The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
dry but changeable here fred, see aldi are doing an 8 by 6 green house this week for 35.00 quid, might intrest you....
I seen them in the booklet thingy but I wouldn't really have a use for one unless it was for more legitimate purposes.
The ground is too rough where the plants are and even if it wasn't it would mean having all the plants together for it to be of benefit.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah just was mentioned too me earlier and as your a greenhouse grower just tought it might suit you, just watching some ricky gervais show before bed here, like to go to bed after a giggle and there so funny..


Well-Known Member
my cuts on my hands still hurt. lol. and i've spent the last few hours watching my girlfriend play LA Noire.. i want beeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
The little white hairs are starting to show, its pretty cool considering its my first grow and i thought they would all be dead within a week, ill put some photos up in the next few days. decided to go with the royal bluematic from royal queen seeds which is a variant of the blueberry strain, will be germinating next week, ill throw some photos of them up too. thanks for the advice ansd good luck..


Well-Known Member
Weather is going to get better towards the weekend with good weather continuing in to the first week of June..!
highs of 21.c..!


Well-Known Member
yeah just was mentioned too me earlier and as your a greenhouse grower just tought it might suit you, just watching some ricky gervais show before bed here, like to go to bed after a giggle and there so funny..
I'm growing out in the open but I'd love a proper polytunnel though

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
would love a poly tunnel myself, that would be ideal, you know how they let the light in but its hard to see whats growing in them from the outside...

as for the weather, could do with some sun, you lot seem to be getting sun shine and lollipops while its pissing down here....


Well-Known Member
I spoke too soon AE,almost in an instant it went dull and started lashing.
I'll have to try and find some clear plastic and make some sort of umbrella's for the plants.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
HH going into trays today just saidi`d let the tap root get out some on them, the og are re-potted into some decent soil, i had only got them in clay from the yard as i had no compost at the time (yep, dad again) have them sorted now tho, and lucky the root ball stayed attached ....

not going to pop the lemmon haze for few weeks or until i somewhat flower off whats here.. think 15 will be enough to keep me happy anyways hahahahaha.....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I spoke too soon AE,almost in an instant it went dull and started lashing.
I'll have to try and find some clear plastic and make some sort of umbrella's for the plants.

sods law as the say fred, on the plastic, pop into a hardware and get some polythene, theres different gauged plastic, best got a decent gauge, not sure but like a 1000gauge is heavy and they do lighter gauges, you could get few meters for couple of quid..


Well-Known Member
sods law as the say fred, on the plastic, pop into a hardware and get some polythene, theres different gauged plastic, best got a decent gauge, not sure but like a 1000gauge is heavy and they do lighter gauges, you could get few meters for couple of quid..
I found some bits and pieces in the shed that will shield them a little until I go to town tomorrow.
Any idea of what I should be asking for?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
have a look at the different gauges and see yourself what you think dude, its one of them things its on the tip of my tounge as they say but can`t get it out hahahahaha, serious tho, once you see it you`ll know what your after...

why sheild them tho? there outdoor plants aren`t they? bit of rain will do no harm, and the wind will build a thick stem to support her...


Well-Known Member
have a look at the different gauges and see yourself what you think dude, its one of them things its on the tip of my tounge as they say but can`t get it out hahahahaha, serious tho, once you see it you`ll know what your after...

why sheild them tho? there outdoor plants aren`t they? bit of rain will do no harm, and the wind will build a thick stem to support her...
it rained heavily last night and they had the appearance this morning of being overwatered,all droopy and sad looking,all i want to do really is keep the heavy rain off them.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
unless the ground has very poor drainage then wouldn`t worry about it, between evaperation and draining the plants are getting just about what they need, possibly extra when really wet but again wouldn`t worry about it fred, you have to hang back and let nature do her thing when there outside like that...
fr3d12:9132721 said:
I spoke too soon AE,almost in an instant it went dull and started lashing.
I'll have to try and find some clear plastic and make some sort of umbrella's for the plants.
How's it going mate have you a dealz or a 1.50 shop were you are the last time I was in there they had these bag things you put over plants to protect them from rain, wind, there white material with a pulstring, its basically a white mesh material bag said to myself they be handy, might work for ye, I'll try get a pic to show ye, cheap too
Found a pic


Well-Known Member
Fair enough so,I'm new to outdoor,I've never even grown a blade of grass before outside.
I've plenty of drainage holes in the bags and the water is able to run away.


Well-Known Member
How's it going mate have you a dealz or a 1.50 shop were you are the last time I was in there they had these bag things you put over plants to protect them from rain, wind, there white material with a pulstring, its basically a white mesh material bag said to myself they be handy, might work for ye, I'll try get a pic to show ye, cheap too
Found a pic
There's a euro general in the nearest town.