion. Signs and Miracles and the Ignorance of Man. Has all the icons and all the faith of any region.


Well-Known Member
Just remember, only 3 skyscrapers have ever fallen from fire in the history of the world. Just because it all happened on the same day in the same area shouldn't make you suspicious. Neiman Marcus is having a sale!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
They think we were prepared to shoot down airliners full of US citizen over US citizens. Now we are, maybe. Then, not at all.
What kind of aviation experience do you have? How many military flights have you been on? How many government agencies do you set policy for?

I am guessing none, none and never.

You must be an expert.


Well-Known Member
ok i for one hate alex jones and david icke and all the freemasonic dis info people that are there to discredit peoples real questions but look ino its a youtube video

but here
about 911 this documentary really contradicts what the white house reported
it dosn't tell you who did it because that would be a conspiracy because no one knows for sure but this really does bring back some un answered or poorly answered questions that the white house swept under the rug
I'll demonstrate with the first couple minutes of this video.

First, Larry Silverstein. If this is a government plot, why is a real estate developer so intimately involved in it, making the decision to demolish World Trade Center 7? The video claims he got $7 billion in insurance money; he actually got about $4.6 billion. Why overstate the amount? As for the infamous "pull it," here's the full quote: "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse." If you think "pull it" means destroy the building, evidently the firefighters made that decision and were all in on the demolition. Obviously "pull it" refers to the firefighting effort, not a demolition command.

As for World Trade Center 7 generally, the claim of unprecedented collapse is ridiculous in the first place. When was there an event comparable to the World Trade Center attack that we can measure against? There's never been one. One Meridian Plaza? Is that a tube structure like World Trade Center 7? How many floors were on fire, and which floors? What were fire suppression efforts like? When you ask these questions, past fire comparisons immediately break down. Imagine full fire departments with only one emergency, which is fires moving through upper floors of a building. Now imagine a fire department that's already lost hundreds of people, with two 110 story buildings having collapsed, that can barely access water to fight fires burning throughout a large building that had debris rained all over it, tearing into the building. These are not comparable events. We learned something from 9/11: a lot of our buildings are more vulnerable to fire than we previously thought.

Ultimately World Trade Center 7 just doesn't make any sense. If there was a conspiracy at work, why did they wait until after 5:00 PM that day to take the building down? Why worry about taking the building down at all? If everyone knew that no skyscraper had ever collapsed because of fires, why would they choose World Trade Center 7 to be the obviously anomalous first?


Well-Known Member
What kind of aviation experience do you have? How many military flights have you been on? How many government agencies do you set policy for?

I am guessing none, none and never.

You must be an expert.
Besides having worked in local govt and teaching policy setting techniques to elected morons,. ABAG. Lovely name..Assoc. of Bay Area Govt.....

I am a pilot.

Licensed in Single Engine, fixed gear, Land Airplane
Licensed in Single Engine, Helicopter

Built a one design Homebuilt airplane, from scratch. The MicroLiner. The test pilot made a big mistake and it was over for that investment in an eye blink.

Member of EAA, and AOPA.
Subscribe to Flying, Homebuilt, and EAA magazines.
Grew up on a Texas AFB, flown in military types, and was ORIENTED in the Apache Longbow simulator
I'm an Expert Warrior in Apache on Xbox
Have a rating from the US Hang Glider Assoc.
Have time in gliders and Seaplanes, have seem my share of all of it, including death and destruction.

So, not an expert. Just qualified to be one.

Go ahead, now share your familiarity with time, speed and distance as it pertains to war planes.

So don't you, in fact, know almost nothing about this? And are you not, in fact, simply assuming in your vast ignorance?

I tell you, see if you possess a single ounce of courage. Go land a seaplane at dawn on a glass smooth lake. HA HA.

Pucker factor. You really have no idea. How about an, in fight, fire? Near Mid-air. Ever had that? How about the F-16 that suddenly crosses above and descends through your altitude (can't go slow) Then he zooms you so you buffet. Suck it up and rock your wings or get stitched on the next pass?

I have. Pucker factor, you know not.

Idiot FAIL.


Well-Known Member
Is that a tube structure like World Trade Center 7?
The ignorance is showing, either that or you haven't a clue what you are talking about.

Many skyscrapers have had fires MUCH MUCH larger than in any of the 9/11 buildings. None of them fell and most are still being used to this day.




What was that you were saying?


Well-Known Member
The ignorance is showing, either that or you haven't a clue what you are talking about.

Many skyscrapers have had fires MUCH MUCH larger than in any of the 9/11 buildings. None of them fell and most are still being used to this day.

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What was that you were saying?
Please give me the names of your buildings so that I can actually read about them instead of trying to presume something from a picture with zero context.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between some building with an electrical fire to a bomb(plane) going off in it with 240,000 Litres of fuel, it wouldn't help the structure.


Well-Known Member
Besides having worked in local govt and teaching policy setting techniques to elected morons,. ABAG. Lovely name..Assoc. of Bay Area Govt.....

I am a pilot.

Licensed in Single Engine, fixed gear, Land Airplane
Licensed in Single Engine, Helicopter

Built a one design Homebuilt airplane, from scratch. The MicroLiner. The test pilot made a big mistake and that was over that investment in an eye blink.

Member of EAA, and AOPA.
Subscribe to Flying, Homebuilt, and EAA magazines.
Grew up on a Texas AFB, flown in military types, and was ORIENTED in the Apache Longbow simulator
I'm an Expert Warrior in Apache on Xbox
Have a rating from the US Hang Glider Assoc.
Have time in gliders and Seaplanes, have seem my share of all of it, including death and destruction.

So, not an expert. Just qualified to be one.

Go ahead, now share your familiarity with time, speed and distance as it pertains to war planes.

So don't you, in fact, know almost nothing about this? And are you not, in fact, simply assuming in your vast ignorance?

I tell you, see if you possess a single ounce of courage. Go land a seaplane at dawn on a glass smooth lake. HA HA.

Pucker factor. You really have no idea. How about in in fight fire? Ever had that? I have. Pucker factor, you know not.

Idiot FAIL.

My Qualifications?

USMC F-4 phantoms & F/A 18 Hornets===ACTUAL military experience

Private pilot since 1989, instrument rated for fixed wing. I own 2 airplanes, the first is my Beechcraft Bonanza with a Y tail and the other is a Piper PA-23

firefighting school 1987

Try landing a F/A-18 at night on a carrier pitching up and down in the S China sea. Hell, try landing a hot plane with way too much altitude at John Wayne airport.

Looks like you got severely trumped on that one.

Better luck next time sir fails alot.

Notice I didn't try to make simulator experience, my Hang gliding experiences at Monterrey or XBox skill a qualification?

Only a poseur would do that.


Well-Known Member
Please give me the names of your buildings so that I can actually read about them instead of trying to presume something from a picture with zero context.
awww you getting all huffy now because the pictures make your argument look ridiculous?

You think those pictures are all photoshopped or something? You having a hard time looking at those large skyscrapers that have fires that make the 9/11 ones look like girlscout weenie roasts?

I bet if you look hard enough you will be able to find out what those buildings are.

Did the 9/11 commission look for evidence of explosives in any of the buildings?


Well-Known Member
My Qualifications?

USMC F-4 phantoms & F/A 18 Hornets===ACTUAL military experience

Private pilot since 1989, instrument rated for fixed wing. I own 2 airplanes, the first is my Beechcraft Bonanza with a Y tail and the other is a Piper PA-23

firefighting school 1987

Try landing a F/A-18 at night on a carrier pitching up and down in the S China sea. Hell, try landing a hot plane with way too much altitude at John Wayne airport.

Looks like you got severely trumped on that one.

Better luck next time sir fails alot.

Notice I didn't try to make simulator experience, my Hang gliding experiences at Monterrey or XBox skill a qualification?

Only a poseur would do that.
OK fine. You have a resume. So do I. You are simply a warrior idiot with quals. You do know all about deploying warplanes. I just disagree with your brand of crazy. You said I know nothing without knowing. Now you want to dick wag about your superiority, huh? Why did you assume I was not a fellow pilot?.....not an aviator, certainly, granted.

Done taking your shit now? I already secured the General's Pooch.

So not an idiot after all. Just a stupid person on this subject. Feeling good, now that you waved that Aviator wong? So, you are no stranger to pucker factor. Why didn't you say so. I have plenty of Worship for Naval Aviators.

Still no helicopter, huh? Can't afford it yet. You will like it. I like flying. I fly Ft. Funston. And I kick ass in Apache on Xbox. Play ya, anytime, Mr. Warrior. But, no helo, and no govt policy setting....I'd say a friendly tie.

BTW, I'm quite the slip kid, in hot planes on tight airports. You know one side of Monterey, north side, is 1500 pattern alt. Short field, I love that. I am addicted to auto-rotation with low mass rotor systems.

But, are you just begin funny with the xbox and hang glider comments? Those like the magazines and building are interests, not quals....are they? Seaplanes? Or did you manage to drown your F4?


Well-Known Member
awww you getting all huffy now because the pictures make your argument look ridiculous?

You think those pictures are all photoshopped or something? You having a hard time looking at those large skyscrapers that have fires that make the 9/11 ones look like girlscout weenie roasts?

I bet if you look hard enough you will be able to find out what those buildings are.
I take it you don't know the names of any of the buildings in your pictures then, since you expect me to do the work for you. If you don't even know the names, that says a lot about how informed you must be.

The assertion implicit in your pictures is that the fires shown burned to that extent uncontrolled for substantial periods of time in buildings of designs similar to World Trade Center, with the buildings still standing afterward. If your first picture is 12 hours into a fire and an hour later the fire was totally out, the event would not be comparable to anything at the World Trade Center. The other implicit assertion is that the visibility of the fire is meaningful. If those flames are widespread but not very hot, they're not going to weaken the steel in the building and bring it down. If the building isn't a tube structure, it would be able to withstand fire to a far greater extent than tube structures like those at the World Trade Center.

Did the 9/11 commission look for evidence of explosives in any of the buildings?
Why would they? Of course, no one else has ever found any such evidence.


Well-Known Member
I take it you don't know the names of any of the buildings in your pictures then, since you expect me to do the work for you. If you don't even know the names, that says a lot about how informed you must be.

The assertion implicit in your pictures is that the fires shown burned to that extent uncontrolled for substantial periods of time in buildings of designs similar to World Trade Center, with the buildings still standing afterward. If your first picture is 12 hours into a fire and an hour later the fire was totally out, the event would not be comparable to anything at the World Trade Center. The other implicit assertion is that the visibility of the fire is meaningful. If those flames are widespread but not very hot, they're not going to weaken the steel in the building and bring it down. If the building isn't a tube structure, it would be able to withstand fire to a far greater extent than tube structures like those at the World Trade Center.

Why would they? Of course, no one else has ever found any such evidence.
Yep, I just found random pictures of skyscrapers on fire, its soooooo common. I haven't a clue what any of them are.

How long did the 9/11 fires burn? Do you even know?

45 minutes? 2 hours?

What percentage of towers 1& 2 were on fire? 10%?
What percentage of the Mandarin hotel was on fire? 100%?

hollow tube design?, none of the buildings involved in 9/11 were hollow tube designs. Anyone saying so has been duped by watching TV and reporters playing architect. Of course the 9/11 commission could have told you they were made of brick and you would have believed them.

No one found any evidence of explosives? I suppose you ascribe to the "The wind did it" hypothesis when trying to explain the puffs of smoke accompanying the flash of light as it sequences down the side of Bldg 7 followed shortly thereafter by a collapse. It's quite the leap.

You must not pay much attention to things going on around you. People have found evidence. The fact that you dismiss it means less than nothing.


Well-Known Member
OK fine. You have a resume. So do I. You are simply a warrior idiot with quals. You do know all about deploying warplanes. I just disagree with your brand of crazy. You said I know nothing without knowing. Now you want to dick wag about your superiority, huh? Why did you assume I was not a fellow pilot?.....not an aviator, certainly, granted.

Done taking your shit now? I already secured the General's Pooch.

So not an idiot after all. Just a stupid person on this subject. Feeling good, now that you waved that Aviator wong? So, you are no stranger to pucker factor. Why didn't you say so. I have plenty of Worship for Naval Aviators.

Still no helicopter, huh? Can't afford it yet. You will like it. I like flying. I fly Ft. Funston. And I kick ass in Apache on Xbox. Play ya, anytime, Mr. Warrior. But, no helo, and no govt policy setting....I'd say a friendly tie.

BTW, I'm quite the slip kid, in hot planes on tight airports. You know one side of Monterey, north side, is 1500 pattern alt. Short field, I love that. I am addicted to auto-rotation with low mass rotor systems.

But, are you just begin funny with the xbox and hang glider comments? Those like the magazines and building are interests, not quals....are they? Seaplanes? Or did you manage to drown your F4?
When on military standby, it takes less than 10 minutes to get that bird in the air. Considering there are Navy aviation bases, Air Force bases, and Marine Corps bases all within a couple hundred miles of NYC and Washington DC, getting a response flight up and in the air to do a intercept is CHILD'S PLAY!! You have to get the order to go first though. With no order to go it matters not how fast you can fly or how far out a Sidewinder can take out another aircraft.