Virginia Red-Eye 800w Organic Grow

Ok well heres a heavy hitter you may or may not have heard of "Virginia Red-Eye" Some people knew or know it as VRE or Virginia Railroad Express. Its a pretty fantastical strain and is pretty perfect for smaller spaces. Grows strong and quick.. can be picked at 45-50 days but I have tuned it down to about 60 days for my favorite flavor. So anyway here are the specs...... 5 gal buckets with river rocks on the bottom and an assortments of self-fabricated drainage holes and on the side for oxygen, earth and grow system to ground plants to earth, Dr Earth organic med garden soil, Roots Organics full nutrient line and following their schedule on the aurora innovations website, two 400w digilux enhanced blue bulbs powered by quantum ballasts. I know this is a sloppy list and post but the amount of ish I have going on is immense so cut me some slack :) I will post a current group of photos and then I will post some last harvest pics of the VRE. Ive been running it for awhile now and have decided to shut it down after this harvest. I have another journal documenting my Snowhigh seeds purple pantera and true gangster kush grow that I will be replacing the red eye with in the flower room once I can. alrighty then... I am made to believe that this is a total organic grow.. I use only what I have listed and distilled h20 and the end product is always smooth but if im ruining the name I apologize! haha.. also I would like to eventually make a complete switch to TLO but for now Im cool with my soup style or whatever it is. :) word amigos
Question.... If a plant Hermies and pollinates itself does thc production stop at that point and only degrade from there? Or does it stay the same or increase? I know when seeds start forming the plants energy is pulled to that dept and resin and oil production and flower growth all basically come to halt. I just wondered if it was best to let the seeds mature (selfed seeds would be basically feminized but prone to hermie, correct?) or just tear it out so nothing else gets hit with the love dust or let it ride. It's ok to tell me to put down the L because I may have had enough. Lol. No but seriously someone will hopefully answer this. Also why the f arnt there any pollen companies? Im going to create a pollen company called Love Dust!!
Because then I make my own seeds without growing out a billion strains and collecting pollen. F that noise. Quick and effortless, the American way! Ha totally joking but I still believe there would be a market. Alright's out. :)
Alrighty then... Not everybody all at once now!! So I thinned out the jungle and got it a bit less powdery mildew waiting to happen and more big ole nugs ready to explode. Removed a few of the spotty leaves and think I should be good to go until then. I have never topped or fim'd or done any lst on any of them. I really think it would be beneficial to one of the snowhigh TGK I have in veg at the moment but I've never really been confident in it as an option for me. I really focus on getting them good and vegged with as much focus on whats happening under the soil as above. But I really want to try something different as the more I see the more I feel like everything I do is old school and outdated but the finished project is always pretty freakin tasty I must say!
I guess I'm using some relatively new technology like the earth and grow grounding system but I've seen people trim the ladies and tied down to make it a super wide canopy.


Well-Known Member
i posted a link to your thread in a different thread about that wal mart bamboo this morning.............. what do u figure the powdery green paint stuff is?


Well-Known Member
the bamboo youre using is the kind from walmart w the green shit all over it.................................some other "nice people" were talking about that product and whether or not to use it...............i pointed out to them that u are using it...........

or is this your way of saying youre not? because it sure looks like it to me...........
Yea I gotcha well yea I've never noticed any problems with them or anything as far as paint rubbing off or whatever else. I rinse them down in between runs and have never had green on the paper towel. I actually only have a couple branches tied up now but the strain I'm running is pretty strong so they are there for "just incase" more than anything. Other "nice people"? What was that for lol? I also got them at ace hardware so maybe they are different than what you would find at wal-mart, but I'm sure they are probably very similar if not the same. If they are not good or if anyone has a bad expierence then let a brother know! Later