The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2680071View attachment 2680072

Alrite bellends, thot of thro a wee pic up off the exo in veg still lol, always good te see it when u been away for a week, done a fair bit of pinchin on it before I left te make sure it never hit the light. She's a big un, bout a meter wide, goina have to try and get it shifted and into flower this weekend.

@sambo, got that m8, just goina give it a blast here soon, no fuckin roots on them others yet, a coupe have wee ones pokin out the side so probly have te give them another week
That is going to be utterly absurd once it's stretched out.


Well-Known Member
That is going to be utterly absurd once it's stretched out.
Aye I know ttt, fuckall I could do with it m8, it's only there till my clones root and I get 8 into tht room. Should really of fucked it out before it got too big, can't thro it out now tho. Might set up my 1m tent and flower it in there. Need to thro together some sort of hydro system to put it in once I move it too. Ill have pics up anyway so ye's can see what happens to it lol

i never really lollipoped or super cropped before so it's sorta what I've been practising on for me next run


Well-Known Member
sweet i was getting me sweat on when i checked this morning and it hadnt been delivered, nice1 on the clones m8 whenever your ready just dont forget me please lol got the livers and pyschosis back now but want the exo.

how do you find the smoke of that blueberry then?


Well-Known Member
sweet i was getting me sweat on when i checked this morning and it hadnt been delivered, nice1 on the clones m8 whenever your ready just dont forget me please lol got the livers and pyschosis back now but want the exo.

how do you find the smoke of that blueberry then?
Think it came yesterday maybe m8, tbh it's nice to have a change from psychosis as much as I love it, but its nothing like the blueberry I had a couple years ago, still nice tho. If it was like the stuff from a few year ago I'd definitely be binning the exo and keepin it but now ill decide when the next crops up and whichever does best for me ill probly hold onto along with the psychosis. Might have to try that livers at some point too, is it not a long flower tho??

cheers for the free samples m8, ill have to leave u a review lmao!

aye the clones won't be forgot, first two to shows got ur name on them


Well-Known Member
Think it came yesterday maybe m8, tbh it's nice to have a change from psychosis as much as I love it, but its nothing like the blueberry I had a couple years ago, still nice tho. If it was like the stuff from a few year ago I'd definitely be binning the exo and keepin it but now ill decide when the next crops up and whichever does best for me ill probly hold onto along with the psychosis. Might have to try that livers at some point too, is it not a long flower tho??

cheers for the free samples m8, ill have to leave u a review lmao!

aye the clones won't be forgot, first two to shows got ur name on them
i wasnt overly impressed either mg, has a good stink to it but flavour was nothing special i gotta do this run of it was all the clones i had at the time, but the next will be a mix up of exo,livers n pyscho.

livers is 9/10wk m8, stinkiest of the 3 and a more happy slightly uppy buzz well when compared to the pyscho n exo anyway.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt overly impressed either mg, has a good stink to it but flavour was nothing special i gotta do this run of it was all the clones i had at the time, but the next will be a mix up of exo,livers n pyscho.
Whatever yeilds the best for me will be kept, ill just be keepin aloada psycho for Percy anyway but can maybe see me goin with the exo, it's all far better than the shite here anyway so it'll all sell.
this run ill have 4 phsyco, 2 bb and 2 exo in one place, them another 8 psycho in another, all goin at the same time too, roll on fuckin August lol


Well-Known Member
Whatever yeilds the best for me will be kept, ill just be keepin aloada psycho for Percy anyway but can maybe see me goin with the exo, it's all far better than the shite here anyway so it'll all sell.
this run ill have 4 phsyco, 2 bb and 2 exo in one place, them another 8 psycho in another, all goin at the same time too, roll on fuckin August lol
yeah im with you on the roll on august lol these 9 are vegging fast under 1200hps will be flipping them this time next wk, then got a gas inspection get that out the way and gonna do a nice 1 of exo,pyscho,livers for xmas.

its what works best for you, for selling they are 3 strains very hard to beat but some will say the livers is a great yielder others exo and the pyscho isnt what u would call a low yielder, i prefer the exo for the quickness that extra wk adds up over the course of a year.


Well-Known Member
yeah im with you on the roll on august lol these 9 are vegging fast under 1200hps will be flipping them this time next wk, then got a gas inspection get that out the way and gonna do a nice 1 of exo,pyscho,livers for xmas.

its what works best for you, for selling they are 3 strains very hard to beat but some will say the livers is a great yielder others exo and the pyscho isnt what u would call a low yielder, i prefer the exo for the quickness that extra wk adds up over the course of a year.
Aye after this one I need to get on the ball quick to get a good one knocked out for Xmas too m8. I've very little psycho left now maybe 3/4 - 1 oz, not be long goin thru it then its goina have to be back to the road with some funds lol


Well-Known Member

Just thru this together to replace the blue arrow drippers in my wilma systems, don't think the drippers wer watering enough of the big pots so the rings should do a better job. What yas think??...don't really matter cos it works a fuckin charm anyway lol



Well-Known Member
fuck nos mg just looks like a load of piping to me lol what medium do u use in the system n what nutes?
Lol, using clay pebbles and ionic nutes, works alright for me

@ttt, I tried it on the pump and it works fine, just need to make some if the holes in the ring a little bigger, will def water more if the pot than the stake drippers. Before when I pull the plants the roots didn't seem to be using all of the pots, they wer just following the water flow and then out the bottom into the res so this bouta help, even a little


Well-Known Member
evening fuckerz, looking for some advice lads and ladies, ive finally figured out how to get onto silk road and that through the tor browser, what i now need to know is how i go about getting bitcoins to make a purchase can anyone help me out?


Well-Known Member
i lived in the country for years when i was younger, only sawa couple of these when it was warm, me n my bro used to collect them and put them in an old fishtank beside a heater, we kept a couple for a while aswell, but when winter came they all died or escaped...
yeah turns out they tend to wonder around the place hence finding one on our window ! , pulling them out daily at the pool , 5 yesterday , 3 today and there all different although ive read the fuckers have a homing instinct , ive been dropping them onto my plants as it turns out they may eat slugs and snails , turns out there thick as fuck and tend to bite and swollow anything they can until they suss what there trying to eat may be bigger than they are , next time i get a big un and its happy to play dead ( they play dead but not well ) ill take a piccy

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I read up on the big lizards, the endangered one (£5000 fine!) and it said they would happily eat the smaller common lizards :D

I don't think i've ever seen a lizard in the UK. Only seen em in France, absolutely everywhere. Was great fun as a child to grab it by the tail to fine the tail falls off :D Ah, simple days.


Well-Known Member
Lol, using clay pebbles and ionic nutes, works alright for me

@ttt, I tried it on the pump and it works fine, just need to make some if the holes in the ring a little bigger, will def water more if the pot than the stake drippers. Before when I pull the plants the roots didn't seem to be using all of the pots, they wer just following the water flow and then out the bottom into the res so this bouta help, even a little
coat hanger over the gas worked nicely for me

just brought a fresh 20 litre of ionic grow , do they weld the fuckin top on or what ? i know you can buy a special spanner to remove them but i tend to use gas plyers or i would if i can find um

got some canna flores a+b here , i normaily use vita link in flower but got this stuff recommended as as good as vita , not cracked it open yet as im worried ill fry the fuckers , anyone got any experience with the stuff ? it came recommended via the hydro shop , i was chinese eyed to fuck , could have sold me anything at the time


Well-Known Member
I read up on the big lizards, the endangered one (£5000 fine!) and it said they would happily eat the smaller common lizards :D

I don't think i've ever seen a lizard in the UK. Only seen em in France, absolutely everywhere. Was great fun as a child to grab it by the tail to fine the tail falls off :D Ah, simple days.
fuck i have , i think you either do or dont with these things , cats brought one home before along with a couple of snakes including an adder , that cat used to hate everything the evil fucker , anyways eddie as taken last year ( all lizards are called eddie , eddie lizard )


Well-Known Member
coat hanger over the gas worked nicely for me

just brought a fresh 20 litre of ionic grow , do they weld the fuckin top on or what ? i know you can buy a special spanner to remove them but i tend to use gas plyers or i would if i can find um

got some canna flores a+b here , i normaily use vita link in flower but got this stuff recommended as as good as vita , not cracked it open yet as im worried ill fry the fuckers , anyone got any experience with the stuff ? it came recommended via the hydro shop , i was chinese eyed to fuck , could have sold me anything at the time
Coat hanger over the gas???wtf u on about lol

I just had a look at my 20l jars and I've never had a problem opening them, maybe ur gettin old moggs lol