Nigeria (Nairaland)

fascinatijng. i havent been keeping up with the eurotrash newswire, last i heard was he was a nutjob, and was under court ordered psychiatric detention pending a hearing

"He insisted he was sane and refused to plead guilty, saying last year's attacks were necessary to stop the "Islamisation" of Norway."
"Court-appointed psychiatrists disagreed on Breivik's sanity. A first team which examined him declared him to be a paranoid schizophrenic, but the second found he was sane. "
~your own fucking retarded source

because crazy people never do crazy things, and the courts are legally bound to accept the recommendations of psychiatrists. chuckie manson was also found "sane" by the courts but is widel;y considered to be clinically crackers by those who are in a position to make that determination.

you remain as stupid as ever.

legal insanity is a very narrow definition, but under the internationally recognized psychiatric guidleines and diagnostic criteria, he is a textbook example of "Nutty as squirrel poop"

yep another asshole with his finger on the pulse of CRAZY PEOPLE. how did you gain your insight into breivik's particular brand of crazy?

again, his "right wingness" is arguable but his crazy is not. he might also describe himself as the King or the Mole People, or the White Wizard of the North, or the Lord High Admiral of the Markab Alliance, but that doesnt mean he has a spaceship.

another thick witted lefty who cant stop using this nutjob as a reverse ad hominem against every conservative position or group. next youll be claiming he was a founding member of the Tea Party and was an employee of the Koch Brothers.

Bullshit, you've played your hand, White supremacy written all over you. Not even gonna bother with links because he made his views well known and the press propagandised that asshole, for morons like you to dribble over, conjuring up delusional scenario's in wannabe copycats that seek to purify the world from any "race mixers"... Now it's up to you an Doer to stop the coming Islamisation of the USA.
Hey Skynehead. Monoracialism is not at all etymologically connected to multiculturalism, nor does it mean anything similar. Therefore it can not be a cognate, or an inevitable cognate, therefore you should probably try to breathe from your nose.

Just one question, have you read anything written by any of the people you listed as being of your culture? I would guess, that they were Clemensian classics for you. Furthermore, none of them were of your culture except Connick and Reagan you inbred hillbilly.

I like all the effort you made to try and save face about the word cognate. Pro-tip: you're not as smart as you think you are.

One other thing, Breivik is completely sane. He is a right wing extremist, with exactly the same racial views as you.

Dumb ass.

By the way, what the fuck is an inevitable cognate?

I'm trying to figure it out, since two words that are etymologically connected have similar roots, not similar (futures?). So what the fuck is an inevitable cognate?

Protip: L2 adjective.

If you're having trouble reading, just sound it out one letter at a time.

replying in bulk, since you are clearly too stupid to understand.

adjective \ˈkäg-ˌnāt\

Definition of COGNATE

: of the same or similar nature : generically alike

: related by blood; also : related on the mother's side

a : related by descent from the same ancestral language
b of a word or morpheme : related by derivation, borrowing, or descent
c of a substantive : related to a verb usually by derivation and serving as its object to reinforce the meaning


so of THREE possible meanings, you only see the third, relating to etymology, because the latin term which means "from the same womb" is so hard for you to wrap your head around.
Words do not actually come from wombs you see. Nor does the etymological term cognate have anything to do with synonyms, that one definition (which you hold so dear, being a lover of pointless word games) refers to two words from a common root, like salt and salary. the two words derive from the same language, and the same word within that language, but have VERY different meanings. When examined more closely the two words are joined by an idea,

Salary: that which is given as part of the compensation package, unrelated to the actual amount of labour performed. historically, every member of a roiman legion was issues a ration of numerous items daily, whether they were fighting or shoeing horses or sitting on their butts at the infirmary when there were no casualties to treat.

Salt: one of the items issued to every member of a roman legion, even if they were not actually engaged in their assigned tasks ie: injured or simply not needed today.

thus we see that the english word Salt, and the english word Salary, though they mean very different things, they are united by an idea and a common root language.

thus the astute observer would recognize that i am asserting that multiculturalism is directly related to the elimination of racial and cultural diversity through amalgamation and discrimination, and the elimination of ethinic and cultural differences within a population likewise increases the "multiculturalism (as you and bucky define it, which is incorrect) within a society. niether one is the direct cause of the other, but each is closely related to the other. some societies blended their raciual groups so effectively that the differences in ethnicity vanished, resulting in the elimination cultural differences as well (pre-socialist china for example) other societies blended their cultural differences highly effectively, resulting in the eventual elimination of ethnic differences (italy is a good example)

i contend that having MANY different social groups and cultural differences (as well as ethnic differences) is what made america strong, and that eliminating the cultural diversity through heavy handed government sponsored forced "multiculturalism", we will lose not only our cultural diversity but our ethnic diversity as well.

and now for the heart of the issue, the word games you and bucky are playing

adjective \ˌməl-tē-ˈkəlch-rəl, -ˌtī-, -ˈkəl-chə-\


: of, relating to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse cultures <a multicultural society> <multicultural education> <a multicultural menu>
&#8212; mul·ti·cul·tur·al·ism noun
&#8212; mul·ti·cul·tur·al·ist noun or adjective
&#8212; mul·ti·cul·tur·al·ly adverb

a very sloppy definition indeed. with no references no solid ground on which to plant one's feet and thus, wide open for the kind of creative interpretation that you and bcuky love to engage in

What you would like to pretend multiculturalism means: a society which places no requirement for assimilation on immigrants from different societies and cultures, allowing everyone freedom of expression, and creating a society with pockets of distinct cultural differences and a seamless blending of influences between the enclaves resulting in a unified whole

What Multiculturalism AS PRACTICED really means: cultural influences from some social groups are celebrated and applauded, while others are denigrated , with a goal of creating a unified social structure without any cultural traditions which are not approved by The State (example: Black Pride = Totally Awesome! ; Chicano Pride = Totally Awesome! ; Asian Pride = Totally Awesome! ; White Pride = Evil and Racist ) thus, a black person who acts "too white" is "Not Authentically Black" ~ al sharpton on Barrack Obam or an "Uncle Tom" ~ a whole lotta assholes, about a whole lotta other people

this sums it up perfectly:

"In recent years the "Uncle Tom" slur has been directed against Christopher Darden, the black member of the prosecution's team in the O.J. Simpson murder trial; Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer; Karl Malone, the Utah Jazz basketball player; and Colin Powell. Cornell West, the author of Race Matters (1993) and a lifelong civil rights activist, was called an "Uncle Tom" by the African United Front (1993) because of his "support" of Jews. The "Uncle Tom" slur has even been appropriated by other ethnic groups to exert in-group pressures on their members. A Native American, for example, who is believed to be too friendly with or admiring of whites, is called an "Uncle Tomahawk"; Chinese Americans use the term "Uncle Tong." Even W.E.B. DuBois, arguably the greatest, most sustained civil rights voice of the 20th Century, was called an "Uncle Tom" -- by Marcus Garvey, who added that DuBois was "purely and simply a white man's nigger" ~

but nobody had better call this putz:


a Wigger.

some ethnic and social groupos have been singled out as good, while others have been written off as just plain bad, like for example, rural america.

you, bucky and your cadre of asshole lefty hangers on will blurt out any insult imprecation, slur or stereotype that crosses your tiny minds about rural whites, and examine every post by dissenters for the faintest hint of anything you can sieze upon and "decipher" into racism.

in breif, eat a sack of dicks, i'm knocking the dust off my "ignore list" and putting you in it. congratulations, even smok3y1, bucky and echelon havent earned that distinction.
multiculturalism is directly related to the elimination of racial and cultural diversity through amalgamation and discrimination, and the elimination of ethinic and cultural differences within a population

that's actually white supremacy, not multiculturalism.


snipping out a tiny fragment makes a mindless twatter post retort so easy.

dont argue ideas, ignore simple clearly stated truth, ignore Al Sharpton's accusations of Obama being a "Magic Negro", ignore easily ascertained facts, ignore readily understood reality, and instead reach for an ad hominem.


also i happen to like asian girls, black girls and chicano girls, but those girls have not been put on the endagered species list by reactionary knee jerk "anti-racists" like yourself who think racism is fine as long as it's directed against groups you see as "Bad" or who you feel have "earned some payback" based on your slanted view of history and some shit that happened in the 1960's (with democrats and the DNC in the driver's seat)

snipping out a tiny fragment makes a mindless twatter post retort so easy.

dont argue ideas, ignore simple clearly stated truth, ignore Al Sharpton's accusations of Obama being a "Magic Negro", ignore easily ascertained facts, ignore readily understood reality, and instead reach for an ad hominem.


also i happen to like asian girls, black girls and chicano girls, but those girls have not been put on the endagered species list by reactionary knee jerk "anti-racists" like yourself who think racism is fine as long as it's directed against groups you see as "Bad" or who you feel have "earned some payback" based on your slanted view of history and some shit that happened in the 1960's (with democrats and the DNC in the driver's seat)

FACT: your definition for multiculturalism is actually the definition of white supremacy, and the government is not forcing you to mate with anyone you don't want to.

all the red herrings and race baits in the world won't change that.

good job on reinforcing existing stereotypes about nutty, racist birchers.
FACT: your definition for multiculturalism is actually the definition of white supremacy, and the government is not forcing you to mate with anyone you don't want to.

all the red herrings and race baits in the world won't change that.

good job on reinforcing existing stereotypes about nutty, racist birchers.

no. your interpretation of my definition of multiculturalism is white supremacy, you havent explained what you think multiculturalism is, so your use of the word is pointless.

further, insisting that i have claimed the government is trying to force me to mate with anyone is a deliberate deception created to cover your inability to defend the REALITY of liberal leftist fake "multiculturalism" which is really just post-modern deconstruction of western culture and replacing it with a confused jumble of random cultural tropes from around the world.

your false narrative places me in opposition to cultural diversity, when in fact the real destroyer of diversity is the "multicultural" maafiosos like yourself who judge other people's "cultural sensitivity" by your own and thus find everyone wanting.

you try so hard to be more liberal than thou, and so desperately want to be the sole arbiter of what is and is not acceptable, that YOU are the source of more cultural oppression than even the most vitriolic of white supremacists.

everybody has to pass the bucky cultural sensitivity test, or they are racists.

fuck you.
So I googled "inevitable cognate", because I am trying to figure out what it is, this thread was the second result, and it was the only one that had the two words next to each other.

Can anyone explain what this means?
"What you would like to pretend multiculturalism means: a society which places no requirement for assimilation on immigrants from different societies and cultures, allowing everyone freedom of expression, and creating a society with pockets of distinct cultural differences and a seamless blending of influences between the enclaves resulting in a unified whole"

i think Dr. pretend definition is suiting as it is

a farce made to deal with a farce(his mindset)

that 100% integration into a adopted culture means multi culturalism or sensitivity to it

the kind of multiculturalism dr kynes who is obviously y educated breeds is the general Que thinking that eating taco bell is authentic food south of the border, but of course that would be their fault for being ignorant . . . hmm . ..
Keynes who did you vote for in 2012? If you didn't vote last year then who was the last candidate you voted for?

I voted for Gary Johnson.

Romney always gave me that Creepy Uncle vibe.

in 2008 i voted McCain, but i wasnt that happy with him.

in 2000 and 2004 i voted BOOOSH but i wasnt that happy with him either.

in 1996 I voted for Dole, who I actually liked a lot.

in 1992 i voted for Clinton, and in just a few months i regretted voting

in 1988 i voted Bush version 1.0, and was sorely disappointed.
"What you would like to pretend multiculturalism means: a society which places no requirement for assimilation on immigrants from different societies and cultures, allowing everyone freedom of expression, and creating a society with pockets of distinct cultural differences and a seamless blending of influences between the enclaves resulting in a unified whole"

i think Dr. pretend definition is suiting as it is

a farce made to deal with a farce(his mindset)

that 100% integration into adopted culture has anything to do with multi culturalism

the kind of multiculturalism dr kynes who is obviously y educated breeds is the general Que think eating taco bell is authentic, but of course that would be their fault for being ignorant . . . hmm . ..

can i get that in english?