can i start flushing yet?


Well-Known Member
at least 50 % red pistils the trichomes are milky I think so If I start flushing now for like a week or 2 wont they be little amber? Its a tiny plant I know lol20130527_215031.jpg20130527_215001.jpg20130527_215013.jpg


Active Member
Idk the answer to ur question. But how did u get ur plant that small and how old is it. Thats what i want is a small one like that


Well-Known Member
I have trouble getting mine taller,all I get is short and fat.
I think I would get more yield if it was a little taller.


Well-Known Member
Lot of white hairs there, which to me equals with a lot of work for the plant yet to do. So you really don't want to remove all the nutrients imo. I certainly wouldn't flush.

There is a strong argument against the need to flush in soil grows on here. These days I wait till the plant is about 5 days away before flushing, but I still add a little nutes with the last water. (I do use organic nutes though).

I just fed a girl today that may well be ready in less than 2 weeks. I just prefer them to be as strong as possible as long as possible - as bud rot is far more heartbreaking than slightly harsh smoking weed.


Well-Known Member
Idk the answer to ur question. But how did u get ur plant that small and how old is it. Thats what i want is a small one like that

Tie them down! I've got a 2.5ft tall girl that's 4ft wide and will yield over 5oz! :-)


Active Member
Lot of white hairs there, which to me equals with a lot of work for the plant yet to do. So you really don't want to remove all the nutrients imo. I certainly wouldn't flush.

There is a strong argument against the need to flush in soil grows on here. These days I wait till the plant is about 5 days away before flushing, but I still add a little nutes with the last water. (I do use organic nutes though).

I just fed a girl today that may well be ready in less than 2 weeks. I just prefer them to be as strong as possible as long as possible - as bud rot is far more heartbreaking than slightly harsh smoking weed.
Bud rot isn't hard to avoid, you should have humidity control in your grow room anyway, and feeding your plant in the last week isn't going to increase your yield by any measurable amount.

Also, are you suggesting that feeding your plants is helping you prevent bud rot? :???:


Active Member
True dat LST is the way to go. I use one string on the 3rd node then another on the sixth cut the third and . I end up withatleast 9 colas all as fat as the next up until the crown. A 3 foot plant sitttin 9inches high


Well-Known Member
Bud rot isn't hard to avoid, you should have humidity control in your grow room anyway, and feeding your plant in the last week isn't going to increase your yield by any measurable amount.

Also, are you suggesting that feeding your plants is helping you prevent bud rot? :???:

Coulda shoulda woulda.

Not impressed with your tone fella, so will not offer anything constructive. :peace:


Active Member
Coulda shoulda woulda.

Not impressed with your tone fella, so will not offer anything constructive. :peace:
Wasn't asking for your advice... I grow my plants based on the study of botany, not made up psuedo-science.

Let me guess, feeding until the final day is something a friend of a friend of a friend told you?

Misinformation is one of the biggest problems these days, not trying to impress you with my tone, was showing how ridiculous you sound.

Feeding and flushing have nothing to do with bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't asking for your advice
Who said anything about advice?

You asked me a question - which I believe requires an answer. I said I wouldn't provide a constructive one, not that I wouldn't give you advice.

Tempted to offer you some now though...but I'm not a hater like you!!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Wasn't asking for your advice... I grow my plants based on the study of botany, not made up psuedo-science.

Let me guess, feeding until the final day is something a friend of a friend of a friend told you?

Misinformation is one of the biggest problems these days, not trying to impress you with my tone, was showing how ridiculous you sound.

Feeding and flushing have nothing to do with bud rot.
Insecure patriarchal ridiculer.

I bet you have to avoid certain strains coz they make you paranoid! Eh!



Well-Known Member
Healthy plants equals less chance of botrytis forming through dying leaves.

I personally don't flush.

I haven't for almost 2 years.

Chill out boys.

The argument BIGBY was making is that by not flushing, plants are healthier.

We all know that stressed plants means easy access for pests and spores.

I do agree that feeding in the last week won't increase yield.

I still feed though up until I chop.



Well-Known Member
I usually start flushing week 1 of flower. Gives me pretty much no yield at all but isn't that the point? Who wants to play call of duty?


Well-Known Member
Ok several points to make here...

For the person who switches to water the last couple weeks... don't do it. It is foolish, you are denying nutrients during the phase where buds swell the most. You are only losing yield by doing that. That is why people flush. They want to be able to give maximum amount of nutrients during that phase, then (due to overfeeding) end up with a lot of left over, salt build up, in the final week, when the plant growth is slowing down and buds are ripening.

For the OP: don't flush until you see the first amber crystals. Usually that coincides with the growth stall leading up to finishing.
Give it another weeks of nutrients, you should see amber around that time, then you can flush (if you choose flushing).

In general: I recommend flushing, especially to people who ask questions about flushing. If you understand how to properly feed your plants, build up slowly until you hit a peak during bud swell, then cut back in increments as it finishes up, then you probably don't need to flush. Any nutrient/salt build up will be negligable. If you do not fall into that category, then you most likely need to flush. Overfeeding is pretty common.

As far as those who claim flushing stresses your plant. My experiences have told me exactly opposite.
To begin with, if you have fed, and cared for your plant properly you will have plenty of green leaves left in that last week. There is more than enough food stored in those green leaves to easily pull your plant through one week of pure water. If anything, that is the reason I could believe flushing really doesn't help, considering there are still nutrients available to the plant stored in the leaf system.
Then there is the fact I see with my own eyes how a plant responds after flushing. I have never seen one of my plants respond negatively. Quite the opposite, they stand tall with the leaves reaching for the light.

So, bottom line is, when it comes to flushing, I fully support it 1 week from harvest. If you have grown it properly, at the very least flushing in the last week does not hurt it at all and if reports are true, can help the final product.


Active Member
Ok several points to make here...

For the person who switches to water the last couple weeks... don't do it. It is foolish, you are denying nutrients during the phase where buds swell the most. You are only losing yield by doing that. That is why people flush. They want to be able to give maximum amount of nutrients during that phase, then (due to overfeeding) end up with a lot of left over, salt build up, in the final week, when the plant growth is slowing down and buds are ripening.

For the OP: don't flush until you see the first amber crystals. Usually that coincides with the growth stall leading up to finishing.
Give it another weeks of nutrients, you should see amber around that time, then you can flush (if you choose flushing).

In general: I recommend flushing, especially to people who ask questions about flushing. If you understand how to properly feed your plants, build up slowly until you hit a peak during bud swell, then cut back in increments as it finishes up, then you probably don't need to flush. Any nutrient/salt build up will be negligable. If you do not fall into that category, then you most likely need to flush. Overfeeding is pretty common.

As far as those who claim flushing stresses your plant. My experiences have told me exactly opposite.
To begin with, if you have fed, and cared for your plant properly you will have plenty of green leaves left in that last week. There is more than enough food stored in those green leaves to easily pull your plant through one week of pure water. If anything, that is the reason I could believe flushing really doesn't help, considering there are still nutrients available to the plant stored in the leaf system.
Then there is the fact I see with my own eyes how a plant responds after flushing. I have never seen one of my plants respond negatively. Quite the opposite, they stand tall with the leaves reaching for the light.

So, bottom line is, when it comes to flushing, I fully support it 1 week from harvest. If you have grown it properly, at the very least flushing in the last week does not hurt it at all and if reports are true, can help the final product.
More great advice from althor, backed up with scientific substantiation.

This is how you should give people advice.

Much better than "he said she said I should".

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to althor again.



Well-Known Member
As I've mentioned time and time again in threads related to "flushing", it depends entirely on your understanding of "flushing".

Some people actually think leaching is "flushing" this is where you just feed plain water for your last few waterings.

Then there is flushing. Whereby you take up to 3x the volume of your pot in water and give it all to the plant.
This process can actually be quite detrimental and causes a sharp decrease in rootzone EC which can cause the roots to go into a reverse osmosis response.

Leaching is alot less harsh on the rootzone as the decrease in EC is gradual.

Just my 2pennies worth on "flushing".
