Fed up with a stubburn deer!


Well-Known Member
I've got a nice plot that has some 5 month old plants thriving well, the deer
doesnt seem interested in the large plants. Around them I placed some clones about
a foot tall and they were replacements also due to a deer. I'm extremely pissed off
when I went and checked tonight and there was just a stick sticking up and alot of small bushy
nodes growing from the bottom of the plant, its mainly half the top that they are eating.
Should I replace those clones or will they return to a vigourous plant again? Ive got plenty
to replace them with if needed.

Second, i've tried alot of methods in keeping them out. I've tried fishing line, 2ft, 4ft, 6ft, two
seperate fences into the plot. I had to take down my chicken wire around the plants due to flyovers,
theyre already flying pretty hard around here. I've tried soap, shredded soap sprinkled around the
plants, mothballs, pesticides, you name it. Wtf do I have to do to keep that cock sucker out? I know
its a dominant buck because theyre are rubs on the trees in the area. I'm almost to the point to
use furdan if thats the right spelling, not sure but its pronounced that way. An old grower/farmer
around here has alot of it, since you cant buy it anymore he has some that he uses. The plants
absorb it and its out of the plant within 90 days, ive smoked his grass with no ill effects, but id hate to
have to kill the deer. I dont know what else to do. Anymore tips?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
If you don't want to shoot it try some wolf or coyote urine Also human hair has been known to work well. if you are not flowering yet Try spraying the plants with ground hot pepper mixed in water. The hotter the better. I suggest habaneros. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I've got a nice plot that has some 5 month old plants thriving well, the deer
doesnt seem interested in the large plants. Around them I placed some clones about
a foot tall and they were replacements also due to a deer. I'm extremely pissed off
when I went and checked tonight and there was just a stick sticking up and alot of small bushy
nodes growing from the bottom of the plant, its mainly half the top that they are eating.
Should I replace those clones or will they return to a vigourous plant again? Ive got plenty
to replace them with if needed.

Second, i've tried alot of methods in keeping them out. I've tried fishing line, 2ft, 4ft, 6ft, two
seperate fences into the plot. I had to take down my chicken wire around the plants due to flyovers,
theyre already flying pretty hard around here. I've tried soap, shredded soap sprinkled around the
plants, mothballs, pesticides, you name it. Wtf do I have to do to keep that cock sucker out? I know
its a dominant buck because theyre are rubs on the trees in the area. I'm almost to the point to
use furdan if thats the right spelling, not sure but its pronounced that way. An old grower/farmer
around here has alot of it, since you cant buy it anymore he has some that he uses. The plants
absorb it and its out of the plant within 90 days, ive smoked his grass with no ill effects, but id hate to
have to kill the deer. I dont know what else to do. Anymore tips?

piss in milk jug add raw egg and some crushed garlic shake and leave in sun for a day put near plants and deer will leave area used this for many years without anymore deer problems


Active Member
I've got a nice plot that has some 5 month old plants thriving well, the deer
doesnt seem interested in the large plants. Around them I placed some clones about
a foot tall and they were replacements also due to a deer. I'm extremely pissed off
when I went and checked tonight and there was just a stick sticking up and alot of small bushy
nodes growing from the bottom of the plant, its mainly half the top that they are eating.
Should I replace those clones or will they return to a vigourous plant again? Ive got plenty
to replace them with if needed.

Second, i've tried alot of methods in keeping them out. I've tried fishing line, 2ft, 4ft, 6ft, two
seperate fences into the plot. I had to take down my chicken wire around the plants due to flyovers,
theyre already flying pretty hard around here. I've tried soap, shredded soap sprinkled around the
plants, mothballs, pesticides, you name it. Wtf do I have to do to keep that cock sucker out? I know
its a dominant buck because theyre are rubs on the trees in the area. I'm almost to the point to
use furdan if thats the right spelling, not sure but its pronounced that way. An old grower/farmer
around here has alot of it, since you cant buy it anymore he has some that he uses. The plants
absorb it and its out of the plant within 90 days, ive smoked his grass with no ill effects, but id hate to
have to kill the deer. I dont know what else to do. Anymore tips?
Rat Poision in some fruit around the base of the plant will probably do it. Or just grab the Remington wait and blast his ass.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
lots of good tips those plants will be good yielders if u can keep the deer from raping them. deer top them perfect at times lol i got alot of bear and turkeys but i dont mind the bear. keep thieves out of bush.


Active Member
Here's a disgusting method that I use (and so far it seems to work). I have three large dogs that crap big! I collect the dog shit from their pen and put the shit in brown plastic bags that I get from the grocery store. Make just a few cuts in each bag, tie them closed and then leave them within a few feet of your plants. I use the bags because if you just scatter the dog shit around the ground it will dry up rather quickly. So the plastic helps seal in and preserve all that nasty good dog shittiness. Deer are terrified of dogs. Seriously. This is not a joke. And use brown or green plastic bags, not white. White sticks out too much.

Keep the deer away and grow yourself some good shit! :mrgreen:


Active Member
I forgot to mention... a lot of people like to add molasses to their soil to feed and invigorate the beneficials. That's great for indoor grows and I use it when I'm vegging in the shed. But I never, ever add molasses to my outdoor holes!!! That stuff is a very good deer attractant. There have been studies done that shows that deer actually have a better sense of smell than dogs. I'm also an avid deer hunter so I keep up on those sort of things. ;-)


Well-Known Member
shoot that bastard! just kidding. bring around a couple dogs and some predator urine or just attract coyotes and wolves to the area


Well-Known Member
get a roll of chicken wire and lay it flat all around the plant...deer don't like the wire on their hoofs....hth


New Member
coyote/wolf urine/////deer will steer very clear!i use a rag,soak it in wolf piss,put in a baggies with holes in it,still sealed and hang about eye level from a tree right at my plat....NEVER HAVE PROBLEMS!EVER!

cancer survivor

Active Member
wait in hiding when the deer comes hit him in the ass with a big rock and yell at him and chase him, there tail spins deer pellets shoot out there ass and you will never see that deer again, works everytime! no deer are harmed growing this weed!!!


Theres a game trail that runs directly by my garden. I'm talking within 10 feet there is an actual highway for literally every deer around who drinks from the nearby stream or crosses at its easiest point. There is no hunting withinin he city limits so theres no fear of hunters but I was initially very fearful of losing my babies to the deer.

So, in a preemtive move I saved ever drop of urine that left my body for a, month. Every time I go out pre planting id spray itall around me
all the way in,across the trail, around my patch and on every bit of vegetation in my area. And without fail ill hsve to shit every time I go in the woods. Every time. I choose a different spot each time.

Then, I take a green tshirt bought specifically for this andrd wear it a few times while working so there is plenty of scent, shred it into a hundred strips and surround my area.

Thankfully, despite being sooo close to a high number of animals who love chomping on weed, ive yet to lose a thing to them. Goood luck.