The UK Growers Thread!

fuckin cruel , mac millan nurses are running a petition to stop all parking charges and good luck to them , charging the sick or needy is a piss take and its not like the hospital get the fuckin money , its ncp

but yeah its test after test after test , the docs informed us already the next 3 test are more than likely to show nothing and its something she needs to live with , i liked his honesty , i didnt like the lack of action , i dont blame the doc at all
Didn't know it was all ncp. Ffs that's fuckin shitty my gf's bro has to pay n his is the disabled spot. Heartless fuckers.

Hope your missus gets to the bottom of it. Not knowing sucks.
£300 for 9 here... for clean soap or £325 for (they call it pollen) I call it slate. I bought the soap and glad I did.


its keif or you may know it as shake , nowt but what falls through the screen , nothing added and maybe 20 times stronger than soap , i do add a bit of iso to bond it but that evaporates off

Well the ph of my soil/compost mixture is a 6.5, which is good. Will it harm or help the plants, as far as chemical composition?

it wont be after that , it will be more likely to have a ph of 9+ , will it effect ? fuck yeah , DSCN3291.jpg

this is what happens at 8.4 when some fucktard without a brain manages to water his plants with the wrong stuff , yep me ,,,, its recovered now but only after a good flush
Well the ph of my soil/compost mixture is a 6.5, which is good. Will it harm or help the plants, as far as chemical composition?
prolly misread the label...Bat shit rather than cat shit..also toxoplasmosis mite b a consideration not tha i no fuk a bout ti
It would be nice to fuck sr off & form our own little circle , I know my price would be a lot less !

yeah send me all your addresses to

[email protected]a

and ill send you a kilo of G13 for a fiver ,,,,free post

it could work i guess but you bunch of fuckers might rock up wanting bacon sandwiches and a dip in the pool and im an antisocial bastard at the best of times , have my bacon and ill set the fuckin mrs on you , and shes ginger
yeah send me all your addresses to

[email protected]a

and ill send you a kilo of G13 for a fiver ,,,,free post

it could work i guess but you bunch of fuckers might rock up wanting bacon sandwiches and a dip in the pool and im an antisocial bastard at the best of times , have my bacon and ill set the fuckin mrs on you , and shes ginger

Lol m8, I guess it would be just a s/Wales thing for me, meet up , no addresses then !
Lol m8, I guess it would be just a s/Wales thing for me, meet up , no addresses then !

that would and does work , used to happen on dr chronics site back in the day , people would bitch and moan until it was worked out roughly the middle distance between peps and they would rock up and exchange , you would think there would be trouble but most time they had a great time swopping clones etc etc , it used to work great

just got in and im fucked, got the new motor 2002 pug 206,, 5 door only a 1200 but it moves, t&t till jan insured for the next few weeks, so alls gravy, just waiting on new licence thru door and il have done my resit by august

fucking hell went for a quote, they ranged from 2k to 11.9k!! WTF!!!

by simply changing my address to my home down i saved nrly 1.6k,, fucking nuts, so its all going in the mothers addres fo sure fools!

how is everybody anwyays, i havent been gracing u with my presence so cummon bitches sup!?>

and u know wen im thru my test again il be making home vistis

mine too...£160/£180oz of shrubbery and better merchandise pmsl....

lol really? i could make a seleling site right now but the whole point is annonnnymitty hence y sr is sr and only on TOR,

yeh we'll do paypal with payment protection aye?

u seen the ebay style seed site? seedbay? sum mad strains


your Q was sent special today bitch, try and be awake before 1pm u lazy cunt

wait.... u actually sent sumthing what was owed?

well thats progress!! lkmao

anwyays jan this insurance quotes, and these is te good cheap ones,, 3rd party ONLY.

anwyays sambo how is my big bald fairy princess?
